Author's Intro:

Greetings! I'm baaaaack! This one'll hopefully go well. I decided I needed to do something more serious. But don't get me wrong; I'm still working on my other fic "Ice Skating Can Be Bad For You". Or whatever it's called. xD


Disclaimer: I don't own Furuba. It's plot, characters….well, you get the point. .

"He'll be confined for the rest of his life."

"His life…….."


"KYO!" Tohru shot up from her slumber. She was sweating from head to toe, and a sick feeling had settled in her stomach from the nightmare. The voices in the dream seemed to haunt her.

'It's only three o'clock, but I'm wide awake. Why do I keep having these dreams? I'll just take a walk; it will hopefully cool my head so I can sleep.'

Tip-toeing down the stairs of the vast Sohma household, Tohru wondered what she should do about Graduation. After all, it was only in a week. Time was running out, and the Miracle Girl had to do something about the Cat's upcoming isolation.

Tohru made her way through the trees and stones up to the Secret Base. Sitting on a rock, she touched the plants with care and pondered the things she could do. "If only…." Was the phrase that the timid girl's thoughts lead to at every corner.

"If only he wouldn't have to suffer. If only there was a sacrifice I could make. If only….." The shadows of the trees covered the teen's face from the moon. She was silent for a moment, closing her eyes to think.

'If only………if only I could switch places with him. He deserves to be free……and that would be a sacrifice I would be willing to make.' And with that, Tohru Honda drifted off to sleep, laying against a rock in Yuki's garden.

She knew what she had to do.

"Honda-san….Honda-san….HONDA-SAN." A familiar voice called. Tohru's eyes snapped open.

"YUKI-KUN!" she screamed, falling of the rock she had used as a headrest the previous night. The Rat quickly helped her up, apologizing for surprising her.

"I'm sorry, Yuki-kun….I just fell asleep here last night. I hope I didn't worry you too much," The girl bowed.

"It's okay. I just was wondering where you went. But I'm glad you're alright." Yuki smiled, which made Tohru return the gesture.

'I have to just tell Shigure I'm going to the Main House…I don't want to worry Yuki-kun or Kyo-kun. They care so much about me…' she thought nervously as the pair returned to the house. 'Ouch….but my back and neck hurt from sleeping out on that rock!'

"So there you are! Geez, you should know not to go wandering out at night," Kyo grunted, scowling playfully at Tohru as she walked into the kitchen. He was leaning on one of the walls near the sink.

"I'm sorry, Kyo-kun! I was just out taking a walk and thinking last night, and I must of fallen asleep! I'm sorry for worrying you."

"I knew you'd be back…just don't do it again!" he grinned. "Do you want me to help you with breakfast? It's kinda late, and I'm starving!"

"Hee-hee! Of course!"

"Kyo-kun, do you look forward to graduation?" the girl asked, while the pair started making the meal. Kyo got a troubled look on his face.

'She doesn't know about my confinement, does she? How WOULD she find out?'

"Of course! I can't wait to go out and get a job…..and……" Kyo stopped talking when he saw the sad look on Tohru's face. Both teens knew that what the Cat had just said was a lie. He sighed.

"H-how did you find out? You know, about my………er…..isolation." He became even more curious when Tohru was hesitant to answer. "Can't you tell me? Was it that damn dog?"

"No, it wasn't Shigure-san! I don't know if I can tell you, Kyo-kun. It's just….well….."

"Why can't you tell me?"

"…." She seemed on the verge of crying, and Kyo seemed more and more frustrated. Tohru seemed to know that this was not going to end well, no matter how kind Kyo-kun usually was towards her. "It's just not the right time, Kyo-kun. I'll tell you sometime, but right now isn't it."

"….." the Cat of the Zodiac seemed upset and angered. "That's fine. FINE. Just….tell me when breakfast's ready." And with that, he promptly left, leaving Tohru to cook the remainder of the meal.

'Probably going on the roof,' Tohru concluded. 'I just wish I could tell him. I don't want to be a burden. I just….I shouldn't of mentioned it. Why can't I do this right?'

"Tohru-kuuuun!" Shigure came trotting into the kitchen. "Oooo….I can't wait to eat! My little housewife is so wonderful!" The "Housewife" blushed.

"I should be ready in a few minutes, Shigure-san. But I need to ask you something."


"I-I need to go to the Main House today. Could you….just say I went with a friend? I don't want to worry Yuki-kun or Kyo-kun…."

Shigure's face dropped. Usually going to the Main House involved Akito. And most things involving Akito, especially for an outsider like Tohru-kun, meant trouble. Big trouble.

"A-are you sure, Tohru-kun? Do you want me to come with you?"

"No thank you Shigure-san. I'm sorry. I wish I could say yes, but this is something I have to do alone. Just wish me luck, and make sure nobody else finds out."

"If you say so." Neither of them knew, that in the shadows, Yuki was quietly listening to their conversation.

'What is she up to!' he frowned. 'Should I tell the stupid Cat?'

(A/N: Later that day……)

"Hello, wench. What brings you here?" Tohru shook in the darkness under the Head's presence.

"I've come to make….a ….er…..c-compromise, Akito-san."

'This could be interesting; something I could take to my advantage.' He smirked.

Author's Closing:

Whee! It's long! There's gonna be angst in this story. xD

Just for the record, I have decided to keep Akito a male. I think that I'm just more used to it. Akitogirl doesn't seem right to me. Ah, well. .

I hope to get the next chapter out soon, but if it's not out by June 4th (which it should be), then the chapter won't be out for a while, possibly. I'll be in Japan from the 4th to the 14th. Just to let you know!

