Serenity: Okay guys here is the much anticpated(not really) chapter ten. I have decided That I will either write a sequel or write more chapters. I'll warn you though either way there will be a major cliff hanger, and I'll have to put it on hiatus. Why you ask? Because I'm going to visit family for acouple ofmonths and I will have little or no internet access. So I want as many people to message me telling me what they think by the 12th, kay? Well here's the chapter!

Seifer's pov

I'll finally get my revenge... And not just on this little bitch either. She's important to all of those bastards. Especially Riku. He'll pay too for denying me what was mine to take. Squall will pay too! The big bad police officer may be a good little oy but he'll think it's all his fault if he can't save her. The others think of her as family. They'll all take this hard too. And the best thing is they can't go to the police because Yuffie's a runaway! Seifer chuckled to himself. This would be the perfect revenge. He continued to plot as the others drove him and Yuffie to the old spot. The girl stirred moaning from pain. He hit her over the head hard. This girl was tougher than she looked. He had had to hit her several times to keep her asleep.

"..." The others kept silent. They didn't want to feel his rath, even if they were just as strong as he was. Ansem was only a little weaker than him, but he had many connections in the crime world even if he wasn't a day over twenty. Sephiroth on the other hand was bad. He was stronger than Seifer. How much neither knew because they did know a fight between the two of them would be bad. Seifer had more connections than him but lacked his pure strength. Plus the fact that Sephiroth was an assasin kept Seifer humble.But not by much. And besides it wasn't like Seifer hadn't helped them out of a few... situations.

The car drove o as Seifer thought, the silence broken every now and them by him hitting Yuffie once more.

Riku's pov

He was a wreck. Axel had told them that Seifer had Yuffie and he was taking her some where. Where they didn't know because Seifer didn't trust Axel enough to tell. Or show for that matter. He had everybody together though. It would bad if only two of them were there and nearly all of Seifer's gang was. He searched all of the places Seifer might go but they had all been abandoned.

"Riku? I think I know where they might go..." Namine said hestitantly. She was worried. She could feel something bad was going to happen.

"WHERE! Please tell me where?" Riku took a dep breath." Namine I can't loose her. I can't go through this again. To think that Seifer would hurt somebody I love again, that he would rape her.. It ...It makes me want to kill him. Please for her sake and mine... where?" He was struggling between grief and rage. It had killed to see Yufiie leave. To lose her... He couldn't let it happen again...

"The place he took me."

"She's right you know." Axel said quietly from the shadows. " It's just Seifer's style. He sees this as a form of revenge on more than just Yuffie. And it has a sort of ironic touch that suits him perfectly.

"All right. Namine get every body there. We'll rush the place in no less than a half an hour."

He started towards his weapons closet but stopped as he remebered last time. "Namine?"


"Make sure everybody has a weapon this time... Even you, Kairi, and Aireth... It could get nasty.." He turned and vanished from her sight.

"Axel... You'll watch out for him won't you?"

"Of course..."

Seifer's pov

They were close. Seifer had ordered the others to take the longest way possible to get there. That way nobody would suspect that they would go there. He also had them stop and get a few... supplies. He was going to have some fun with Yuffie.

Riku's pov

They were gathered around the empty warehouse. Seifer's car was parked out back, and they had arrived not too long ago. He gave the signal. And they rushed the place.

Yuffie's pov

Her eyes flickered open as a harsh voice yelled at her. The hand connected to the voice started to slap her.

"Wakey wakey my little Yuffie!" the voice continued to taunt her as she opened her eyes. Her head was killing her...What was going on?

"I've got something for you." The voice said threatingly. She knew she better not accept his 'gift.' He tried to make her take several pills. She sniffed at them alittle. Ecstasy she thought as she turned her head away. She acessesed the situation trying to come up with the best escape rout. That was untill several people rushed in.

"Seifer let her go!" A figure yelled as he lept at another figure. It's so dim... I can barely see.. I must still be half asleep...

General pov

Riku and Seifer were in the middle of a knife fight. Cloud and Sephiroth were fighting with swords (why so many people in their groups knew how to weild them no one knew) while Ansem was busy getting his ass kicked by Sora. Squall and Roxas made sure Kairi, Aireth, and Namine were taking care of Yuffie but were also watching the fights. Axel was standing close to Seifer and Riku.

"Damnit Axel help us! You could take on Roxas and Squall no sweat!" Seifer spat at Axel as he continued to watch.

"I'm not on your side."

"Don't be so calm! How the hell could you betray us!" Seifer yelled as Riku knocked him down.

"I was never really on your side to begin with." Axel said calmly as he began to tie Seifer up.

Cloud managed to disarm Sephiroth as Sora tied up Ansem. Axel smirked.

He made sure that all of them were tied snuggly enough to keep them there for a few days.

Yuffie's pov

She watched as the chaos came to an end her head still killing her. She watched as one of the figures ran over to her taking a strange blindfold off of her face... Strange she hadn't even known it was there...

"It's made of mythril.." the figure murmered as he stroked her cheek." I'm so glad you're okay Yuffie. I love you. I don't ever want to lose you again."

He said to her as he helped her to the car."We'll get you to the hospital. Are you okay?" He asked looking anxious as if he had expected her to act differently to his arrival.

"Thanks for helping me. I don't know what I would have done... But... who are all of you?" She never expected the girls to burst into tears. "That bastard.. I'll kill him... I'LL KILL HIM!" The ma yelled as he struggled with the others to get back to the warehouse.

"Riku no! We have to get Yuffie to the hospital! If we don't the damage could be permanant!" The shaggy brunette with the scar yelled as he threw the other guy into the car." He motioned for her to get into the car next to him. "Come on. We'll take care of you." He said as he drove her to the hospital.

Serenity: See what I mean! Total cliff hanger. Well like I said message me if you want any kind of an answer as to what happens next! I wanted to cry when I wrote this... :'(