I wonder why you love me
Chapter 6: Realizing his feelings for her
Then kagome said again "who's there" this time she saw a male figure come from behind the tree then she gasped and said "Sesshoumaru".
Then her inner voice said "oh this is just great." Kagome then said "So Sesshoumaru what are you doing out here?" Sesshoumaru just looked at her and said "I could ask you the same thing." Kagome then giggled nervously and said "yeah I guess that is true." Her inner voice said "you better get out of this little situation while you still have a chance." Kagome got off the fountain and said "well I better go and get some sleep since I start training in the morning." She then jumped down off the fountain to walk to the house.
Sesshoumaru watched as she started walking back to the house. She had to walk past him to get to the house so as she was about to walk passed him. He grabbed her wrist and made her stop. Kagome then looked at sesshoumaru and said "what's the matter?" Sesshoumaru didn't say anything her just walked up to kagome and placed his lips on top of hers. Kagome had wide eyes as Sesshoumaru kissed her she tried to pull away but he just tightened his grasp.
She finally gave up and just placed her arms around his neck and kissed him back. After a few minutes Sesshoumaru pulled back and just looked at kagome's face. To him is seemed like her face was glowing in the light of the full moon. She then opened her eyes and looked straight into his golden ones. They stood there just looking into each others eyes for a while. Then Sesshoumaru's inner voices said" ok you can't just stare at her all night tell her how you really feel."
Sesshoumaru got this icy look in his eyes and let go of kagome waist and he turned and started walking back to the house. Kagome just watched as Sesshoumaru walked away her inner voice said "aren't you going to go after him and tell him that you really meant what you said about loving him you know he heard it." Kagome then put her hand to her lips and sighed and said "no there no point. I am a human and her is a demon there is no way that the two of us could every be together no matter how much I want us two." As kagome finish saying that tears started to roll down her face and for once her inner voice remained silent not being able to say anything.
As sesshoumaru walked into the house and back to his study he kept on thinking about the kiss that he and kagome had just shared. Then he though to himself "why did I kiss her, what the hell was I thinking?" The Sesshoumaru's inner voice said" you where thinking about how beautiful she looked just standing there in the light of the moon and you where wounding what it would be like to have her in your arm's and having her lips pressed agents hers"
Sesshoumaru then placed his hands on his head and said "will you shut-up I was not thinking that and you know it." Then his inner voice said" yeah sure just like how you where not think about what kagome had said before you got caught by her, about how she loves you." Sesshoumaru just screamed out and said "will you just shut-up there is no way that I love a human and there is no way she could love me." Sesshoumaru's inner voice said "why is it so impossible for you to love her and her to love you?" Sesshoumaru then said "Because I am a demon and she is a human there is no way a relation can work between us just think about my father and my stupid bother's mother and look how they ended up. Just drop it I don't want to talk about this anymore."
His inner voice said "Yeah sure sesshoumaru make up any excuse you want to but that still won't change the fact that you love Kagome." Sesshoumaru just remained silent and walked to his study and finished paperwork he was working on.
Kagome was still standing outside in that same spot where Sesshoumaru and she had shared there kiss. As she stood there she just looked up at the sky and sighed, as a light breeze blew through the tree and rustled the leaves and blew through her hair. Then Kagome's inner voice said" you shouldn't stand out here too much longer you could catch a cold." Kagome then sighed and said "yeah I know I am going in right now." She then turned and started walking back to the house, when she got inside she walked straight to her room and laid on her bed and want to sleep.
As the sun shinned into kagome's window kagome winced and turned around in her bed so now her back was to the window and the sun was on her back. As she finished turning over there was a knock on the door, she slowly set up and said "Yes who is it?" Then the maids voice came through the door and said "Lady kagome, lord sesshoumaru wants you to get up and get ready for breakfast." Kagome just sighed and said "all right I will be in the dinning room in a few." The maid said "all right lady kagome, I will tell sesshoumaru that you are getting ready." After she said that she walked away and kagome just turned over in the bed onto her stomach and laid her head into her pillow and let out a scream.
She then got out of the bed and looked into the closet in her room and pulled out a light green kimono with pink cheery blossoms on it. She the changed into the kimono and walked out the door of her room, when she walked out she bumped right into sesshoumaru. She looked up at sesshoumaru and said "oh sesshoumaru sorry about that I should have been watching where I was going." Sesshoumaru just gave her this cold and emotionless look and kept on walking; kagome just sighed and walked behind him to the dinning room.
Sesshoumaru walked to the dinning room and opened the door and walked inside. Sesshoumaru walked to the left while kagome walked to the right they both set down at opposite ends of the table and ate there food in complete silence. Every now and then when they where eating Sesshoumaru would just look at Kagome for a few seconds and then go back to eating his food. Kagome just ate bits and peaces of her food she was not really hungry. Finally kagome got sick of all the silence and said "Sesshoumaru why are you ignoring me?" Sesshoumaru didn't even look at her he just said "I'm not ignoring you; I really don't have anything to say to a lonely, Pathetic human."
Sesshoumaru's inner voice said "You idiot why did you go and say that?" Kagome just got up from her side of the table and walked toward sesshoumaru's side. As she was walking her inner voice said "don't do it yeah I know your hurt but if you do this you could get killed." Kagome at that moment didn't really care; as she stood next to sesshoumaru he looked up and he could see the anger in her eyes. She then raised her hand and all you could hear was a loud smack echoing down the hallway and a loud thump. Kagome now looked at sesshoumaru (who was now on the floor because of the slap) and said "You know what how about you just rescue rin on your own. I hate being here and being ignored by you; I am on here to help you but since you're ignoring me I guess you don't really need my help so go and save rin on your own."
Kagome then walked out of the dinning room and slammed the door, as she slammed the door a vase of flowers fell over and broke. Sesshoumaru just watched as kagome walked out of the dinning room and he was surprised that even though he had just gotten slap by a human he didn't feel the need to kill her. Sesshoumaru then walked to his study and though about what just happened between him and Kagome. At this point Kagome was in her room packing her things in her bag to go back to her own time; she had changed out of the kimono and was in her school uniform.
Her inner voice said "Are you sure you are not going to regret this one day?" Kagome zipped up her bag and said "you what right now I really don't care if I regret it I just want to get out of this house and away from that demon." After she said that she placed her bag on her shoulder and walked out of the room. She walked all the way to the door and when she opened the door to walk out the door was suddenly pushed closed. Kagome looked up and saw sesshoumaru.
She then said "I am leaving and you can't s… before she could finish her sentence sesshoumaru had placed his lips on hers. Kagome pulled away from him and said "Stop it, let go of me." Sesshoumaru just pulled her into a hug and said "I can't let you." Kagome was still trying to get away from him when she said "why is that?" He then looked into her eyes and said "because I love you Kagome."