Chapter 14


Andrew and I had been engaged for three weeks, and I thought I was going to go senile. There was only one week until our royal ball/engagement party/late wedding ball/find a husband ball, and I had to hear everyone complain about it. Bethany and Samantha didn't want to go to it...because they already had their men. Sam just said that everyone would come to see why they eloped. Evidently, some of our people think that Sam and Beth were pregnant!

I personally thought that the idea of Sammie or Beth being pregnant was hilarious. I think I was the only one in the castle with that perspective. The king and queen were freaking out because they thought that there might be some little grandbabies running around the castle. Asha was excited - she had always wanted to witness a birth. Sam was on an extreme diet because she thought that she looked pregnant, regardless of what we told her. And Beth...Beth was blushing from the prospect of people knowing that she had to have (cough cough)SEX(cough cough). But that's what goes along with being married.

"Andrew," I said in the sweetest voice I could muster at the time.

"Mmm-hmm?" He didn't even look up from the book he was reading. I swear, men are so stupid.

"Drewsie-pewsie...Can you do something for me?"

"Yes, honey." He said, still not looking up.

"I need to get away from the castle. It's going to drive me crazy, being stuck here!" My voice rose in pitch on my last word causing Andrew to look up.

"Where to?"

I thought for a moment. "Nowhere too far away. Just far enough away that I don't have to deal with all of the crazy princesses in the castle."

He stood up and paced the room. "Andrew?" I asked, worried about his sanity. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, "Yes, yes. I'm fine. I have a plan...but, I'm not sure about it."

"Please just tell me! I am going to die if I'm stuck here much longer." He gave me a look. I have to admit, I was being a little dramatic. Just like Sam.

He started slowly. "We-e-e-ll, I was thinking...maybe you could come out to my family's country manor. Pretty much everyone is there for the ball, it'll be a great opportunity for you to get to know each other."

I stared at him, with horror in my eyes. "Andrew," I squeaked out. "You-you want me to meet your entire family?"

"All thirty-four members," he said proudly.

And on that "high" note, I collapsed.

It took much persuasion, but I was going. It was final. I was going to spend two nights with my fiancee's family, and then come back the day before the ball for all the last minute preparations. I wasn't too excited about meeting all of his family at once, but I was ecstatic to get out of the wretched castle. My mother and sisters were about to drive me insane with their nagging and whining.

Andrew and I took off in one of the castle's carriages, along with two escorts following us for propriety's sake. We just couldn't have another Bethany on our hands. After riding for an hour I began to feel tired. I mean, I had to wake up before noon for this! I tried putting my head against the side of the carriage, but that just made me feel like my head was going to bounce off. Andrew was working on some papers, so I decided to sleep sitting straight up. It was a little uncomfortable, but pretty soon I dozed off.

"Jennifer...Jennifer," I was being slightly shaken. I moaned and barely opened my eyes. I looked down and realized I had been sleeping on Andrew's shoulder. I bolted up, quite embarrassed.

"Andrew? Exactly how long was I conked out like a sleeping baby?" I was scared to know. I really hoped that I hadn't made an idiot out of myself.

He looked at me, "Hmm...I'd say about three and a half hours." At my horrified look he added, "But, hey, you slept throught most of the trip. We've only got thirty or forty minutes left."

Oh my gosh - oh my gosh! I'm about to meet Andrew's family! This was definitely going to be a nerve-wracking experience for me. "Andrew? What if - what if they don't like me?"

Andrew gave me one of his calming smiles. "Jennifer, they'll love you just like I do. They're great people."

I nodded slowly. "If you say so, Andrew...Could you read that letter to me again?"

He took out a sleek piece of paper; his mother had written him a letter about how excited they were to have me stay for a few days.

"Dear Andrew,

I just wanted to let you know that your entire family is ecstatic to see you again...and we can't wait to see your friend! Jennifer sounds like a lovely girl, she's very lucky to have met you, Drew. Do I hear wedding bells in the future? Now, Drew, don't roll your eyes at this note - it's about time you settled down and stopped your philandering ways...You're the only son in the family who isn't married! Kaleb and Meghan have some exciting news to share! I hope that you and Jennifer have a safe journey from the castle! Can't wait to see her!



That note did do some to calm my frazzled nerves. "Andrew, who exactly are Kaleb and Meghan?" I was curious. Drew never really mentioned his family while we were dating.

"Well, I'll just tell you about all of my family. I'm the oldest, then it's John. Kaleb is the youngest. I have three sisters; Tatiana, Isabelle, and Marigold. John is married to Rytha, and they have twin boys. Kaleb is married to Meghan-"

I cut in," What do you think their "news" is?"

He thought for a minute. "I really don't know what it could be. Well, back to my family. Tatiana is well, a little different for lack of better words."

"Different?" I asked.

"Well, she's a little bit clueless about everything around her. Or maybe she just doesn't care. But she has some of the best advice to give."

I nodded. "Isabelle is next, right?"

"Yes, she is. Isabelle is married to Guenther. They have four kids; Rachel, Hannah, Louis, and Giselle. My mother name is Allandra. She was married for 30 years before my father died. It was hard on all of us...but she pulled us through."

The carriage had stopped. "We're heeeeeeere!" Andrew shouted gleefully.

I looked out the window to see a large three-story brick house. There was a beautiful pond in front of us, reflecting the sun. The door was opened, and I followed Andrew out. The large doors opened and people started coming out. I guessed they were Andrew's family.

Andrew leaned to whisper in my ear. "Umm...Jen. I kinda forgot to tell them that you were-"

At that, a scream cut through the air. "PRINCESS JENNIFER!!! You brought THE Princess Jennifer with you!"

I turned to face Andrew. "What? You didn't tell them who I was? You didn't tell them we were engaged either, did you?"

He hopelessly shook his head no. He was gonna get it.

AN: I am so, so sorry for the long wait. I really dont' have anything to blame it on except my own laziness. Please, please accept my apologies! Urgh, school's gonna be starting in a week. Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter, please review this one too! Oh, Andrew's house is supposed to be Darcy's in Pride and Prejudice. I always loved that house...

So, who all has read the last Harry Potter book? It was great! I got it at midnight, and read it in like 5 or 6 hours. What was your take on it? Oh, who has seen No Reservations? It was quite peachy. Aaron Eckhart is so amazingly sexy...and he's gonna be in The Dark Knight Sequel to Batman Begins can't wait!!!

Pinkey the Brain!!!