A/N: This is the first (and only) DBZ fic I ever wrote. I figured it was about time I posted it rather than letting it collect 'dust' just sitting in a folder on my hard drive. Hope you enjoy!

Gohan stared up at his teacher with tears in his eyes. Piccolo was doing his best to explain to Gohan why there was just no possible way they could be together. It was certainly not a conversation Piccolo ever dreamed he'd be having with his young student. He explained how Gohan was too young for him, and that, even if Gohan were older, they were two entirely different species…two non-compatible species, so he would just have to accept that nothing would ever happen between the two of them.

Piccolo was trying his best to let the confused boy down gently, but tender wasn't something he did all that well, so eventually he gave up and snapped at Gohan, saying that training was canceled for today but that he'd better come back tomorrow without any of these silly notions of romance in his head. It would be best if they just pretended that none of this had ever happened.

Gohan sat on the ground curled up into a ball, watching forlornly as Piccolo walked away. He was sniffing and tears were running down his face, but he refrained from all out sobbing. He stayed that way until he could no longer sense Piccolo's presence anywhere near him, at which point he let his sniffles turn into quiet giggles of triumph.

This had to be his most clever way yet of getting out of training.