Disclaimer: Well, it's not a claimer.
AN: Well, here it is, finally finished. Think of this as the extended version. It was supposed to end earlier but I decided to give you all Ren's slightly smutty version. There may be a version that goes into deeper smut detail if she can persuade me to keep writing but I doubt it. Ask if you want it, assuming I ever write it.
I haven't boosted up the rating as I don't believe it needs it but I must say this does involve men kissing so if you can't stand the heat get out of their hotel room.
Also, I am planning another story in this timeline. So keep an eye out for it.
Having returned to the hotel they were being put up in for the night the Ranger man quickly took to the bar for celebration. They were careful with their words, whilst civilians were few they couldn't risk their identities escaping. Even if Wes, Eric and Carter were publicly known.
As well as that, they were careful not to jostle or irritate neither Tommy nor Jason, each of whom was sat at opposite ends of the bar staring into the bottom of a full glass. They were brooding, that much was obvious to everyone.
When Tommy pushed up off the bar and began to stalk out without so much as a backwards glance none of the others were surprised to see Jason head off after him. Silently they wished him luck. Tommy was pissed an he had to rectify it. He needed their luck.
Up no the third floor a few moments later Jason made sure to catch Tommy's closing room door. He followed quickly and quietly, straight out onto the balcony where Tommy had headed. He had to know Jason was there, he simply chose not to acknowledge his presence as he leaned against the door jamb, just watching his friend.
"Isn't the rule three strikes and you're out?" Tommy muttered with a large lack of conviction.
"Yeah, but considering my last walk out was in response to you telling me to I figured maybe that should only count as a foul ball instead of a strike. Besides doesn't being super heroes give us immunity to such cheesy clichés?"
Suddenly laughing and shaking his head, Tommy leaned heavily on the iron rail, looking at the pool seven stories below. "Jason being a super hero has made me a living, breathing, walking, talking cliché, not the other way around." Going silent for a moment, he finally found his voice again, surprising them both when it was more then a little choked. "You keep leaving and I can't keep watching you walk out. So if you're going to do it a fourth time then please just do it while my back is turned, because if I have to see it, I don't think I can handle it again."
"That's going to make going back to my own room for the night very complicated you know." Smiling a bit as Tommy snickered at his small joke; Jason reached a hand up to place over Tommy's own clenching one on the rail. "You worried me earlier. I've never seen you get that enraged and that out of control except…"
"When I was the evil Green Ranger." Tommy finished softly. "I just…I don't know. I'm sorry I laid into you like that. I don't even think it was all about you, I just…I needed a target I guess, and you were sort of top on my list anyway."
"No kidding. Feeling a bit better now?"
"No, not really." Sighing and swallowing back the resurfacing hurt, Tommy had yet to look at Jason. "In the course of twenty four hours I've alienated nearly every Red Ranger in existence, ranted like an angry child at you, not my finest moments Jase.
"Still think the streaking incident of our junior year has today beat." Jason responded as he recalled the young White Ranger going a bit insane during his first few weeks holding the new powers. This had of course some how, some way led to him not only being as hyperactive as a gerbil on a sugar high, but also in a bit of an unrestricted frame of mind. "Have the others over, you come running into the backyard buck naked and screaming that yer lord of the universe and Zedd can kiss your tan ass."
Having the decency to blush a rather embarrassed shade of red, Tommy snorted in response. "I didn't know they were gonna be over! You could have told me that. I thought it was just gonna be you and me at your house that day."
"Kim was never quite the same after that." Jason snickered. "Man and I thought the girl followed you around like a love sick puppy before, no you gotta go giving her a preview of what was to come and couldn't pry her off you with a crowbar."
"S'not my fault I'm gifted."
Looking far too smug for Jason's liking, the taller man gave a bark of laughter. "If I recall correctly she wasn't the only one acting like a puppy with one of the team. I think I remember a certain boy in green baggy clothes who used to be quite attached to me."
"Really, I don't recall that." Looking back into the courtyard, Tommy ignored Jason's 'yeah right' look.
