The Prince and The Pauper

By Wittyheroine

Summary: Based off the fairy tale, Tristan Dugrey is the rich, popular guy with everything, and Lucas Scott is the silent, brooding good guy transfer student to Chilton Prep from Tree Hill, North Carolina…and they could be twins. Desperate to get the attention of Rory Gilmore, Tristan hires Lucas to pretend to be him in order to make her fall in love with him. But what happens when Lucas falls, too?

Disclaimer: Gilmore Girls is owned by Amy Sherman Palladino and One Tree Hill is owned by Marc Schwahn.

Chapter One

Meet the Prince, Meet the Pauper

Tristan Dugrey stood on the front steps of Chilton Prep school, with his friends Duncan and Bowman. "So, how was your summer Trissy?" Duncan asked, adding, "Get back the ex yet?"

"Okay, first of all, don't call me Trissy, Duncan," Tristan said, "and second, no. Summer and I are never getting back together, and if we do, I might just have to hang myself. Also, you know how my summer was. I spent it with you."

"Oh yeah," Bowman said, "of course. How could I forget? And what an appalling question to ask….about Summer and him getting back together. After all, wasn't there only one name he mentioned that of his precious, wonderful…what was that name again?"

"Snory?" Duncan offered.

"No, no, that wasn't it at all," Bowman said, "wasn't it…Trory?"

"Guys," Tristan said, trying to get them to stop. He felt slightly embarrassed. Tristan didn't want to be reminded of all the time he'd spent that summer moping over the one, the only Rory Gilmore. He did not want to start off his first day of his junior year remembering that day in the parking lot…the day that he tried asking her out, and got his heart crushed…because her boyfriend showed up and she told her boyfriend that she hated him. Oh God, he thought, I'm starting to sound like a girl.

"Oh yeah," Duncan said, smacking his forehead, "now I remember. It was Rory."

"Duncan, my friend, how could you have been so stupid?" Bowman said, "I mean, he only mentioned her name fifty million times over the summer."

Tristan sighed, and hung his head. "Thanks guys," he said, "thanks for bringing that up."

"Sorry my friend, but you tortured us in the summer with your moping," said Duncan.

"So it's only right that we get to torture you," Bowman said, "it's for your own good. Otherwise you might just fall back to moping, which is not the guy thing to do."

"Since you're so wise and knowledgeable, tell me, just what is the guy thing for me to do in this situation instead of moping?" Tristan asked, not really interested, but he had to humor his friends somehow otherwise he was going to end up having to sit through them mocking again.

"Well my friend, you get back in the game," Bowman said, "date other people. You want Rory, but you can't have Rory. Then settle for a substitute Rory. You know, the first lesser version instead of the fancy new model that you want. In other words, Paris."

Tristan let out a groan. "Newsflash Bowman," he said, "I've already tried that."

"What?" Bowman exclaimed in shock. "Who stole my brilliant idea?"

"Actually it was Ror---"

"Oh no," Duncan groaned, "don't say what I think you're going to say. Do not say that name. I've heard that name far too many times, and I'm a little annoyed at hearing it. Actually, if you do mention it again, I'm going to end up strangling your neck…or possibly hers. Or maybe both."

"Don't you dare touch a hair on her head!" Tristan exclaimed and there was a moment of awkward silence. Duncan and Bowman looked at him oddly, and then they both burst out laughing.

Tristan felt like a complete and total idiot. He sighed, and ran a hand through his messy blond hair. "Okay," he said, "okay, I know, I'm stupid, and a moron, and pathetic, and a million other things that are associated with the word 'lame'. You do not have to point it out to me."

Duncan and Bowman exchanged looks. "Oh man," said Duncan and Bowman added, "you are so far gone." Tristan blushed slightly, feeling even more like an idiot, worse now that he was blushing.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I just…I can't stop thinking about her."

"He's desperate," said Duncan.

"He clearly needs a wake up call," said Bowman.

"Clearly," said Duncan, "because otherwise we are going to loose him to the forces of evil."

"The forces of evil?" Tristan asked.

"The girl, otherwise known as Rory," he answered, "soon you will pull a Romeo and climb up to her bedroom window. Then you're going to end up getting dying for the girl. We can't have you dying for the girl. I mean, who else is going to get the kegs for our party?"

"Okay, okay," said Tristan, "I get it. I need to get over Gilmore. So, tell me you guys, how are you going to help me get over her?"

As if she had heard her name, just then Rory Gilmore walked up the stairs. She had a smile on her face and looked blissfully happy. Then she saw him, and she looked terrified. "Tristan," she said, something off in her voice.

A pain went through him, and his hands felt sweaty. Calm yourself, he said, don't act like a panting dog around her. She hate's you, remember? "Rory," he said, trying to make it sound curt. She cocked her head to the side, looking at him oddly. A frown appeared on her face for some reason and then she shook her head and headed on inside.

