Chapter 1


In East Central, there is a team of men (and woman) who work very hard. Colonel Roy Mustang is one of them.

Yes, Roy Mustang is a VERY hard worker . . .

Except when he is assigned to do paperwork with Edward Elric.

"Edward . . . WAKE UP!" Roy yelled at the sleeping pipsqueak that was opposite him.

Ed didn't wake up. He only buried his head more into his arms and moaned.

'What the hell is he dreaming about?'

Roy picked up his pen, which he was supposed to be writing with, and poked Ed.

The poking only resulted in another moan and Ed moving his head to face the Colonel.

'Fuckin' pipsqueak . . . not doing his work . . . I mean . . . I could wake him up, but . . . I must admit he looks . . . cute . . .'

Roy blushed at the thought.

'Okay . . . kiddish cute . . . more like a wanna scr- STOP! God, I must be really tired . . .'

Roy sighed and looked at Ed again.

'Woah . . . Is he drooling!'

"Roy . . ." Ed moaned.

Roy stared at Ed in shock.

'Did he-'

Ed moaned louder and a look of pleasure crossed his face.

"Oh gods . . ."

Ed's moans were getting more erotic and looks of sheer passion were crossing his face.

'Ok . . . This is really scaring me . . .'


Ed gave one last snort and opened his eyes quickly.

"T-Taisa!" Ed almost fell out of his chair.

"Yeah. Don't you remember we're supposed to be doing paperwork?"

"Y-Yeah . . . Sorry." Ed picked up his pen and quickly started on the paperwork, a blush gracing his cheeks.

'Did he just say what I thought he said!'

"Are you sure you're okay?" Roy asked, eyeing Ed, then picking up his own pen.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ed grumbled.

Roy glanced at Ed again, then continued with his paperwork.


Ed finished his last paper and leaned back in his chair, sighing.

He glanced at Roy, who only had a few paper left, and blushed.

Ed had hated the Colonel the first time they met.

He had been a smart ass bastard, Ed had thought, but as soon as he seen Roy in action . . .

He fell for him.

Ed leaned back farther in the chair, forcing the chair to stand on two legs, and rested his feet up on the table (which made a vein pop for Roy), and closed his eyes, remembering the dream he had had.

"Oh Roy . . ." Ed moaned as Roy kissed the sensitive spot on his neck.

Roy traveled down Ed's chest to stop at his navel, kissing there softly.

He slowly un-zipped Ed's pants with his teeth and started snuffling his boxers.

Ed moaned from the pressure in his pants, he was getting harder and harder.

Roy grabbed the waistband of Ed's boxers and pulled down, to reveal his rock-hard treasure.

He slowly began to lick off the pre-cum, watching as Ed squirmed and moaned loudly.

Once Roy was done licking and teasing Ed, he quickly took all of Ed's warmth in.

Ed moaned with pleasure and a look of pure passion crossed his face.

He panted harder as Roy moved faster.

And on the next move, he came.

Roy licked him up and crawled back up to Ed's face.

Ed had his eyes closed, panting hard.

"Love you." Roy said, smiling.

Ed opened his eyes and noticed he had another hard-on.

He quickly tried to cover it up, but instead he made the chair fall over, resulting in him on the floor, rubbing his now hurt ass.

He looked up to see Roy laughing at him.

"Fuck you." He growled, rubbing his ass.

Roy stopped laughing and got up out of his seat.

He kneeled down beside Ed, who was looking at him surprised.

"Haha. How's the ass?"


Roy just smiled at him and grabbed his chin.

Ed swatted away Roy's hand, blushing.

'I-Is he coming on to me!'

Roy moved his head to nestle beside Ed's ear.

"Come on, Fullmetal . . . I'll make your ass hurt even more." He whispered, his hot breath making Ed sweat.

Ed's eyes widened and he scurried away from the Colonel.


Roy just laughed and stood up.

He walked up to Ed, who was still on the floor, and towered over him.

"Tell me, Edward. It sounded like you were having a VERY good dream. May I ask what you were dreaming about?"

Ed sweatdropped and blushed harder.

"Um, nothing really. It wasn't that special."

"Oh really?" Roy raised an eyebrow, smirking.


"Well I swear I heard you moan my name, Fullmetal."

Ed nearly died right there.


Roy kneeled down in front of Ed.

"Admit it, Ed. You're attracted to me, aren't you?"


Roy leaned forward and pressed his lips to Ed's.

Ed's eyes rolled back into his head. Oh how he had dreamed of this.

Ed reluctantly pulled away, closing his eyes and turning away, blushing crimson.

He crawled backwards away from Roy, his eyes still closed.

He stumbled up and ran for the door, opening it with slippery hands and sprinted out the door.

Thus, leaving Roy.


First chapter done! At first I was gonna make this a oneshot, but decided to make it into a short story. Hope you guys like it so far! I'll be working on Chapter 2 now!