"Really? So you don't remember the scrappy little sixteen year old that used to constantly hang on me asking me if I thought he was improving in his fighting? Asking me for help with his homework that we both knew Billy could do much faster then me? How about curling up beside me on the couch when we had sleepovers, even though there were two recliners and the couch was big enough for four people, but no he liked to be pressed right against my side. Don't remember that huh?"
Swallowing back a lump in his throat, Tommy shook his head. "Nope."
"Hm, strange. I do." Glancing at his friend Jason decided to press just a bit more. "Know what else? I miss him. Even though I know he's grown up, gotten stronger, doesn't need me to hold him and help him fight his battles, I still miss him."
Something in the tone of Jason's voice caused Tommy to look up, "I don't know why, he wasn't all that great. Neither is the person he grew up to be."
"I wouldn't say that," Jason answered softly, placing a hand softly on Tommy's shoulder. The action was small but it was a large step forward. Tommy just smiled; hints of nostalgia clear in the air.
"Well, you don't exactly know him now, do you?" There was a hint of accusation in Tommy's voice but they were both determined to avoid repeating the previous argument. Circular arguing was the last thing they needed.
"Maybe I'd like to," Jason answered, "It's been a long time but I'm sure he's still under there, somewhere, just waiting for the right moment to resurface."
"A bit like I'm sure there's still the protective guy in red who put the safety and feelings of his friends before all else is under that bravado somewhere?" Tommy asked.
"Yeah," Jason breathed quietly, his confidence faulting for just a second, "Just like that. Maybe in the way he still keeps himself close to me, if not quite as close before. Maybe in the way he wanted me here to prove just how far he's come, yet how much he still feels he needs my help since he can't quite kick my ass yet."
"Oh, I so can kick your ass," Tommy told him, moving in close.
"Then prove it!" Jason told him, moving quickly to turn and pin the slimmer man to the iron railings of the balcony, "I'm ashamed, you're letting your guard down."
"Am I?" Tommy asked with a slight smirk on his face, "Or am I right where I want to be?"
Jason couldn't help a reflexive smirk in return, "Interesting question. How do I go about finding the answer?"
"Hmm," Tommy looked up thoughtfully as if feigning thought, "Try sticking around this time then maybe you'll find out whether I'm happy where I am."
Jason let out a sigh and retreated back a half step, weary of what was coming next, "You know I can't apologise enough for that, right?"
Tommy's knuckles went white as he gripped the railing tighter behind him, "I know, but it still hurts and it's gunna take a while before I can get over that. An apology don't just make it all miraculously better, ya know? It don't just magically fall away when you say you're sorry. It takes time. Time which can either be spent sticking around to see how it works out, or running way from it all again!"
"I know and…"
"Don't!" Tommy interrupted, flailing angrily at him, "Don't say it again, not unless you really mean. I can't listen to all these apologies and just have you walk back no out of here again… and don't make some wise crack about getting to your room again. We both know what I mean." He did his best to keep his voice from breaking but he wasn't sure he succeeded.
Jason took a few steps forward and pulled Tommy in close to his body as the other man began to break down for the first time. He knew it would happen eventually, it was what Tommy had needed. The least he could do was be there and hold him through it just like he did that boy in the baggy clothes back in high school.
"It's okay. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm not leaving again, I swear," He murmured quietly into Tommy's hair as he rocked him gently against his chest. After a few moments Tommy's sobbing seemed to dwindle away to embarrassed sniffling.
"You – you jerk!" He mumbled into Jason's chest causing the taller man to chuckle lightly and tighten his gip around him.
"Yeah, I know, but you still love me anyway." He answered, stroking a hand through Tommy's short and spiky hair.
Tommy stiffened slightly in the embrace and Jason strained to here what muffled response got lost in his chest. "What did you say?" Tommy just shook his head, refusing to repeat himself. Jason could feel the blush heating Tommy's face through his now damp red shirt. "Come on, what did you say?"
