Hehe sorry I gotta stop making a date for when I am gonna update the story. Sorry the long wait but school as begun and again and I am really busy busy busy, still desperate looking for beta reader, ofcause you get credit and everything, if interested please send me an email. Enjoy the story I wont set a date on when I am gonna update cause I dont wanna disappoint anyone
Chapter 6:
They went to the forth wall: " Elevator active " Isaac commanded.
" Order conferment, Elevator activated " The robot replied followed by a "blin" and the wall opened.
" O.C clean up this mess will you " Isaac said referring to the remains of the nearly empty pizza box, before they entered the elevator.
" Office Cleaner activated, Cleaning in process " The robot replied.
" AMC floor 2 please " Isaac said, when they entered the elevator.
Yet another small bump and the elevator "blin" and opened; " Floor 2 "
When they left the elevator Chiro was curios: " What does AMC stands for? "
" Oh that's stands for Area Management Computer, it's the computer there controls this area, it controls stuff like the aircondition, the transportation and other important stuff, there is one AMC for each area, and trust me son there's a lot of area's around the globe " Isaac answered.
They walked silent down a steel cold hall and at the end, a large metal solid door appeared.
The computer registered the movements toward it and quickly said: " Please place yourself at the plate scanner ", it referred to a small black box at the left side.
Isaac stepped up and a whole laser show appeared, there scanned every body part.
" ID Professor John Isaac " it took 20 sec before it added " ID Acceptable " and the large sealed door opened.
" How come this place so secured " Chiro asked.
" Its here we hold all our secret and classified projects and founds " Isaac answered.
" Why is my monkeys classified " Chiro asked again.
" Well that one is a longer story I tell it later " Isaac answered, scratch nervously the back of his head.
" Always with the later " Josh commented.
A lady with short blond hair and silver colored lab cloak walked over to them, and looked with her dark blue eyes at Chiro: " Professor this area is not a playground ".
Chiro was about to say something, when Isaac quickly responded: " Jill this is the sixth crew member of the crash landed ship "
A "oh" replied on the lady's face and quickly cleared the way.
" Now this way young Chiro " Isaac said and walked by Jill and into a small room with a large window to the next room.
Chiro quickly noticed the monkey was in the next room, they was looking confused around in the room.
Otto, Sparx and Nova tried to tier the room apart to get out, while Gibson was studying the room to find a non violent way out, and Antauri was sitting in the middle of the room mediation.
" Hey money's it's me Chiro " Chiro yelled, but the monkey didn't seemed to noticed him at all.
The professor just shook his head; " Have you never heard of noise proof rooms, the window you see is only visible to us, not to the robots on the other side, for them it's just part of the walls "
Chiro saw Isaac was telling the true, when Nova smashed into the "window".
" Um… you sure this robots are your friend? They look pretty hostile to me " Isaac asked.
" Yes they are my friend, well actually they kind of my family " Chiro answered.
" Wired family you got, but okay let's go inside and meet your…um…family " The professor said and pressed a console next to him.
It opened a part of the wall next to the window. The monkey's all starred at the action and ramble together into a fight position.
They were ready to attack what ever went trough the door, but they quickly notice it was Chiro, so they pulled their weapon back in the air and prepared for a giant team hug instead.
They tackled Chiro to the floor with their powerful hug; " Guys… I..am.. happy to see you .. too.. but please, get off.. me.. I need.. air " Chiro coughed, and the monkey's quickly replied his request for air.
" We thought ya was dead or something kid " Sparx said.
" How you felling " Nova asked worried for the teen's health.
" Do you have any idea of our location " Gibson asked.
" Do you have some food " Otto asked, making the others glare at him.
" What, I am hungry " He said.
All Isaac and Josh could hear was a lot of rubbish money chatter.
" Fascination, a yet unknown primate language " Isaac said studying.
" What's with the scientist guy, is it their version of Gibson " Sparx joked and chilled by the thought of the very thing he just said.
" I guess this world understands you guys language as much as the people of Shuggazoom does " Chiro said.
" So you understand this language, amazing " Isaac said.
" So it is Gibson evil twin… or is it the good one " Sparx continued, and received an angry glare from Gibson.
" If you and your um.. monkeys are interested I could show you around " Isaac offered.
Chiro shared a glare with the rest of team and turned around to face Isaac: " Sure we be delighted " he smiled.
" Good good this way " Isaac smiled and guided them out of "cell".
And into a glass hall, which was surrounded by a large sterile white room below.
Chiro guessed there was at least 20 meters to the bottom, where hundreds of people in sterile white lab cloaks, were working on diffident things.
Some was watching in microscopes, some were even teaching others by a blackboard, others were discussing something, Chiro guessed by the way they were waving their arms.
