Title: Bravery
Author: Eurothrashed
Feedback: Yes, please. E-mail in bio.
Disclaimer: One day, none of this will be ours.
Rating: Pg
Summary: A SS & HG snippet in a Death Eater setting. 200 word drabble.

"You're a Griffindor," the voice behind mask sneered, even as his fingers were wiping away her tears. In a softer tone he said, "I thought your kind were commended for their bravery."

She gave an unladylike snort. "All bravery really is," she said, her voice, although raspy and thick from disuse, still conveyed her amusement quiet clearly, "Is being scared out of your bloody mind and doing what needs to be done anyway. It isn't something to be commended. Usually, it's just sheer prideful bullheadedness of not letting the other person see you cry.

"And as you can perfectly see, Professor, I'm crying like a baby."

"I will find a way to get you out of here," he said, slowly rising to his feet and straitening his mask. It was a shock really. His words were as good as a promise. In fact, from him, it was a promise.

His wand hand flicked and chains flew through the air, twisting and turning around her wrists and ankles as they pulled her flat against the cold, stone floor.

As he cast hex after hex, making her scream and writhe, Hermione stupidly wondered how she had never noticed how tall he was.