Disclaimer: As awesome as this game is I do not own it or Seung Mina and Yunsung or any of the other characters to be introduced in this fanfiction. (Besides a couple of very small side characters. -)
Seung Mina tied her hair up into her traditional ponytail, further securing it with pink ribbons, which she placed at precise intervals in her chestnut locks. She had grown considerably lately, both in bust and stature. As she fastened her breast band and sparse armor she cursed this fact. If she had not been so developed she might have been able to pass for a man long enough to save her father and master of the dojo, Seung Han Myong, from going to fight in the war against the oncoming Japanese. A few weeks ago her father had been commissioned to fight and she had run away to help him for the second time, and for the second time her father's favorite student, Hwang, had brought her back. She couldn't stand Hwang. He was such a little suck up. She thought this over as she continued to dress, adding her leather belt with orange fabric which, though it barely fit the requirements, Mina thought of as a skirt. She then put on her boots, gloves, and headband, which she used solely to keep her hair out of her eyes. Mina was dressed today as she always was. For battle. She could have easily taken her father's place in the army if she had been given a chance. She was almost as fine a warrior as he was. She had been training since she was little, after all and besides her father there were only two other people who could defeat her in the whole Seung dojo.
"Seung Mina! It's terrible!" A young female servant dressed in the traditional Korean hanbok ran in the room. The girl's hanbok was a beautiful pink and blue much like the one Mina wore on special occasions. Her black hair was worn in a tight bun and her brown eyes showed panic.
"What is it, Li Yung?" Mina picked up her staff resisting the urge to twirl it lest she should only scare the young servant girl more.
"Yunsung is gone!" Li Yung's eyes looked about to brim over with tears and she was shaking slightly. "And worst of all he took the White Storm with him!"
Mina froze at those words. It was Yunsung's own business if he wanted to leave but he had no right to take the White Storm. True, she had given it to him and not told him when she wanted it back, but she had meant it for soul searching not for him to keep. Despite this she couldn't help feeling somehow responsible for it all. Mina clutched her own weapon, Scarlet Thunder, and ran out of the room to tell her father the news.
The lanky teen who was causing so much trouble at the Seung dojo sat sprawled out in a tavern. He had been traveling since early morning and Yunsung figured he could use some rest. According to how he calculated it, his disappearance wouldn't be noticed until around seven. He always got up at five but the dojo really wasn't alive until six. He yawned, wondering what time it was and picked up his chopsticks to eat more rice.
"Miss!" Yunsung beckoned to the waitress and she turned to look, blushing slightly. He was a handsome young man with toned muscles and flaming red hair, which gave him and exotic look among the dark haired residents of Korea. It must be admitted, though it was not to his credit, he used his looks to get what he wanted quite often.
"Y-yes?" The waitress stuttered. She was a pretty little thing who looked to be no older than sixteen was and dressed in a Korean hanbok. The bottom of her hanbok was a vibrant red while her torso was covered in gold and her dark hair, done into flattering pigtails with curls, was held up with red ribbons which brought your eyes to her face.
"What time is it?" Yunsung flashed a smile, which caused the poor girl to blush such a bright red that it rivaled that of her hanbok.
"A-a quarter past seven." The girl stuttered, looking down into the stack of menus she held.
"That so?" So they would have discovered his absence by now. Yunsung picked up his chopsticks, finished his rice, and set some gold pieces on the table then, left as quickly as he had arrived.
Seung Mina rapped on Seung Han Myong's door. Her father was preparing for battle and had asked to be disturbed only by Mina and only in a time of emergency. He was a formidable man. It was no wonder that the servants had left the task to her.
"Who is it?" Her father bellowed. He had a deep voice that rang and demanded attention.
"It's me! Mina!" Mina yelled balancing herself with her staff.
"Come in." Han Myong said calmly, unaware of the commotion outside his door.
Mina slid the door, open pausing a second to run her fingers over the golden carvings that decorated the large red panels. She had loved this woodwork when she was little and knew it almost by heart. Mina shook her head remembering the task at hand.
"Yunsung is gone." She said quietly, looking out at the dojo grounds that could be seen from her father's window. Despite the outburst caused by Yunsung and the White Storm's disappearance there were still mock battles going on outside.
"Mina…" Han Myong sighed not moving from his meditative position. "You know he has the right to leave. We don't keep students here…"
Mina shook her head. "That's not the problem, Father…" she bit her lip trying to deal with the pangs of guilt she was feeling.
"Then speak, child. What is it?"
"He took the White Storm with him."
Seung Han Myong got up. "How? The room the sword is in is sealed so that only Seung family members can ent…" He stopped suddenly seeing Mina's hung head and guilty expression. "You, Mina?"
Seung Mina nodded. "I meant for him to use it for soul searching. He was so angry when Hwang refused his challenge… I never thought he would take it."
Han Myong's anger melted as he saw his daughter's pure intentions. She was growing into a fine young woman. "Still, this is a problem…" the dojo master rubbed his chin. "Neither Hwang nor I can be spared from the war and no one else in the dojo is strong enough to defeat him. Despite his impudence he is a talented fighter. I may have to meditate before I can come up with a way to get the White Storm back…"
"What about me father?"
Han Myong looked up. "You, Mina?"
Seung Mina looked him straight in the eye, determined. "I've beat him before. Besides he is too proud to fight a girl, and I am the only one who can make the journey."
"There's nothing I can do to stop you, is there?" He looked up, catching his daughter's nod. "Then I'll give you my blessing."
Mina bowed deeply. "Thank you Father." As she turned to go, she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
"Mina… Be safe." The man held his daughter for a minute, then she smiled at him and nodded before she left to get ready for her journey.