Than there was just them who ran around with papers, the work environment down under seemed pretty pressed and stressed, Chiro thought out from all the stress movements they were making.
" So let me hear the questions you may have " Isaac said to the monkey team.
The monkey team looked at each other. " How did your world obtain this highly acid and toxicity cloud and why is your sun burned out " Gibson asked what the others were thinking, well expect Otto he was busy thinking about food. Chiro asked Isaac the questing.
" Well my blue furry fellow it's a long story, but I can explain it, follow me this way " Isaac answered and they walked to the end of the glass tunnel; " Elevator active " Isaac said.
" Elevator activated " AMC answered
The monkeys took a few steps back in shock of the wall, there suddenly opened with a "blin".
" Don't worry its just a high tech elevator " Chiro calmed them.
They walked into the elevator, and the monkeys were busy looking around.
" Floor 5 " Isaac commanded and the door closed, a bump accord and a "blin" later they were on the 5th floor, where the elevator opened.
They stepped into a coal black room.
When the elevator turned into a wall, all the lights were gone.
" Could we get some lights, I like to know where I am walking " Sparx complained.
" Oh stop whining cry baby, don't say you are afraid of the dark " Nova said with a creepy voice when she pronounced "the dark".
" Ofcause not I am not afraid of anything… ARRRHHH " Sparx screamed when something touched him.
" This wall is all furry, and it even screams like a little girl, nice special effect " Otto said.
" I show you little girl " Sparx muttered angry and hit Otto with his fist.
Suddenly the monkey's eyes next to him began to glow red, in the red light he could see it were the wrong monkey he had hit.
" Oh.. oh " Sparx swallowed, before he became airborne with the help from Nova's yellow fist.
" Computer, light " Isaac ordered, and the whole room turned white in an instant, revealing Sparx 20 meter away.
" Well lets take it from the beginning " Isaac said.
" It all began a long time ago, 50042 years ago to be exact, the world were not like it is today, at that time 75 percent of the globe were filled with water, not like today where we only have 25 percent, our globe were green, springing with life, instead of the brown coldness we got now " Isaac explained while a hologram of two globes appeared, one very earth like, the other brown and cold with two spots of water at each polar (this is without the atmosphere of cause).
" But even than the world were troubled " Isaac sighed, the whole room transformed into a giant hologram, which showed weapons, and wars, dead and suffering.
" It started with crimes and terror, but mostly it was under control, we entered the real space age, and had just devolved a technology there was able to take us beyond our solar system territory in matters of hours, a crew of highly educated men and women's, were selected to take the trip beyond our solar system to explore a special planet there was containing life, discovered by our super satellite, each crewmember had their own special qualities in their area " A hologram of seven people standing in blue dynamic jumpsuits with a helmet held under their arms.
" This brave souls were the ones to test the new traveling technology, including my great great great great great great great great great great… " Isaac continued until Josh interrupted him; " I think we gets it dad ".
" Grandfather.. well he was in the crew, the mission went good until they came beyond the territory, we lost contact with the spaceship " Isaac sighed and a audio recording were heard; " Columbus P-F calling base, Columbus P-F calling base " some buzzing background noise were heard.
" Base here "
" Base we got a problem over "
" What's the problem P-F? over "
" We passing some kind of… structure.. blac.. ho.. " a large exploration were heard in the recording, before it disconnected.
" P-F?... P-F Base here please respond "
" That's the last thing our planet ever heard from them " Isaac said, trying to hide the depressed tone in his voice.
The hologram than showed a grey haired man in font of a talker chair with many microphones aiming at him.'
" Yesterday was truly a black day for space exploration history, we lost contact with the spacecraft Planet Finder or Columbus P-F " the hologram switch off.
" After this accident the world truly began to come to an end, you see the reason why we even gain that kind of technology so fast in first place, was because we had doomed the world with all our toxic garbage, just because we didn't wanted to switch to a cleaner energy sources and recycle properly " Isaac sighed.
" We ended up creating a poisons sky, which was only the beginning of the dark clouds you see outside today, our scientists had predicted if we didn't find a new planet to live on, we would soon be coughed in the very garbage we created " He shook his head.
The hologram suddenly showed many people yelling and fighting on the streets, the image stopped by a load boom, and it flicked to a smoking tank.
Sparx had jumped up in Nova arms in shock of the load noise, Nova dropped the scared monkey to the ground and sighed sarcastic: " My hero ".
When the smoke on the hologram was lifted it showed thousand and thousands of dead bodies, if not million, lying split around on the streets.
" This results in panic as you may see, but it was not only the citizens who panicked, but the governments did too, all around the world, people do the most strangest things when they fill threaten, that's include men in uniforms too, worse part is when they got access to great power, no one really knew who throw the first bomb, but the result of it was… well terrible "
An even loader boom was heard, the whole hologram turned into a large dust cloud. The monkey team's eyes went wide, in terror as well as horror.