Once she was out of ear shot, Tristan said, "Oh man. That was painful."

"That's it," said Bowman, "he's gone."

"Agreed. He's too far gone."

"We've lost him."

"So what are we going to do?"

"How about stop talking like I'm not here, for starters?" Tristan asked, irritated.

"Did you here something?" Bowman asked.

"No," said Duncan, "It must be the wind."

"So what are we going to do about him?"

"We have to help him."


"Clearly he is too far gone so the possibility of finding him someone new is impossible," said Duncan, "so there is only one thing left to do."

"Make him consider a career as a priest?"

"That's a good idea!"

"Hey!" Tristan objected. "Don't I get any say in this?"

"There it is again, that wind talking. It needs to shut up. Actually it is not possible for him to become a priest. Tristan is a horn dog. He wouldn't even make it two hours in there," said Bowman.

"Okay," said Duncan, "then what is the solution?"

"The solution is to get him the girl."

"How are we going to do that? She hates him, remember."

"I've got a plan."


"You've got a plan?" Tristan said, surprised. "Tell me the plan. If it can get me the girl, then tell me the plan."

"There's the wind again," Bowman said, "you want to go to find Madeline and Louise and get them in on the plan? They are friends with subjects love. They can help us get inside info that we need on her."

Tristan sighed. There were times when he hated his friends. They had a plan. They had a plan that could very possibly get him the girl of his dreams and they weren't going to tell him. "Duncan, Bowman, tell me what the plan is!"

"What plan?" Bowman said. "There is no plan."

Tristan let out a frustrated groan. "You just said there was a plan!"

"Subject is getting temperamental," said Duncan.

"I noticed," said Bowman.

The two walked off and Tristan stood there on the stairs for a moment feeling annoyed. "Okay," he said, "you two are no help what so ever. Guys, is there a plan or isn't there?"

"Subject is becoming annoying," said Bowman.

"Okay, please quite talking about me as the subject," said Tristan.

"You know, I heard Madeline spent her summer in Paris," said Duncan.

"Oh my god, dude, do realize how kinky that just sounded?

Oh great. Now they were ignoring him. He was also being referred to as the subject. He hated being referred to as the subject. Tristan shook his head and went off to find his locker, not wanting to have to deal with them.

Lucas Scott felt like he had entered the twilight zone. There had to have been at least fifty million porches in the parking lot, and he looked out of place in his big, red truck. "Well Toto, we're definitely not in Kansas anymore," he said to his best friend Haley James as he shut off his truck.

"You've got that right," Haley said, and then looked at the enormous building that was in front of them. A look of terror crossed her face. "Okay Luke, remind me again why I'm doing this."

"Oh god," Lucas groaned, "don't do this again, Haley. Keith and my Mom already paid my tuition fees, and Keith is forever going to be in debt to Dan because of this. We are going in. There's no backing out now."

"I'm sorry," Haley said, "its just….we don't belong here. We're from Tree Hill. These kids are all trust fund babies. I don't know if I can do this."

Lucas sighed and grabbed Haley by the shoulders, turning her to face him. "Haley," he said, "listen to me. You're going in there. You're going in there and you're going to succeed because you want to go to Stanford and I'm going in there because I'm your best friend…and I needed to get away from my obnoxious half brother, Nathan, but still, I'm going in there mostly because you are my best friend. Do not back out on this."

Haley let out a sigh. "Fine," she said with reluctance, "let's just go on in and get this over with."

"Good," he said, "glad to see you're ready for this."

"I'm not," Haley said, "now can you please let go of me? I don't know if you've noticed, but you're kind of strong, Lucas, and you're giving me bruises holding me in place."

"Oops," he said, "sorry about that, Hales." Lucas let go of her and then the two of them got out o the truck and headed to the front steps of Chilton. They stood there for a moment, looking at it in awe.

"Do you remember it looking like the tower of London?" Haley asked.

"No," he said, "I thought it seemed more cheerful when we took that tour. Not so much….the Hunchback lives here, kind of thing."

"Maybe they remolded or something," Haley said, not sounding very convinced.

"Yeah, maybe," Lucas said, and then he put his arm around Haley, as though to make certain she was still there, "welcome to the hellmouth, Hales, we've got two more years of this. Let's just hope that we survive."

A/N: Okay, so this idea is a little random and I got it from when I read a new version of The Prince and the Pauper called The Princess and the Pauper. I know it's a little out there, but just give it a chance. Tell me what you think so far. Pretty uneventful chapter, but its just to introduce you to what's going on. So please review, and tell me what you think. I know I haven't been around in a while, but that's because Microsoft word was being a pain in the butt and wouldn't save my stories. My sister fixed that problem for me luckily, so now I'm back and my other stories will be updated as soon as possible.