Sooo... this is my COOL attempt at making a Live Journal type thinger for Tasuki. It's not done at this stage, so when I feel up to it, I should make more.

Oh yeah. Disclaimer. I obviously own nothing. Not even the idea. Maybe the first Fushigi Yuugi one, but I got the idea from a Kyo Kara Maoh! fanfic, by Schnickledooger. So yeah. Awesome!

Post 1: March 21

So, today I was told the ol' leader guy is dying. I can't let that happen, so I packed my bags, and went travelling down the mountain. I decided to see if I could find any medicine herbs, or a doctor, or somethin'. No luck. Lots of food though. Lots of girls too. They keep staring at me, and I just want to hide in a bush or something. Make like a tree, ya know?

So today, I saw a patch of these herb things, ya know? I saw some girl picking some, not all, but a few. I went over, and I asked her what they were. Next thing I knew, I was lying in the middle of the road, with a black eye. Must get a different outfit other than the bandit one. Apparently no one takes kindly to my attire.

Current Mood: Pain

Go Genro! Woooo! You SAVE that boss of ours! YEAH YEAH YEAH!

Go ahead and take yer sweet time. I'll be riiight here, making sure everthin' is a-okay.

Post 2: March 23

Ran out of food already. It's only been a few days, and I ate it all. I also have no money, so I hide in a nearby tree, and waited for a few hours, until some lonely traveller came by. I jumped out of the tree, knocked him out, took everything he owned (including the clothes), and hid him in a bush. Now I can walk around town. Neat, eh? I decided, however, I didn't want to buy food. So I found some local kids, and convinced them to steal some food for me at the market. I told them I was a poor guy.


So now, I have lots of food, money, clothes, and an army of children. I sent them on a special mission to find some herbs.

Current Mood: DAMN proud.

Uh, Genro? The boss died already. Get back up here!

Um.. noo... uh... the boss is.. alive? Yeah, keep looking for herbs! ...Please?

Post 3: March 24

So, I read Eiken's reply from yesterday, and decided to keep searching for herbs. Why you may ask? Ah, I trust Eiken. Why would he lie to me? Kouji, though.. He likes to play tricks. What a dirty trick!

So today, I went into a hospital to see if I could get myself a doctor for the boss. One of them nurse ladies got me to sat down, and had me waiting for atleast 6 hours! She came and brought me in to see the doctor, and I discovered it was only 2 minutes. The doctor thought I was sick, and tried to give me a full physical. He wanted me to take off all my clothes, but I refused. Ol' pervert. So I knocked him upside the head, and went through his cupboards. Found nothing of interest, so I decided I'll go home instead.

Current Mood: Feeling FINE!

You idiot! Get up here! Damned Eiken is making us work for him now!

Ignore the stupid bandit who SOMEHOW always beats me to replies.

Post 4: March 31

After getting lost, I made it back up the mountain. Apparently Kouji wasn't lying, and the boss really was dead. I was Eiken with his little whore, and decided to piss him off, and take her. I honestly don't like girls, but she doesn't know that. But if she really is a whore, I'm screwed, because she'll be all over me.

EDIT Close enough to being a whore. I took her, and she bit my clothes off. Fiesty little slut! I discovered she was the priestess of Suzaku, and was looking to see if I had any symbols or crap on me. I am Tasuki of the Suzaku Seven, but I just told her that I'm Genro, and that Tasuki was our boss. Now she thinks he is dead, and was all sulking, and went with her two lady (?) friends to go find some chick that brings back dead people. That'd be pretty cool. We could have zombie bandits, and they could kill and pillage, and no one could STOP THEM!

Oh, and I got my tessen. It was a gift from the boss to me when he died, but Eiken decided to fondle it first. I got Kouji to help me clean off the Eiken grossness first. Now I can burn crap, and be all cool like.

Current Mood: Weirded OUT...

Don't LEAVE US GENRO! I lov- ... how do you delete these things!

Post 5: April 1

So I decided to go hunt down the priestess after all, and tell her the truth. Some crazy zombies were trying to eat her brains, and that wasn't all that hot, so I burned them all! (Pardon the pun, kekekeke!) I went down to show her the symbol on my arm (as well as show off how sexy my arms are) but she got some stupid disease, and can't see my symbol. I also discovered her "lady friends" were actually a cross dressing man, and a pretty boy. Man, that would have rocked if they were all girls too.. wait, I didn't say that.

So anyways, we go down, and find some crazy old guy, and tell him to heal the priestess (named Miaka), or I'd kill him. Instead, he freaked out when we told him we met his zombie girlfriend (Who we did not know was a zombie at the time. She LOOKED normal). So me, the pretty boy (Hotohori), and the crossdresser (Nuriko) went to go save the day. Instead, a bunch of zombies tried to eat us. Not cool. So we got down to Miaka, and the zombie bride herself was trying to eat Miaka too. Then the crazy old guy came down, and we discovered he was a crazy young guy. He was a senshi too (named Mitsukake), and apparently wasn't all that crazy. He killed off the zombie bride, and stole the glory, the end.

Current Mood: Sad..

Glory? Was this a competition?

Hey, I read the past entries in your journal.. Thanks for lying. Atleast you didn't call me gay.

Reply: But I was certainly thinking it.

.."I went down to show her the symbol on my arm (as well as show off how sexy my arms are)"? Wtf is up with you?

Reply: I think my arms are sexy?

Post 6: April 8

So we spent the last week looking for the last senshi. Didn't really find anyone. Then Miaka started to go crazy, and said she could hear a flute. Then some bats tried to eat her.

I've been wondering, if everyone keeps trying to eat her, does she taste good? Really? I should take a bite at her arm one night..

SOOO... We found the crazy flute. Turned out to be our last senshi, Chiriko. He has some MAD flute skills. Crazy man, just crazy.

Current Mood: A little hungry...

Try to take a bite out of Miaka, and you will wake up with a sword plunged through your stomach.

Reply: Holy... Don't. No. I like my nice stomach, with its nice six pack thanks.

Don't worry, I'll heal you if he stabs you.

Atleast SOMEONE appreciates my mad flute skills!
-Chiriko (Or am I! DUNDUNDUNNN!)

You can bite my arm, if I can bite yours!

Reply: Really? SWEET.

So, did you kiddies like it? I might edit this later, and have Tasuki talking mor lyk dis so hel b totly l337 nd anoyin nd lyk dem ppl on chat brds n shtuff.

Or not. That would be annoying to do.

Anyways, I LIKE COMMENTS D! Please and thank you.