Thank you to everyone who reviewed. As you all know the email system hasn't been working but I will make sure to respond to each of you separately next time. Yes I am going to have them get older. I plan on this story being very long and next chapter I think I am going to have skipped ahead a year so that should help to speed it up for you. Thank you once again for all of the awesome reviews I am so happy that you guys are enjoying the story still.

Disclaimer: I only own the characters that I made up as well as the story line.

Chapter 15

Tim decided to stay and help LeeAnn with the kids while she got Nathan in bed and comfortable. The medication that they had given him caused him to be extremely tired.

"You sleep for awhile and when you wake up we will have dinner ok baby." LeeAnn said tucking him in.

"LeeAnn." Nathan whispered.

"Yeah sweetie." LeeAnn said running her hand over his forehead.

"Why weren't you going to come?" He asked sadly.

"Nathan hunny what are you talking about I came as soon as I found out." Said a confused LeeAnn.

That's when she realized what must be going on. At the hospital Nathan had said something about Jules calling her but she had never gotten a call from that bitch.

"Jules called you and you said that it wasn't your weeks so you weren't coming." Nathan said turning away from her.

"Oh hunny and you believed her." LeeAnn said lying next to Nathan and pulling him into her. "Baby I will always come when you need me. Jules didn't call me at all Nathan. I got a call from the hospital."

Nathan turned around and faced her confused. "But I saw her call you." He said looking down.

"Nathan look at me." LeeAnn said taking his chin and guiding his eyes to hers. "I would never and I mean never not be there for you. You're my little boy and there isn't anything that is more important to me then that you got it."

Nathan just nodded his head and closed his eyes. With this LeeAnn kissed the top of his head and went to get up.

"No" Nathan said grabbing her hand with his eyes still closed.

"What is it buddy?" LeeAnn asked worried.

"Will you stay with me till I fall asleep?" He said half opening his eyes.

"I already told you. I won't ever leave you when you need me." LeeAnn said lying back down and wrapping her arms around her little boy.

Tim had silently been watching from the doorway and couldn't help but be mesmerized. Here was a woman his age yet so mature for her years. When she talked to Nathan she was completely honest. He couldn't help but think that this was the women that he could see himself with for the rest of his life. Now if he could just get the courage to even ask her out.

The kids were in the living room watching a movie. Why Tim hadn't thought of that earlier he wasn't really sure. It could have saved a lot of bruises.

"Which Disney princess are you." Brooke asked Haley.

"I'm Belle." Haley said easily. "Which one would you be?"

"Umm I think that I would be Jasmine." Brooke said clasping her hands together.

"How about you Peyton which one are you going to be?" Brooke asked.

"Umm I don't think that I am a Disney princess." Peyton said sadly.

"That's not true we all get to be one." Haley said pointing to the book.

"I think that you would be Rapunzel because she has pretty goldy locks too." Brooke said pointing to the picture.

"Ok she is my favorite." Peyton said with a smile on her face.

"So who are the boys then?" Haley asked.

"They can be our prince's." Brooke said with a duh look.

"Oh I want Jake to be mine." Peyton said excitedly.

"I want Lucas." Haley said raising her hand.

"But I wanted Lucas." Brooke said pouting.

"Ok you can have Lucas then and I will take Nathan." Haley said not really caring all the much.

"Yay now we all have who we want." Brooke said laughing.

LeeAnn came out of the room and saw all the girls giggling and wondered what was going on. "What are you silly girls talking about?"

"We were picking our Disney princess." Peyton answered.

"Yeah I am Jasmine. Haley is Belle. And Peyton is Rapunzel." Brooke said smiling.

"Well I think that you girls all choose very good princesses."

"What princess were you when you were little." Haley asked her sister.

"I always wanted to be Anastasia." LeeAnn laughed to herself.

"But you don't have red hair." Peyton said looking confused.

"Your right I don't but she was the one that I was most like."

"Oh I get it." Haley said.

"Wait then who was your prince." Brooke asked

"I never really had a prince." LeeAnn said thinking about it.

"Well Jake is my Prince, Lucas is Brooke's, and Nathan is Haley's. So how about your prince can be Tim." Peyton said rather quickly.

"Yay that's perfect. Tim can be your prince." Brooke shouted as Tim walked out into the room.

"Wait what are you all getting me into." Tim asked fake glaring at all the girls.

"You get to be LeeAnn's prince." Haley said jumping up and down.

"I do huh. Well I suppose things could be worse." He said smiling back down at her.

"And what do Lucas, Nathan, and Jake think about being your prince's?" LeeAnn asked.

"Oh they don't know yet. But if they don't want to be we will just cry so that they feel bad and have too." Brooke said grinning.

"Oh Brooke hunny I don't think that the world is ready for a 16 year old you ever." LeeAnn said laughing. Tim couldn't help but join in as the girls looked on confused.

"Actually where are the boys?" LeeAnn asked noticing that they weren't watching the TV.

