Notes: I'm trying to break away from my music theme for a bit, and go to the historical theme. Yes, this is a holocaust/WWII fanfic, & I'm going to try my very hardest to make it as historically accurate as possible. The date of the prologue is around 11/9/1938, appoximately the time of Kristallnacht. Kristallnacht was an attack on the Jews in response to the murder of a Nazi, to make it simple. The chapters following this will be set around 4 to 5 years after that day.

Oh, & this was inspired by the book "Night" by Elie Wiessel, & a little bit of "Let Me Go" by 3 Doors Down.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Prologue: The Day You Left

"NAMINE!" A woman, obviously a mother, screamed at the top of her lungs for her daughter to come over to her. She paced around the room, nervously fumbling with everything around her.

A white-blonde girl of eleven dashed down to the living room in response to her mother's calling. Her mother, Kairi, was obviously not pleased with something that either her or her father, Sora, had done. She had the same blue eyes as her mother, and with the exception of the color of their hair and her mother's aging, they almost looked identical.

She peeked into the living room in their tiny apartment to see her mother stop pacing around in circles, to wipe off the dust from the shelves that had never been used since their move into the apartment. She watched as her mother continued to obsessively, but absentmindedly continue to clean the small room.

"NAMINE!" Kairi called for her daughter again, only to turn around and see her nervously peeking around the corner at her.

"Mutti, what's wrong?" Namine looked at her mother with the most angelic eyes an 11-year-old could put on her face.

Kairi sighed. "Have you seen your father anywhere? Did he tell you where he was going before he just disappeared at the drop of a hat?" She spoke those two questions in one breath.

Namine shook her head. She had cooped herself up in her room since she had come home from school, thinking of what to draw. It was a habit of hers, for her to start one sketch immediately after the other. She now regretted what she had been doing, partly because she and her mother were unaware of where her father was and partly because the paper was the small ration that they had left. She looked down in shame from those realizations, knowing that her mother, her current mood, was likely to punish her.

But other things were on Kairi's mind today, and Namine using what was left of the paper rations was far from her biggest concern. She sat down on the couch and beckoned for Namine to sit down next to her. "Do you have any idea where he could have gone?" She asked her daughter in a concerned tone of voice. She moaned, and held her face in her hands. "I have no idea what he's been up to lately..."

"No..." Namine shook her head sadly in guilt. She loved her father more than anyone else in the world- a little bit more than her mother, but she would never admit that to Kairi's face. As Namine sat down on the couch, she rested her chin on her hands, trying to think of where Sora could have gone.

For the next few hours, the two females waited around. For a while, they just sat there, contemplating the current situation. It was soon getting late, so Kairi decided to cook a bit of food- if Sora wasn't planning to be home tonight, then at least she and Namine would have something to eat.

After watching her mother cook, Namine had gotten tired of waiting and walked back to her room to her drawing. She looked at what she had so far; a blank face. She had no idea what it would turn out to be, and thoughts of her father were distracting her from her work.

And then the thought hit her. Sora was gone, somewhere where neither she or her mother knew of. There was no limit to the bad things that could happen to him because the family was Jewish. Someone could have arrested him, shot him, or even killed him, just because of their religion.

She turned to look at the clock in her room. It said that it was eight o'clock, two hours past curfew- the time that all Jews were supposed to be at home, as Kairi had explained to her. This frightened her more than anything else- the fact that her father was out, somewhere, somehow, and possibly... gone.

A quick rapping at the door cut her thoughts off. Were the Nazis going to come after her and her mother, now that they could have possibly caught their father? She wanted to go to the door, in hopes that it was her father, returning safely. But there was something holding her back- her own life. She didn't want it to end so soon.

When she heard only her father and her mother speaking in hushed voices, she let out a small sigh of relief and walked towards the kitchen to see the two of them at the table together. Kairi had set a plate of food in front of Sora, but he wasn't even touching or giving it a second glance. His face was grim and serious.

Namine didn't want to intrude on their conversation, so she stood at her corner, eavesdropping and hoping that her parents would not notice her there.

"Sora, where have you been all of today? Namine and I have been worried sick..." Kairi's voice held a mix of anger and relief.

"I... I don't know how to tell you this." Sora looked at the ceiling, as if the answer was written on it.

"Just tell me!" Kairi pleaded to her husband.

"I was..." He sighed, and paused to think again. "...Assisting the murder of a Nazi."

Namine saw her mother's face go white, and felt hers turn the same color. "You... what?" She stared at Sora in shock. "Wh-wh-" Disbelief flooded her face.

He stood up, facing his wife who was holding back tears. "I'm sorry, Kairi." He reached out to hug her, but she pulled away.

"I can't believe you."

"It was for the good of us, Kairi, I swear it was! How much longer do you want to be cooped up in this small apartment? How much longer can you stand the ridiculous laws that the Nazis are passing, just to spite us? And how much longer can you stand seeing our friends dissappear, one by one? I'm sorry if it's something that I shouldn't have done, Kairi, but someone had to step up."

Namine felt a huge wave of guilt from her father's words and her mother's tears. She soon felt her own dribbling down her face, thinking that she could have stopped her father, if only she wasn't in her room, being self-centered. And now, from the look on her mother's face, the consequences for Sora's actions seemed dire.

"How could you do this, Sora?" Kairi whispered through her tears.

Sora pulled his wife into a tight embrace, and Kairi was too upset to fight back. "I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear. He then moved his face to lightly kiss her.

"Sora..." Kairi let her tears wet her husband's shoulder. "What are we going to do now?"

He looked at his watch, and suddenly, his mouth curved into a deep frown. "Kairi," he looked his wife straight in the eye. "I know they're going to come for me, but please, just stay here with Namine. Don't try to do anything about it... I beg you..."

Namine's eyes grew wide. Her father was leaving... possibly forever.

Kairi's sobs grew louder. "Sora... don't do this to us. Don't leave us."

"Look, Kairi..." Sora looked down sadly at his wife. "I have to go unless I want to endanger you and Namine's lives."

"SORA!" Kairi was starting to grow hysterical. Namine silently watched in the corner, feeling as if she were about to, also. She watched her mother grip as tightly as she could onto her father's body, and wished that she were able to also grip onto him.

Sora's strength was much greater than Kairi's, but all he could do was sadly peel his wife's hands from his body, looking ready to run. "I love you," he whispered to her, before setting her down in her chair and leaving her crying buckets of tears.

Namine watched her father dash out through the door. He hastily closed it, not looking back.

She then dashed back towards her room, and quickly sketched the face of her father onto the paper. It might be all that she had left of him. Her mother's sobs were calling for her to go comfort her, but her hand now had a mind of its own. She was determined to finish this sketch.


I have a small favor to ask of you guys- can you think of a decent last name for Kairi, Sora, & Namine's family? I might use it, I might not. I usually just avoid using last names because I am absolutely HORRIBLE with make up names.

Review! Review! Review!

then I'll keep writing. :D