Yes. I am still alive. Haha. I completely sorta forgot about this. I thought it would be incredibly selfish not to finish it. I love to write…maybe I'll write a sequel? I looked back on my previous chapters and realized all the mistakes I made. I should really fix em'…nah. You'll have to deal with them. Hehe.
So finally…
Love me. Don't Leave me. Chapter 14
Winry pulled out of Ed's grasp and turned to start running. Ed could already see the tears building up in her eyes. The only question he had in his head was, 'why would she do that?' Then it hit him, like an imaginary steel fist clipping him in the jaw, as he turned his head toward the two men walking down the hall, who were completely oblivious to the rage now building up in Edward. Edward hadn't felt this way in a while. Probably not since he figured out that Tucker transmuted Nina and Alexander.
Edward Elric would never kill anyone, of course. But he wouldn't mind causing enough pain to someone that would make them want to die. People who rape innocent girls are the people who fall under that category.
'If my guess is right, those are the bastards who…'
Ed paused. Bastards are a lot of people. Was it only one person who raped her? Or maybe there was something she wasn't telling him?
At this point, the two men were only a few yards infront of him. Once they reached a few feet within Edward, they started to wonder why he was staring at them with such a fiery look in his eyes, telling them that he was indeed angry.
"What do you want, kid?" One asked.
Ed managed to keep his anger locked inside him for a little while longer. But, he knew he couldn't forever. No, that would be quite unhealthy.
"How could…you bastards walk around like nothing's wrong?" He said behind clenched teeth, which he was grinding uncontrollably. "How could you walk around so carelessly when there's a girl suffering because of what you bastards did!?"
The two men looked at each other, each giving an oh-sit-someone-figured-out look to one another. Almost simultaneously, they took off running. Ed knew he couldn't take down both of them, so he thought it would be easier to keep one in place. Swiftly, he bent down while clasping his hands. Once he set his palms on the ground, a magnificent blue bolt of alchemic energy surged through the ground, creating chains that wrapped around one of the men's ankles. He fell to the ground, landing with a satisfying THUMP that probably knocked him out cold.
The other man was still running, not bothering to look back. He thought he had out run Edward until he felt a hard pressure throw him to the floor. He was turned over, but he didn't exactly see his attackers face because of the fist that delivered in his cheek. His mouth now filled up with blood and small pieces of his teeth. Little did he know, or maybe he did, that Edward had just punched him with a steel knuckle.
"Trust me pal, this hurts a lot less than what she has to go through!" Ed took another good swing at him, his fist hitting him directly in the eye. Edward pulled his fist back and hit him, and then again, and again, and again. It wasn't until the man's face looked like a big, purple bloody mess that Edward decided to get up. But he wasn't going to leave like that. Oh no, Ed decided to walk infront of the man, pull his steel leg back and slam it into the groin of the man, who was now screaming in pain which gave Ed true satisfaction. Then he did it a second time. And a third. He was going to make sure that his days of taking away a young, innocent girl's virginity against their will were over. He pulled his leg back again, but this time, he felt someone pull him pack, keeping him in a firm grasp. The blonde looked up to see Roy Mustang's face looking down at him.
"That's enough kid." Roy said looking at the man squirming on the ground, groaning in complete agony.
Ed glanced behind Mustang at the small crowd of soldiers looking at the scene.
"There was a young blonde girl who passed us on the way here. She looked like she could use someone." Roy said in his usual tone, but this time, there was a sense of sorrow in it.
After a second, Ed pulled away from his grasp and started so run down the hall toward the dorms.
"Lieutenant Hawkeye," Roy called.
Riza walked up to his side. "Sir?"
"Call down everyone. We need to clean up this mess." Roy took one last glance at the men on the ground before turning the other way.
Ed slammed open the dorm's door spotting Winry right away. She was sitting on the couch hugging her knees. When Ed closed the door she looked up at him. Her eyes were dry and you couldn't even tell she was crying.
Then, Winry noticed the blood. It was all over Ed's gloves and splattered on his shirt. And it was then, that a vengeful weight was lifted off her shoulders. She knew what Ed did, and she was, well, relieved.
Ed sat down on the bed and kicked off his boots, and then rolled his jackets off his shoulders. There was a silence that sat between them, but there was no confusion held in it or anything. It just felt peaceful, in a way.
He looked up, realizing that Winry was standing up, a few feet infront of him. Ed looked down at his gloves and slowly slid them off.
"Yeah?" he said. He kept his head tilted downward, and he saw her feet take a few steps closer to him.
Ed threw his gloves on the floor next to him. "Ah, you don't have to thank me. I did it because-because, I…uh"
No, Ed, tell me. Please tell me. I just want to hear it. Once…please… Winry set her hands on Ed's shoulders and set her knee on the bed next to him. "Because why?"
Ed looked up at her, and then turned away, his cheeks reddening.
"…Because I…love you-mmph!"
Ed was interrupted by Winry's lips colliding with his. After a second, he pulled away, obviously surprised by her action.
"…I-I thought you wouldn't want this…after all that's happened…" Ed said slowly.