"They went to play the basketball game on Haley's computer." Peyton said pointing to the door.

"Ok thanks." LeeAnn said making her way to the door.

She got to the door and she could hear them in there.

"I'm going to score a three and then you will lose." Lucas said.

"Not if I stuff you." Jake said back.

"Your guy isn't tall enough to stuff me." Lucas shot back.

"If he jumps he will be." Jake shouted back at Lucas.

LeeAnn opened the door. "Hey you two do we have a problem in here?" LeeAnn asked sternly.

"No we're just playing the basketball game." Lucas said looking at the screen.

"Well I heard some yelling and I'm pretty sure that it was coming from in here." LeeAnn said trying not to laugh as the look on their faces.

"Sorry we just got too excited." Jake said looking down.

"Its fine boys you're not in any kind of trouble I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to have to break up a fight." LeeAnn said ruffling there hair.

"LeeAnn is Nathan feeling better now." Lucas asked.

"Well right now he is sleeping but I bet that he will feel better later."

"Do you think that he will want to play some basketball with us then when he wakes up?" Jake said excited.

"Oh guys Nathan isn't going to be able to play too much for awhile because he cut some of his fingers so he can't throw the ball or even use the controller." LeeAnn said realizing for the first time how restricted her little boy was going to be.

"Well that's ok I bet that we can think of other things to do that he can do too." Lucas said in deep thought.

"Yeah we want Nathan to be able to play with us." Jake smiled.

"Well I think that Nathan is very lucky to have friends like you." LeeAnn said backing up to the door. "Now I don't want to hear any more yelling got it." She smiled.

"We got it." Lucas said while Jake gave her the thumbs up.

It had been a couple of hours and the kids were getting restless and hungry. LeeAnn really didn't want to wake Nathan up because she knew that he needed his rest but it seemed to be the only choose.

"Haley." LeeAnn called from the kitchen.

"Yeah LeeAnn." Haley said running into the kitchen.

"Ok first of all we don't run in the house." LeeAnn said and Haley just nodded her head. "And second can you please go and wake up Nathan its time for dinner. Remember though to be careful of his left hand."

"Ok. And don't worry I will wake him up nicely." Haley said walking off to Nathan's room.

When Haley opened the door she saw Nathan laying face down in his pillow with his whole body shaking.

"What's wrong Nathan?" Haley asked standing next to his bed.

The sound of someone scared him and his head shot up. Haley could then see his wet red rimmed eyes.

"Nothing." He mumbled and turned back around.

"Nathan tell me why you were crying." Haley said sitting on his bed.

"No, you'll just laugh at me." Nathan said roughly.

"No I won't laugh at you I promise." Haley said.

Nathan turned around and sniffled. "Promise." He asked looking Haley right in the eye.

"I promise." She answered.

"I can't play basketball anymore." Nathan said sadly.

"I thought that you didn't like it when your daddy made you play." Haley said confused.

"I don't but now I can't play with Jake, Lucas, and you anymore." He said tearing up again.

"Nathan you will be able to play basketball soon. And we can just play other things until then."

"Yeah but you guys are going to want to play basketball."

Haley made a decision right there. "Not me I don't want to play basketball at all if you can't play. So when they play we can do something else." Haley said smiling.

"Really." Nathan said smiling back.

"Yes really." Haley said getting up.

"Where are you going?" Nathan asked.

"Its time for dinner come on I'm starving." Haley said sprinting out the door.

Nathan just laid there for a minute thinking. If Haley would not play basketball for him then he would have to do something nice for her too.

When all of the kids were at the table LeeAnn spoke up. "Ok now Tim is new to our dinners so we will have to tell him the rules huh." LeeAnn said to a shocked looking Tim.

"Rule number 1 we say grace before we eat." Lucas said happily.

"Rule number 2 if you're under 10 you don't get a knife." Nathan said holding up his hand.

"Rule number 3 you have to take little bits so you don't choke." Jake said

"Rule number 4 you need to always sit on your bottom so that you don't fall and hit your chin." Brooke said pointing to the scar under her chin.

"Rule number 5 we don't play with our food." Peyton smiled.

"And Rule number 6 we have to clean up after ourselves." Haley said seriously

"You think you can handle all of those rules Tim." LeeAnn asked jabbing him in the side.

"I think so." He answered.

"Ok so whose turn is it to say grace." LeeAnn asked looking at all the kids.

"I think it's my turn." Jake said shyly.

"Ok everyone join hands and then go ahead sweetie."

When Tim grabbed LeeAnn's hand the two of them felt like a bolt of electricity had hit them. It was so overwhelming that they almost didn't hear what Jake had to say.

"Dear lord thank for the food that we have and thank you for letting us all have two families. Amen." Jake said opening his eyes.

Everyone agreed and then began to eat there food. The table was full of laughter and talking. Anyone who looked in wouldn't have even noticed the oddness of their second little family.

Please review and let me know what you think.
