Hey guys, well here it is, the final chapter. I just want to say thanks to everyone that reviewed and read the story and I hope you enjoy the final chapter. Once again I don't own Doctor Who (I wish)


She felt excitement.


The world became silent.


He took her hand.


She felt expectation.


She looked up in amazement.

The Prophecy of a Far Off Rose

Pulling away from the Doctor, Rose ran further into the garden, gazing up at the sky, unwilling to blink in case she was imagining it. "Fireworks?" she questioned not looking away.

"No." said the Doctor walking towards her and slipping a hand around her waist from behind so that he was now whispering into Roses ear. "They're stars."

His words reverberated around her head, filling her with warmth and contentment that she did not understand, but somehow still knew that here and now was the only thing in the entire universe that mattered. "Stars?" she repeated in awe, echoing his soft tone and turning to face him in spite of herself.

"Yep." Confirmed the Doctor with a significantly intense gaze as he began to subtly, almost absent minded, run his fingers up and down her back in soothing motions. "Look," he motioned the sky with his head. "Millions of stars, whole galaxies just swimming throughout time ad space; as if, after being completely lost and alone for endless years, they are finally finding their way home."

The waiter watched from the window, the thought never occurring to him to call the others, to ruin this perfect moment. He stared out through the glass as the individual orbs of light swirled around each other, meandering through the sky as thought they had all the time in the world. Every second creating new and exciting shaped and patterns that seemed to hold his attention effortlessly. He gazed adoringly at the sky; even now not sure he could believe it. Reaching a hand out to rest on the window, he was reminded of the first time that he had heard the story of "The Prophecy of the Far Off Rose." He had been four years old at the time and his beloved 'Grandpa' had told him the bedtime story. He spoke of how a beautiful, mythical girl had brought peace and hope to the universe, and from that moment on the little boy believed whole heatedly in the power of myth and legend. But all that had ended of course, the day they took his Grandpa. He was just ten years old when his Grandfather was made a prisoner of war and lather killed on a planet called Gallifrey where he had gone to fight in a war that was later documented as the 'Time War'. It disgusted him that he could ever believe in such things as hope and peace, when within his heart here lay nothing but emptiness and hatred. From that day on he never spoke of myths and legends, preferring reality and believing them to be nothing but a foolish mans hope.

And yet here it was, just as his Grandpa had described it. His senses tingled with renewed hope that he had not felt for years as he looked across the lawn at a stargazing couple who seemed completely detached from their surroundings, but in a way that made them fit in perfectly.

Rose looked up at the Doctor, once again burning with curiosity that she could no longer suppress. "Doctor, whole galaxies don't just move like this, something has to cause it… does this have anything to do with that prophecy?" he asked for what felt like the thousandth time that night, and for the first time he Doctor tore his eyes away from the glittering sky to meet her own.

"It's you," he whispered looking her deep in the eyes, no longer able to deny her the knowledge she so desperately craved. "You're the cause, you're what's making all this happen…" Rose was suddenly all too aware of the lack of space between them, but even as she noted it, she was wrapping her arms around his neck to close whatever gap there was left. Time seemed to stand still as he lowered his head to hers, drawing a line of soft kisses along her cheek and down her neck, her soft, smooth skin burning at his touch. He travel back up her neck and gazed once more into her beautiful eyes before placing a hand at the base of her head and guiding her lips gently towards his own. He barely had time to graze her skin however, when a dull chime somewhere in the distance marked midnight. Instantly he broke the kiss, and with it, Rose was sure she felt a small piece of her heart snap off and fall to the ground, with a soft thud that represented her immense disappointment. The Doctor peered in the direction from which the noise came, before glancing at the sky. Finally noticing the look on Roses face, he smiled warmly and pulled her close, stroking her hair. "I thought you might like to see this" he whispered, indicating the scene above him.

Rose looked up and sure enough, quite to her horror, he noticed the stars disappearing into the darkness. Sensing discomfort in her sharp intake of breath the Doctor tightened his grip around her waste and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before turning her around and resting his head on her shoulder.

"They're dying!" she claimed with obvious concern. "They're dying Doctor! This isn't right, whole galaxies just fading away before our eyes! Doctor we have to do something!"

"Keep watching, this is amazing, we'll probably never see this ever again." He replied tightening the grip that had now found her hand while his other stayed at her waste.

"What do you mean it's amazing? No! I don't want to watch them die make it stop!" there was such a disturbed air in her voice now that the Doctor felt compelled to look down and to his shock found that there were tears of distress threatening to stain her flawless complexion.

"Rose nothing bad is going to happen, I won't let it. Just keep watching. It's ok, I promise."

She couldn't put her finger on what it was, but suddenly she felt safer than she had ever felt in her life. Perhaps it was that she still had his coat wrapped tightly around her, the rose tucked safely away in one of the deep pockets, or that his arms had now found there way back around her waste so that she was now totally enclosed in his touch, having circles drawn on her skin through her dress. Or maybe it was because the man whom she trusted more than anyone else in the universe, had promised her she would be ok, a promise she knew he would never dream of breaking.