"Are you kidding me? After all that's happened, this is what I want the most. I need you Ed. I have to be close to you. I need you to…help me forget…"
How could he say no to that? He could tell that she seemed desperate, but there was also a sign of playfulness in her tone. He remembered what happened the last time he turned down her offer. To hell with doing that again.
Winry pulled in first, their noses sliding past each other. There was a moment of hesitation until Ed pulled in. He gave a few lights, unsure kisses before his lips remained on hers.
Their tongues touched shyly, so did their bodies. It was after Winry noticed that Ed was being hesitant, that she decided to make a bold move.
She pulled away, and Ed caught a glimpse of excitement in her eyes. Winry turned her body so that her back was pressed against his chest.
Before Ed could ask anything, Winry grabbed his hand and started to run it up her shirt slowly. Ed blushed and then gulped, but didn't refuse and went along with it like any other man would. His hand traveled up, up until he felt the material of her bra.
Winry sat close enough to Ed that she could feel his reactions. All of his reactions. She shifted back a little more, her body rubbing against the bulge in his pants.
Ed groaned, his hand traveling into her bra. He hesitated when he heard her gasp. It was then that he noticed it was his prosthetic hand up her shirt, and it had to have been cold.
Winry threw her head back onto his shoulder and grabbed his other hand and slid it up her shirt, also.
Ed liked the way he could feel everything now. The warmth and softness of her skin, the goose bumps he got when he touched her nipple.
She moved her body again, feeling the rather hard bulge rub up against her. Ed hissed this time, feeling a little fed up with the teasing. He placed his lips on her neck and began kissing it in a comforting way. His heart sped up faster, if that was even possible, as he removed his hands from her shirt and began moving them lower, past her navel, across her skirt, and onto her bare thighs. One hand, his prosthetic, remained there. The other, however, nervously traveled into her skirt. He hesitated.
"Keep going." She enthused.
Ed let out a breath of air he'd been holding in and did as he was told. His hand traveled further, until it felt the materials of her panties. He used his middle finger to press down on her sensitive spot. She made a small sound, almost like a whimper. He pressed again, harder. Then he did it again, and again, and again. He had some rhythm in his fingers, and Winry had some rhythm in her moans.
"Stop!" She said, unexpectedly, and removed Ed's hand.
Winry jerked around until she was facing him. Before Ed could ask what, she pushed him down until he was lying on his back. She straddled him at his waist. She removed his tank and threw it carelessly to the side.
As she undid his pants, her lips caressed his stomach. She threw off his pants, and then she did the same with her skirt. All the remaining clothes were taken off when Ed grabbed Winry's shoulders and placed her underneath him. He kissed her lips softly as he slowly slid himself into her.
Winry broke the kiss and said, "Don't hold anything back."
He smirked. "You got it."
At that, he began to pump in and out of her. And god, did it feel amazing. Winry was so warm and moist; it brought pulses of pleasure that surged throughout Ed's body. Winry's slow breathing turned into gasps and her gasps turned into moans.
"Oh, Edward" She moaned, "Don't stop, oh god don't stop."
At this point, Edward wouldn't even think of stopping, instead he grabbed her hips and pumped harder and faster.
Winry let out a yell when she reached her climax. Ed was close, and he decided to go faster. Winry's moans started up again.
Ed started breathing faster and groaning as he started to feel his body tighten, and Winry reached her second climax as Edward came.
"Oh god…" Edward whispered as he pulled out and collapsed next to her. "That's was amazing…"
Winry turned over to look at him. "Thanks…"
Ed glanced at her and looked back to the ceiling. "Don't mention it."
(Win's POV)
Sunshine peaked through the room's curtains, waking me up. I rolled over and groaned and then opened my eyes. The only person lying in the bed was me and I sat up quickly.
He left me! Oh god, he left…
"Morning" I heard someone say. Ed was sitting in a couch looking over some papers. "I smiled. "Good Morning."
Ed didn't look at me and said "you might want to start getting ready.
"For what?"
"Your trains leaving in a few hours"
My heart sank. I forgot that today was the day I was supposed to leave. "B-but…"
"Winry…" Ed finally looked at me. "You know you have to go. It's too dangerous to stay here with me"
Tears started to fill my eyes. "Just a little longer?" I sobbed. "A few more days…"
Ed sighed and stood up, then walked over to my bed side. He placed his hand in mine. "I wish you could stay, I really do. You could get hurt"
"So could you!" I yelled. Then my voice softened.
"Edward…Love me. Don't leave me."
"Don't say that Winry." He squeezed my hand. "I just want you to wait. Wait for me, okay?" He smiled softly and pulled me close. "I love you…
I love you so much."
As the train pulled away from the station, Winry watched Ed until he was out of sight.
"I just want you to wait"
Easy for him to say. She sighed.
If waiting is all I can do…
I laid my head against the window and watched as the skies began to cry. What were they crying for? Maybe they're crying for me since I can't seem to do it anymore.
But maybe…
She thought, putting a hand over her stomach.
This is the beginning to something new.
Or maybe TBC. Who knows?