Danny lied still on his thin cot. His eyes stayed closed and he didn't move into a better position. His hand lay across his chest as it slowly rose up and down. In the back of his hand, was an IV. Nothing flowed through the tube that was connected his body, and he was thankful for that.

His night, had not been peaceful. In fact, hardly was it a night. He hadn't gotten a change to sleep before his weary eyes saw the light of dawn peek through the windows.

"It could've been worse." Lizzie poked her head into his room, making his eyes snap open in anger.

"Go away." He turned on his side to avoid eye contact with that lousy liar.

"I didn't do anything." She politely laid a tray of food on the table and sat down in the chair. Thus, took the time to mindlessly stare at him.

"What!? You call-" he paused to try to calm down a bit, "you call what you did to me nothing? What am I a guinea pig to you? Just a floating mass of nothing?"

"Yes." Her expression stayed firm, "You being here proves that you are not human. We have every right to do whatever we want to you. You don't have the will of humans, you are not on the same height in the food chain as humans and as much as I think otherwise, you are not on the same level as we are."

Danny gawked at her, finally turning around and glaring her in the eyes.

"Is that what you believe?" his expression shot daggers, "Well, great. Thanks for that. You're a great self esteem builder."

His fists clenched and anger rose up in his throat.

"You don't have any proof to say I'm not human. Because FYI, I'm only half ghost, which makes me half human as well. I know, for a fact, that torture to humans is illegal in the U.S. which means this facility is committing a federal offense." Words he'd never used before rolled from his tongue in disgust.

"The government thinks you're a full ghost. They'll never…ever know. About Daniel Fenton." She stood and gave him one last glance before leaving.

Danny barred teeth as she left. This was stupid. That was the best word he could come up with at the moment. Unfair and unlawful.

No one here could be trusted. No one was his friend. He was bait for the sick minds of whacked out scientists, and he couldn't do a thing about it.

Except escape.

He gently rubbed his chin, deep in his own thoughts. Escape. They claimed it was impossible. Really, that was only a roadblock in one's mind, just so they don't try, right? If people get in, surely there's a way out. Definitely.

He sighed, allowing his thoughts to bustle. Hopping from subject to subject until it finally froze on one.


What was she doing right now? Was she okay? Were the ghosts infesting the town? Oh jeez, so much to worry about. So much to think about when Danny Phantom's been captured.

Captured, but surely to escape. No one holds Phantom captive for long. He smirked in pride. He'd grown quite an ego.

"Sam would say that." He closed his eyes. Did you ever think you could miss someone so much? Especially, when you haven't even been gone for very long at all. He'd see her again. Determination would make sure of that.

Until it meets its match.

---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

"Dang, this place is huge." Sam gazed at the stark white building from the brush. Guards surrounded the place, to her dismay. It was like a prison…or worse. Hopefully it wasn't worse.

She stumbled back to the place she'd set up hr little one person camp. Earlier this morning she'd set off, leaving a note for her parents and giving Tucker a little memo in an email. Hopefully they wouldn't worry too much. She was fine, and meant to stay that way.

"All right so…all the sides of the building look the same. Guards cover the area twenty-four seven and they have camera in every corner of the building." She bit the end of her pencil, "This is going nowhere."

"Guess I know where a lot of our taxes go to now. Security of government property." She lay down on her back and stared up at the clouds. A big white square. It seems so easy to figure out but yet it's so dang hard. But Danny was in that square, so she was going to rely on her best strategy. Spying and deciphering.

Sam grabbed her backpack and made her way back to the bushes on the east side of the building. She watched each guard meander around the place in boredom. Boredom that they get paid for. Go figure. Oh well, they were easy to follow.

Time slid by and Sam grew irritated with these guys, irritated with the government itself and irritated with the one's who took her best friend. Anger rose inside her and gathered as she clenched her fists. His pleas, the only time he asked for help and no one gave it to him. They smashed his mistake in his face with no forgiveness at all. After all he'd forgiven them for; he got nothing but pain in return.

"Those-" She stopped in mid-thought as the men gathered together. She raised an inquiring eyebrow. They spoke in hushed tones making a grin spread across her lips. She had a good feeling about this little meeting.

Watching carefully, her little grin spread to fill her entire face. Oh so quietly, she could just hardly hear their voices. But hear them she could. She was glad for that. Apparently, they knew something no one knew they knew. This was good for her. She was learning some very juicy information.

"Bingo." She turned, her face filled with an expression of plot and idea.

"Hey girl, what are you doing here?"


Thank you, Dphantomtomboy and Deadzonedragon. This chapter is for you guys.