" Yes indeed a nasty sight, no one every should had the experience of seeing, not even your worse enemy " Isaac said in a depress tone.
" This weapons of dead left the planet with greater scars, than any globe warming ever could done, luckily for the race of men, perhaps unlucky for the planet, a few humans had been prepared, they had build small building many kilometers below the ground, of cause this buildings was pretty primitive " He explained.
A hologram of a steel looking box was shown.
" No one knows who they were or how many they were, but one thing is for sure they helped create a better world, with more environmental friendly resources, but they still had a long way to go, cause the earth above was poisoned by radioactivity from all the nuclear weapon, and toxic rain from the human's garbage flood from the darken sky, even the air was toxic, but luckily for the humans and all of us today, the small pack of people had taken a lot of technology with them in their hide, though it took years, even centuries, the humans once again walked this planet, but not free as they use to, no they had to wear this suits at all time, to protect them from their ancestors mistakes "
The hologram switch to a person in a orange jumpsuit with a helmet on, walking on a greenish and very darken surface, there looked cold and dead, with no signs of life, other than the violence wind blowing against the person's jumpsuit, so powerful that the person nearly was blown away.
" That sounds very sad " Chiro said in a compassion tone.
" Yeah, but what doesn't kill you makes your stronger, and so did this, after a while our species began master the work of underground building, we even got the technology to grow food underneath the ground, but still one great mystery remains to the day today "
A silence lay over the hologram room, even though the professor couldn't understand the monkeys, he knew they wanted the answered.
" You see after a while, we even developed machines there was able to see beyond the darken sky, we discovered our sun had turned into a black star, and it didn't made any sense, humans can't live without life giving glow from a star " Isaac answered.
" Indeed I notice that too and I could not believe it either, its scientifically impossible " Gibson added, which came out in money chanting for Isaac and Josh.
" Gibson says its scientifically impossible " Chiro quickly translated.
" Indeed it is my little furry friend, but none the less it's the reality, I been studying the night sky closely ever since I became a scientist, I came across some very interesting data, you see if you study the darken clouds long enough you can sometimes get lucky to see a blink of some green lights "
The hologram showed recordings of the sky outside, and after a min some green colors appeared across the black sky, but not the same green color like they saw in the previous images, no this green was different, instead of dead and destruction it had a blink of hope and salvation Chiro thought.
" My colleges says its just more toxic, but I got this… um strange felling its not.. I know I know its sounds strange " Isaac said with sudden urge to withdrawal what he had just said.
" No not at all I got the same felling " Chiro quickly said.
" Really? " Isaac asked.
" Yes really really " Chiro smiled.
It seemed to light the professor up a little bit.
" Man is everyone crazy around here " Sparx said raising his arms in frustration.
" No Sparx I must agree with Chiro and the professor I fell it too " Antauri said.
Chiro was glad that his spiritual mentor agreed with him.
" Only problem with this theory is this " Isaac sighed, while the hologram showed images of violence's nature disasters, and in each disaster the same green light seemed to appear.
" That makes no sense " Chiro spoke.
" I know " Isaac agreed.
" Antauri do you know how this could be ? "
" Sorry Chiro, I am afraid at the this moment, I am as confused as the rest of you " Antauri said in a deep think full voice.
Suddenly something beeped and Isaac noticed it was his pager, he picked it up from his pocked and activated the message.
A hologram of that red haired girl, named Gina they meted in the large hall earlier appeared in a hologram.
" Professor remember your meeting with the general is in ten minutes, I suggest you leave now " She said with her arms crossed.
" How could I forget " Isaac sighed and deactivate the hologram.
" Sorry I gotta go meet the general, Josh why don't you show Chiro and his.. um monkeys to their quarters I am sure they must be tired after all this " He said and left.
" Sure dad " Josh sighed; " This way ".
" What a lighted fellow " Sparx said sarcastic.
Josh noticed Sparx chanting and asked; " What the did that pink monkey say? "
" PINK! I show you pink, you little punk, come here and I beat you into a pink pile of candy floss " Sparx raged, but was restrained by Gibson and Otto.
" Oh did I upset you little fellow " Josh asked and was about to pet him, when Chiro pulled him away, before Sparx had the chance to bite off his hand.
" Um.. he just a little angry about being trapped and all " Chiro quickly responded.
" Oh well fair enough, computer deactivate "
The whole room turned black, expect for a road of lights, which lead to the elevator, when they got inside the elevator, the road of light disappeared too.
" Computer, the quarters " Josh demanded.
As usual, it only took a few minutes before they were at the correct level.
Hope you enjoyed the background story ;) more will come later in the story dududududdududu DRAMA :P just kidding around. Once again thanks for all the great reviews