thanks for the reveiws guys, i felt so happy, I'm glad people liked the chapter and hope you like this one! sorry it takes me so long to write i'm going crazy trying to update five stories at once so bere with me

and here you go:


Kate's legs were still bound, as was Sawyer's and Jack's. The rope grined against their skin making a coarse mark and cutting some circulation-as though the leg had fallen asleep.

Darkness had fallen yet the moon hung, a glowing orb in the sky that gave everything sharp detail and defination. A fire crackled in the center of the clearing, giving off warm heat and smothering smoke.

Sawyer glared around, a scowl plastered on his face--what would he give to shoot these men dead--

What would I give to strangle michael--how could he! How could he do this to us! I thought...we were'nt emenies...

Sawyer, with grim humor, thought with a bitter laugh " Well, I guess I deserved that...I'm usually the one doing the betraying--the conman--I suppose this is punishment...

He spat on the ground in distaste and glanced at Kate and Jack bounded on either side of him.

Jack, one could tell was in calculating thought, his eyes were dilated and sweat poured profusley from his brow.

Kate on the other hand, looked anything but calm. She wanted action, she wanted a gun, she wanted to run and escape problems like all crimnals..

If Sawyer's hands had been unbound he would have placed a hand on her shoulder and comforted her, he knew how she felt.

There they were in their moment of crisis--Calm, Revenge, Panic.

A fair-haired man came up to them interrupting Sawyer's thoughts. Sawyer's penetrating blue eye's anaylazed him so when he was free he could hunt this man down later and kill him for what he had put them all through.

His eye's were light green, and narrow with high-cheek bones and a scawny body. Sawyer could easily handle him...

The man did'nt utter a word at first just thrust some hard bread slices at them, along with apple, and ham.

"We most keep are strength yes?" He hissed before departing.

"How the hell are we supposed to eat with are damn hands bound!" sawyer shouted after him.

Sawyer glanced at Kate, her mask was back on hiding her emotions and feelings...


She has to eat...she looks so weak..., He was more worried for her than himself and he hated it.

Kate had changed him, making him care and worry for others rather then himself, especially her...Since after Ana-lucia had died he vowed himself to protect the last women he cared for, furious anger brimmed in him suddenly, look where he and kate were! In the hands of the others and he was like a helpless child unable to do anything...

A other came back, and if he had looked at Sawyer's face he would have seen hatrd etched in every line of it and anger burning with the intensity of a thousand sun's...

" If you try to escape when we unbond your hands you will not get far..., he gestured at the fifteen men around him, they will be watching you and if you try will be in trouble with him--"

"who's him?" Sawyer intergected

"quiet, someone you don't want to meet"

The man lowered his face to Sawyer's "someone you really don't want to meet"

Sawyer gazed back defiantly.

He cut sawyer's bonds after a moment and Sawyer winced as circulation flowed back into her wrists. Kate and Jack were unbound to and after a second hesistation they started to eat, they did after all-have to keep their strength--so they could escape.

They ate slowly, though their stomach was ravenous, for then they would be tied and gagged again.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked quietly looking into Kate's face.

"just tired" She gave a weary smile.

"How bout you sawyer?"

"Oh hell, yeah I'm fine after all being frickin tied, gagged and starving for two days is no biggie also not to mention it was all michael's doing, yeah I'm great"

Jack did'nt answer, he chewed softly on the bread...

The first step was getting out of here then he could worry about everything and everyone eles...

He needed a plan though...but what?

"damn" he muttered angerily...

And then he saw it, out of the corner of his dark eye, and Jack grinned--after days--he had a plan--a most definate plan...

It needed chance and a bit of a mircle and perhaps some danger...

But it was 50 gamble that Jack was willing to make...


next chapter will be more action packed as jack create's trouble and perhaps will their escape work? along with a little add on of michael and the flight-plan camp...a new disease is stirring and without Jack...

countinued in next chapter, hope you enjoyed this one, reveiws welcome