By the time the clock had reached eleven, the last few stars had faded, leaving them in total darkness. But with the twelfth chime came an explosion like none Rose had ever seen or felt in her life. The first feeling was alarm, but as the intensity of light lessened she realised, with great shock what had happened. For as suddenly as they had vanished, the beautiful stars had changed colour to the reddest of reds and had formed what could only be described as a beautiful rose formation in the sky. It hung there peacefully smouldering in the dark as though it had been burned into the night's very flesh.

Even as rose opened her mouth to speak, her breath was caught in her throat as the image erupted spectacularly into a million pieces, defusing throughout the air with as much grace as a million beautiful rubies trying desperately to reach ground but never quite making it.

Tears in her eyes, Rose turned to face the Doctor, who, before she knew where she was, had captured her lips with his own with such gentle force that she actually felt all sensible thought leave her as she ran her hands through his hair, just the way she had imagined for so many months. She felt a shiver run up her spine that she was sure had nothing to do with the cold night air and everything to do with the strong protective hands that had now found their way to the small of her back.

Reluctantly, she broke away, hating herself for her own thirst for knowledge. "Tell me about the prophecy." She demanded before he had time to form any type of protest.

Leaning his forehead against hers, he obliged. "The Prophecy of the Far Off Rose," he began, perfectly mirroring her breathless tone, "is one of the oldest prophecies of time itself. Millions of years ago, there were three planets in alliance. Earth the one we stand on right now and Gallifrey. Now of course Earth wasn't aware of its protection because of its ignorance of the rest of the universe, but still it was there. Anyway. On the eve of the birth of his first daughter, the Emperor and prophet of Gallifrey looked far into the future to see what it held for his long awaited angel. Now this isn't something generally smiled upon by the great Gallifreyan council, and of course the Emperor did not like what he saw. Because, or so it's profited, what he saw, was the end of Gallifrey."

"The time war?" Rose whispered.

"Exactly," replied the Doctor, pleased she was following. "Now, the Emperor thought long and hard about a way to preserve his race, and, unable to consult the council, he had to go to drastic measures. Finally, he made a decision. Under cover of night, he took his child from her bed and she was to leave Gallifrey forever. He took her far into the future to a neighbouring planet- earth. Planting his only child into twentieth century earth, he prepared to leave her forever so that even after the time war, his daughter, his little time lady would be able to secretly carry on the Gallifreyan blood line. Now its important to remember that although he was abandoning his own child, all he really wanted more than anything was to protect her, to give her a good life, just remember that. So, legend has it that as he turned away, after re-writing history to find his child a place among the earthlings, he looked to the sky and noticed the shadow of a rose clinging to the air like a thick mist. And that's where the prophecy is said to have been made, prophets rarely understand where their prophecies come from after all and this one is said to have hit the emperor like a stone to the heart. He saw that in the years to come there was to be much death, destruction and hatred. But he also witnessed a small ray of hope. He saw life after the time war. He saw his daughters twenty-first birthday; he allowed his mind to wander into the realms of the unknown as he gazed upon a 'wandering soul' leading her daughter to the second planet to which his allegiance lay. He profited that the very sky would erupt into a million pieces and she would be revealed as the Princess of Gallifrey, and with it he actually felt in his heart the peace and hope that was brought by such an event to the people who needed it the most, and he knew that however illegal his act may have been, he had brought some good to the world. He knew that for one night there would be peace in the universe. Now of course no such prophecy was ever documented, imagine predicting the end of the world. But somehow, through generation of bedtime stories and playground gossip, The Prophecy of the Far Off Rose became a symbol of childhood dreams, obviously the part abut their impending death didn't get much of an airing, that was a secret known only to the few that heard the account firsthand, the few that preferred to use it as a fairytale they told their children. But all of this happened so long ago that it has become to myth, with no proof that it is true, no documentation of any kind, it has been down to faith whether or not such an event actually happened. Until tonight that is…"

The doctor look at rose as she whispered looking more and more distressed with every second that passed. "Gallifrey… Time war… written into twentieth century Earth… twentieth birthday… wandering soul… roses in the sky. No, no! It can't be, I can't be! Doctor, just tell me, is it me? Am I the time lady?"

"No Rose, you, without shadow of a doubt, are a Time Princess."

Pure shock ran through her body. She began to shake, as the blood in her veins seemed to freeze with painful understanding. Noticing this, the Doctor took her in his arms and stroked her hair soothingly as she rested her head in his neck and allowed a small tear to run down her face as he absorbed her shock, all the while trying to comprehend what was happening to her.

After a few minutes of quiet reflection, she calmed down thinking that this couldn't be such a bad thing. "Princess… do I have to wear big dresses and a tiara?" The Doctor laughed and took her in another kiss, instantly warming her from head to toe.

"Nothing has to change. I promise." He whispered the last part and once again she felt a complete trust in his words. "Except, maybe I should start calling you 'your majesty'…" He added as a playful afterthought, shooting her that flirtatious smile that he may or may have not know melted her every time.

"Don't you dare or I'll have you executed!" They both laughed and the Doctor began a fresh assault on her skin that she was in no way inclined to fight against. Silently, she rejoiced in his company as he did hers, each knowing that for one night, the universe was filled with nothing but peace and hope.

The End

Hey, hope u enjoyed this as I was really worried about writing it because I really wanted to get it right. Please review and tell me your final verdict.