Tommy attempted to pull away but Jason kept a tight hold of him, forcing Tommy to look up at him. He sighed lightly, "I said: Yeah, I do. Now will you let me go?"
"No." Jason told him simply.
"I. Said. No." Jason enunciated slowly.
"Why?" Tommy looked around bemused.
"Because, I figured out the answer to your question." He answered.
"Again, huh? What question?" Tommy asked, now seriously confused. Damn Jason, he always managed to throw him for six.
Jason smiled slowly, "You're right where you want to be, that's why I'm not letting go. Not anymore. No more running away, me or you."
Tommy visibly gulped his nervousness away to no avail, "Look… I, w-well – I, erm…" He trailed off looking down again, unable to maintain eye contact with Jason. He was starting to feel very uncomfortable and hyperaware of being pressed up tightly against his best friend. He was the Ultimate Ranger for heaven's sake, yet his one man, the only person he ever let truly close, was the one who could make him feel like the most nervous person around. Maybe it was all because he took away the need to be responsible for everything, without the responsibility Tommy was without the confident front.
It was Jason who moved first. He grasped Tommy's chin lightly, tipping it up to look at him. He hoped he wasn't reading this all wrong. If he was he was about to be making a huge mistake. Then again, Tommy hadn't made good on his threats and thrown him off the balcony yet so chances are he was making the right decision. More likely than not if he didn't act he'd get throw off the balcony than he did.
Lightly he brushed his lips across Tommy's before pulling away to gauge his reaction. Well, no shoving away, good sign. No punch, better sign. No look of hatred or a knee in the groin, even better sign. Leaning back in, probably the best sign.
Jason pressed another small, tentative kiss on Tommy's lips before pulling away again to check for sure that this was the right idea, "You, you're not freaking out about this, that mean you're okay? I was right? This is what you want?"
Tommy just nodded and leaned back in for another kiss but Jason pulled back eliciting a frustrated moan from the younger boy, "Pushy aren't you? Should've known you were one for the physical contact."
Jason and Tommy both laughed slightly at this and once again Tommy reached in for another kiss, only to be disappointed again. "What now?" He was not pouting, no matter how many times Jason would insist and tease him later, he knew best. He was not pouting.
"Look," Jason began seriously, "We've been best friends for years and I'm not going to mess that up for one night. So, if you're just doing this 'cause you're stressed and pissed off then I can't stay. So, is this just your way of celebrating another mission and then getting all awkward when I don't walk away again, or, does it mean you really want me to stick around?"
Tommy look thoughtful for a moment before a slow smile spread across his face, "Bit of both," he answered truthfully as Jason's eyebrows shot up, "I mean, no, it's not going to be awkward but yes, I want you to stay an yes, it's a very good way of celebrating another successful mission – don't you think?"
Jason just laughed and bent down for another kiss. "Finally!" Exclaimed Tommy.
The lips under Jason's were soft yet firm. They held that position for a few moments before they yielded under him, giving him entry to the cavern he sought. They'd both waited too long for this to continue with their hesitancy but instead enjoyed a slow adventure of discovery. They enticed each other backwards and forwards, charming reactions, learning what could be brought to the surface through tender touches and coaxing caresses.
Tommy's hands slid slowly up Jason's back, bunching his shirt. Fingertips traced slowly over the newly discovered, heated skin. The warmth seeped through him as he slowly flattened his palm against the plain of rippling muscles, a well of power hidden under tender skin. He wanted to touch as much as possible but was in no hurry to do so. He could be content to just stand out here in the moonlight trading kisses and caresses as long as it allowed him to be this close to Jason.
Jason shivered as he felt the cool night air hitting his exposed skin but was instantly warmed by the placing of Tommy's hand over the area. He revelled in the contact which assured him that all was right with the world; with their world. He tangled one hand in the small hairs at the base of Tommy's head, still unused to the shortness but not adverse to his lover's new look.
Lover. He rolled the word around in his head and smiled inwardly as that was what they were, lovers, well, to him they were, and to anyone else who wanted to disrepute it, they soon enough would be.
