Title: Something Borrowed
Author: Eurothrashed
Feedback: Yes, please.
Disclaimer: One day, none of this will be ours.
Rating: Pg
Summary: X2 Ending Rewrite. Rogue's powers are borrowed. Slight Rogan. 200 word drabble.

There was relief in the fact that no one could have stopped her; they didn't know what she was doing until it was too late.

Much too late.

Ambushing Jean had been easy; holding on long enough without it being too long, that was easier.

Rogue knew when to let go, when to break away, when to press her palm against their cheek if she wanted them down for the count.

She held on until the redhead fell against her, limbs twitching, muscles seizing up.

Jean had had a plan; now it was Rogue's plan.

She wanted to cry when Logan howled her name. She wanted to laugh when the Professor tried to break into her mind. She wanted to apologize when she met Bobby's horror-filled eyes.

Instead, Rogue spared them a smile as her borrowed telekinetics held back the rushing waters.

Why couldn't they understand that Jean was important to the team? Like Scott was, like Ororo was, like Logan and Bobby would be?

Jean needed to survive. But Rogue didn't.

Rogue's powers were borrowed.

She touched Logan's mind and told him she loved him, because her powers wouldn't last... because borrowing means you have to give it back.