So this is my first sci-fi on fanfiction.. never wrote a sci-fi in english either... :S well enjoy
Chapter 1:
After a battle against the formless, the super robot monkey team was heading home to Shuggazoom to relax.
What they didn't know was this actually was the beginning of a new adventure.
They were all gathered in the main room to make a short brief of their previous mission, which had been to safe the people of planet TR568 from the formless, there was no doubt the skeleton king had been behind it.
They all sat in their egg formed chairs and shared their success and failures on the mission. Everyone expect Chiro spoke, which made Antauri wonder why, he used his primate powers to find out: "What's wrong Chiro, you been so quiet on our way back " he spoke trough thoughts.
"It's just.. something don't fell right, I still fell the present of the skeleton king and his formless " Chiro answered back trough thoughts.
Sparx noticed Antauri and Chiro was looking at each other, but without speaking a word, so he thought they used the primate power to communicate through thoughts. " Hey do you two wanna share it with the rest of us? " he asked.
" Sorry Sparx.. it's just got this felling of this mission isn't over.. yet " Chiro answered a little embarrassed, for not had shared it with all of his brothers and sisters.
" What ya mean with this is not over yet, we gave those formless so hard a beating, that they wouldn't even be recognized by their own mother ... that is if they got such things " Otto said.
" Yes and the chances of they was able to survive that battle is 1 to 10489685 " Gibson informed.
Suddenly the whole robot shook violently and the whole monkey team landed in a big pile on the floor with poor Chiro at the bottom.
" Alert alert enemy fire " The big screen said and showed a big black spaceship made out of formless on the screen.
" So much for the 10489685 " Sparx sighed.
" But at least I am in a big monkey ball with a beautiful lady " he added and made a Rrrr sound.
"Get off my tail or I knock you off " Nova snarled and punched Sparx off, before he was able to make a move.
" Monkeys mobilize...but first... get off my back " Chiro moaned.
The monkey jumped off Chiro and went to the tubes, followed by a breathless Chiro.
Nova: " Foot Crusher Cruiser 6 go "
Otto: " Foot Crusher Cruiser 5 go"
Gibson: "Fist Rocket 4 go "
Sparx: " Fist Rocket 3 go "
Antauri: " Brain Scrambler 2 go "
Chiro: " Torso Tank 1 go "
Chiro: " Super "
Antauri: " Robot "
Otto: " Monkey "
Nova: " Team "
Gibson: " Hyper "
Sparx: " Force "
All: " GO!"
The formless ship reappeared and began shooting at them, which made the robot shake a lot.
" How did they get back on their feet so fast.. I thought we beat them " Otto asked.
" Don't know and don't care, let's just beat them silly for real this time " Sparx answered
" Sparx right let's blow them away " Chiro said.
" Fist missiles " Sparx and Otto shouted.
" Foot missiles " Nova and Gibson shouted.
" Head Laser " Antauri shouted.
" Torso blaster" Chiro shouted.
All the attacks were fired toward the formless spaceship at the same time, but somehow the spaceship was able to dodge it, much to the monkey team's disappointment.
And even though space is endless, than unfortunately the attack did hit a target… a dying star…
The dying star absorbed the energy from the attacks, and with its last strength it created a blast, from where a black hole were born. The hole began pulling the formless spaceship and the super robot in its orbit.
The black hole quickly absorbed the formless spaceship, which splintered into a million pieces, and the monkey team could only watch horrified, while waiting for their turn.
" Isn't there a way we can avoid that hole? " Chiro asked, not afraid to show he was a little panicked.
Gibson began to tapped and research their possibility, all while the big hole pulled them closer and closer.
" Okay Einestein it would be nice with a plan now " Sparx said, who was clearly panicked.
Gibson rolled his eyes and continued to research until: " I got it "
" What what what? " Sparx asked.
" There is no way we can fly pass it, it's absorbing power is to strong and we already in collision course with it's power walls, so the only way we can get out of this alive is to fly straight into it, and avoid the power walls that way, I will reset our coordinates " Gibson said and continued tapping.
" Sounds like a plan " Chiro smiled nervously.
" What is our chances? " Nova asked.
" Don't ask " Sparx answered.
" We have 25 percent chance of being split apart like the formless, 40 percent of dying because of the pressure caused by the hole's structure, 30 percent of being reduced to dust and 5 percent of surviving " Gibson said.
A drop of sweat dropped from the rest of the team: " Told you not to asked " Sparx sighed to Nova.
" We better gather in the main room, in case something should fall off doing our trip into the hole " Antauri said and began leaving his post.
" Not you too Antauri " Sparx said and shook his head. They all gathered down in the main room fast, where Gibson already was, busy calculation and resetting the coordinates.
" Collision in 10 seconds " Gibson began.
" Don't be nervous Chiro we are going to make it " Antauri said and looked at the teen who starred back at him.
" 9 "
" I am.. not … nervous " Chiro said nervously while the super robot jolted a little.
" 8 " Gibson counted, which made Chiro sink to his knee's. " Okay, maybe I am a little, but who wouldn't be with those odds " he quickly added.
" 7 " Gibson continued.
" It's not the odds which counts, it's the moment " Antauri spoke wisely and placed a hand on Chiro's shoulder . " 6 ".
" Antauri is right we have lived through zombies attacks and formless, even the skeleton king himself, so what will a little hole do " Nova added and place her hand on Chiro's other shoulder and smiled at him, which made him smile back. " 5 ". The spaceship jolted violently. "4 "
" OH MY SWEET TAIL WE ALL GONNA DIE " Sparx began to panicked, but was quickly relaxed by a solid fist hit on the head by Nova. " 3 ".