He ghosted his other hand down across the nape of Tommy's neck, lightly brushing over a shoulder, learning the curves of lean biceps before settling on his waist. His mind was full with thoughts as he mapped out the contours of the body wrapped up in his arms. One main thought being, mine, it repeated itself over and over in his mind as he kissed more deeply. With each renewed meeting of lips it replayed in his head, each time a little louder than before. He had to control himself not to speak the words out loud. Then, after much consideration, he thought, to hell with it.
At the next small break of their lips Jason stopped, mere millimetres away from Tommy. "Mine," he murmured, leaning back in again, biting lightly at Tommy's red, kiss-swollen lips. He moved his tender caresses downwards, along a firm jaw line that rasped lightly with an ever so enticing five o'clock shadow.
Tommy took a sharp intake of breath at the words. He felt, possessed, owned. Most people would tell him he was stupid, that no-one should feel that way, that Jason didn't own him, he was his own person. But that wasn't true. He was Jason's. Just as Jason is his. They belonged to each other, he realised, it wasn't about dominance or claiming in that right, it was about having each other, claiming the other's love, not their being. Yes, they belonged to each other, they belonged together.
Tommy reached out, moaning slightly as Jason's tongue continued it's lapping journey down his neck, and nipped lightly at the ear in front of him, "And you're mine," he husked, sending another wave of shivers through Jason, though, this time, they weren't brought fourth by the cold but something all together different.
Slowly Jason pulled back, peeling himself away from Tommy's skin. He kept his arms firmly around the other's waist, hands skimming the waistline of his jeans, fingers splayed territorially across as much skin as he could reach. Breathing rapidly he lent in and just pressed his forehead to Tommy's, simply holding him. They stood that way, melded together, simply being, for a long time that night.
After what may have been hours or just mere minutes Tommy placed a chaste kiss against Jason's lips and disentangled himself from the grip. Immediately Jason's heart began to pound and blood rushed to his ears. Tommy couldn't be changing his mind now, could he, he did kiss him after all. That was a god sign. A sign that indicated he wasn't about to follow Jason's previous examples and walk out. So why the hell was Jason freaking out internally?
Tommy just smiled knowingly and slipped his hand into Jason's slowly guiding, half pulling, him back into the warmth of the hotel room, "Too cold to stay out there all night." He murmured as Jason came up behind him, wrapping his arms back round his waist whilst he kissed him lightly on the cheek.
Tommy stood there fore a moment before turning round in the embrace to face the other. Wordlessly he gripped Jason's arms just above the elbow, firmly locking his arms in place as he made a few steps backwards. After what seemed like an eternity of just having Jason watch him his legs finally hit the bed, buckling at the knees they collapsed backwards. Jason landing squarely on top of Tommy as they bounced slightly on the bed.
Moving his hands to either side of Tommy's head, Jason levered himself up slightly, allowing Tommy breathing room. "Please," He whispered hoarsely, "Tell me now if you even have the slightest of doubts about this…"
His words came in such a pleading tone Tommy almost caved in and gave him what he wanted. Retribution for leaving him all those times in the past. The silent 'doubts about me' was heard louder than any words Jason could have murmured to him at that intimate moment. He shook his head softly, "I have doubts," His words were soft, his breath tantalizingly tormenting Jason's heated, sensitized skin, "And so do you. We all doubt, you taught me that, but we can trust as well. And I trust you. Explicitly."
Jason nodded silently. Tommy was right, the guy was always right, Jason knew that. Jason had known what he would say before he said it, but it still surprised him and he found himself needing to hear it. Sometimes it was just easier to believe the things others told you rather than what you told yourself.
He lent down to the man pinned beneath him, revelling in the surge of power he felt being radiated form beneath him. The feeling of equality passing between them as the traded tender touches and heart-stopping kisses. Their moments grew in passion but still there remained a languid sensation about them. They were in no rush, it may have taken them a while to get here but now, with all imminent threats diminished and all misunderstandings thoroughly cleared away, they had all the time in the world.