Eye Candy
By Mady Bay – 29, 2006
"You sure this is the place?" Dean asked. He ducked his head again, looking out the top of the windshield, to read the sign on the building.
"Almost Home Resorts," Sam replied. "This is the place."
"Looks like a pretty nice place," his brother said with a shrug, turning the wheel of the Impala and pulling into a parking space.
"I'll go in and get our room."
With that, Sam got out and headed for the resort's main office. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dean drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, still in tune to the AC/DC song that was playing in the car.
He smiled to himself. They were here for a vacation, not that either would really admit to needing one, but they'd been running ragged for the past couple of weeks, going from gig to gig, battling evil demons, ghosts and what-nots, and needed some time to recharge.
Sam entered the office, the small bell attached to the door ringing loudly, announcing his presence. A middle-aged man appeared from behind the counter.
"Good afternoon!" he greeted Sam. "Welcome to 'Almost Home Resorts'."
"Hi," Sam returned. "I've got a room reserved, the last name's Klein."
"Ah, yes," the man said, finding the name in his registry. "Double room, ground floor. Will you be using the same credit card you used to register?"
Sam looked around while the man continued the registration process. Near the desk was a rack of pamphlets for the local tourist attractions – beaches, boat tours, water parks, zoos… He picked up one of the ones for the beaches, thinking Dean would enjoy the eye candy.
"Sign here," the man spoke up, getting Sam's attention. Sam did so and the man slid him two room keys. "Room one-one-five, that's down this hall and to the right," he added, pointing. "Probably be easier to use the entrance at the end of the hall, though, if you're coming in from the parking lot."
"Thanks," Sam said with a nod and turned to leave.
"Enjoy your stay!"
Returning to the Impala, and Dean, Sam got into the car.
"Down at the end of that wing," he said, pointing. "The far entrance."
Dean nodded and backed out of the parking spot, moving down the lot toward the entrance Sam had pointed to.
"So what kind of amenities this place have? Room service? Cable? Porn channels?"
Sam rolled his eyes. "Probably just the first two, but here," he said, showing Dean the beach pamphlet, "There's a beach down the road. Plenty of bikinis to feed your X-Rated imagination."
"Yeah, and maybe they'll feed something else, too," Dean replied with a wink.
"You are so pathetic."
"You're just jealous."
The two made quick work of claiming the room as theirs, unpacking a few of their belongings and carefully stowing their weapons. Once done, Dean went to the bed closest to the door and flopped down onto his back across it.
"'Oh, no, I'm not tired. We don't need no stinkin' vacation,'" Sam mocked, ducking when a pillow came sailing his way.
"Yeah, yeah, well, I'm not seeing any pretty girls in bikinis at the moment, so there's nothing to stay awake for," Dean replied.
"Well then, lets change that. There's a pool out back."
"Itchin' to get into your Speedo, Sammy?"
"I'm just going to take a few days and enjoy my life, that's all," he said, grabbing some shorts and heading into the bathroom.
Dean smiled. This was going to be a good few days for Sam, getting away from the ghosts and goblins. Just what he needs. Picking up the beach pamphlet and opening it up, looking at the scantily clad women, he thought that maybe it would be a good few days for him, too.
The brothers made their way to the back of the resort, to the pool area, and claimed a couple of chaise lounges. Dean put their small cooler down in between the two, within easy reach, and pulled out a bottle of beer.
"I'm not seeing any bikinis, Sammy," he groused, looking around the pool, most of its occupants being young families.
"So tomorrow we'll hit the beach. Today, we'll just veg out here and enjoy the sunshine, okay?"
"Yeah, whatever." Dean reached down and grabbed the latch to the chaise and reclined, adjusting his sunglasses and resting the beer bottle on his stomach.
Though Dean now looked to be the poster boy of relaxation, Sam knew better. No matter how relaxed, even asleep, Dean looked, he knew Dean was doing a recon of the pool area, checking the place out, not just for bikinis, but for potential bad guys, ghouls, or whatever.
Sam pulled his tee shirt over his head and leaned back in his own chaise, letting the sunshine bask down on his chest, warming him. He looked over at his brother, still clad in his jeans and long tee and inwardly sighed. Dean wouldn't be doing any swimming or sunbathing any time soon, at least not in the public eye.
While Dean often joked about the various scars that criss-crossed his body, alluding to how much the chicks dug them, Sam knew Dean wasn't about to advertise his history here, in front of the general public, especially the kids.
Sam reached down and grabbed his own beer.
An hour later, or so, Sam climbed out of the pool and returned to the chaise. "I'm gonna go get some dry clothes and the lap top. You need anything?" he asked.
"Nah, I'm good. Looks like the eye candy finally showed up," Dean replied, subtly pointing his beer bottle in the direction of the opposite side of the pool.
Sam took an appreciative glance at the two young women laying out beach towels.
"You sure you don't want to hang around, Sammy? While you're still all glisten-y wet in your swim suit?"
"I'll pass," Sam replied, rolling his eyes. "Besides, if I'm not around, you'll have better odds of scoring with at least one of them."
Dean watched with interest as the women made themselves comfortable, enjoying his view, and then was disappointed to see two young, muscled men show up and join them.
Oh, well. I can still look, at least, he thought.
Settling back, readjusting his sunglasses and closing his eyes, Dean relaxed back into the relative calmness of his surroundings. The relative normalness of his surroundings. It still bothered him, every now and then, to see such innocence, such happiness. At times he envied the ignorant life, but at the same time didn't think he could ever come to join them in their normalcy. He'd always know what was lurking out there. He'd always know what a risk it was to be a hunter.
His thoughts were interrupted when someone landed on his lap.
"Oh!" a feminine voice exclaimed.
Dean was sitting up instantly, finding himself with an armful of beautiful woman.
"Hey, easy there," Dean soothed, righting the woman so that she was sitting on the chaise instead of his legs. "I know women have fallen for me before, but usually it's not literally," he added.
"I'm so sorry," she said. "I'm just so clumsy. I'm still new at this."
That was when Dean saw the red-tipped white cane she was clutching, and the manner in which she held herself.
"No problem. No harm done," he assured her. "Can I help you?"
"I'm just looking for a good place to sit, I miss the sunshine," she said.
"Well, there's a nice empty chair right behind you," he offered, turning on his charm.
The woman smiled as she reached behind her and felt the chaise that Sam had been using.
"Why thank you, sir," she said, her charm turning on.
"Dean. Dean Klein," he introduced himself, gently taking her hand in his.
"Marcia Brody."
"Nice to meet you, Marcia Brody."
When Sam returned to the pool, he saw that Dean was talking with a woman, a woman sitting in his chaise. He nodded to Dean as he walked by and found another chaise further down the row, not wanting to intrude or cramp Dean's style.
He opened up his laptop and read through the various news sites, checking the local ones first, making sure that there wasn't anyone, or anything, that might interrupt their vacation.
Then he checked his mail and surfed the net, finding a nice game site to keep his mind occupied and not thinking at the same time.
A while later, he saw his brother escorting the woman, who he now saw was blind, toward the gate and away from the pool area. Dean turned and looked his way, giving him a wink.
Sam nodded back at him, and returned to his game, happy that Dean was actually enjoying himself.