She dust off her hands and returned to Chiro: " Don't listen to him we are going to make it " she said and replaced her hand on Chiro's shoulder.
" 2 " Some of the parts on the super robot began to break loss. " 1 " Gibson said and everything suddenly went black, and a deadly silence shadowed the super robot, until it was broken by Chiro: " Okay.. what just happen ? ".
Gibson got up from the floor and turned on his night version: " I don't know, the system seems to have broke down, is everyone okay? ".
Some groan appeared around the super robot from the other members. " I am okay " Nova said rubbing her head. " Me too " Antauri answered. ".
" Yea me too " Otto replied. " I am just peachy " Sparx added and raised while rubbing his back and tail.
Another jolted bumped the robot and everyone was send flying into the left side of the room. Chiro blew a relieved breath, cause this time he wasn't the one at the bottom of the monkey pile.
Antauri was and he quickly used his telekinesis to get all the other members off him. Which send them flying around again.
" Ouch thanks a lot Antauri " Chiro said sarcastic and go up to dust his suit off.
" You are very welcomed Chiro " Antauri answered, ignored Chiro's sarcasm.
The power suddenly seemed too reappeared as fast as it had disappeared and Gibson walked to the control panel to regain control of the situation.
" So where are we " Nova asked and walked up to Gibson.
" The radar doesn't seems to work correct.. hmm strange it don't seems to be broken, but still.. I can't get a signal of our position " Gibson answered, he tapped again and the big screen showed the outside of the super robot, a bright rainbow colored appeared, so bright that the team had to shield their eyes.
The attacks might not be right and the shouts may not be either and bla bla bla... than sue me :P but if you know the correct things than tell me and I correct it my next chapter ;)
I do not own Super Robot Monkey Hyper Force Go !
I know it sucked the place I ended but I need some feedback weather I should continue or not.. good as well as bad review its all good shit :P sorry high on coffee.. Ummmm... coooffeee
Okay this chapter gonna be short but thanks for all the reviews the next chapter will be longer but it will take some time before I added it enjoy :)
Chapter 2:
" What's with all the bright colors?" Sparx asked.
" A black hole is so strong, that not even light can escape it's gravity " Gibson answered.
" So what's on the other side of this black hole? " Nova asked.
" To be honest I don't know, no one has ever traveled through a black hole before, so I can only guess.. some means black holes are connections to other universes, you know like a teleporter, other believes black holes are like big universal trashcans, where existents as we know it simply just stop " Gibson answered.
" I donno what that last part meant, but I didn't liked the sound of it " Sparx said.
Suddenly the bright colors began to fade a little, only to blast up with a brightness which could blind a human, even with closed eyes.. luckily the screen protection was on.. but not even that could stop the light from blinding Chiro, which screamed on top of his lung of the sharp pain he felt in his eyes.
Gibson quickly disband the screen and the monkeys aid to Chiro's side.
" Chiro are you alright " Antauri asked worried.
" I think so " Chiro answered and rubbed his eyes, but his sight was still really blurry.
" Chiro? " Nova asked worried.
" I CAN'T SEE " Chiro yelled terrified .
The monkeys shared a worried look, which Chiro couldn't see, but he could fell it.
" Hmm come with me to the medical bay Chiro " Gibson said and guided Chiro.
" But what about the super robot? " Chiro asked.
" Hey don't worry about it kid, I aren't a pilot for nothing " Sparx said and padded Chiro lightly on his shoulder and than took his place at the main computer.
Inside the med bay Gibson leaded Chiro to a medical bed and flashed his eyes with a small flashlight
" Umm a slight burn to the iris.. " Gibson muttered studying.
" But don't worry Chiro, it's only temporary, your eye sight will return again tomorrow " he quickly added and Chiro blew a sighed of relief.
Nova and Antauri entered the med bay, curious about what condition Chiro's eyes was in.
" How is he? " Nova asked, before Antauri could.
" Good good, it's just a slight burn, nothing serious, his eye sight will return sometime tomorrow " Gibson informed and jumped down from the bed.
Some blasts were heard from outside the robot.
" Um.. Gibson ya might wanna come to the main room and check this out " Sparx spoke over the speakers.
Gibson and Nova ran toward the main room, followed by Antauri who guided a blinded Chiro.
" What's the problem? " Gibson asked as he entered the main room.
" Take a look at this " Sparx said and enable the screen.
The rainbow colors were still there, but enormous stones, even whole planets seemed to be colliding with each other everywhere around the super robot, which created the loud blasts they heard earlier.
Chiro could hear the blasts, but couldn't see other than some blurry rainbow colors on the screen.
" What is happening? " Chiro asked, scared for what he couldn't see.
" I don't know, but I think we are reaching the end of this black hole tunnel " Gibson guessed.
" What makes you so sure about that? " Sparx asked.
" The gravity seems to have returned " Gibson answered shortly.
The blasts got louder and the colors began to melt into one and got brighter.
Chiro had learned from his previous experience, and turned around to avoid looking in the bright direction while he was holding his ears.
A loud boom sounded and all went black.
lol what a cliffy mha haha okay I promise to update soon so I wont keep you to long on the edge of your chairs :P
I don't own Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force GO ! Ciro Nieli does...
09/07 06 I have take some time to correct some spelling and grammar errors I have found, if ya bump into some more fell free to mail me them so I can correct them, thank ya