AN: Ah, time flies really's my LAST chapter folks...thanks for staying with me till the end...

Chapter 10: A Hand to Hold

For a while she thought that he was in front of her, but she only mistook the man for someone else. She let out a frustrated had been like this since she left Konoha, he seemed to be everywhere to her...was this her punishment? For leaving so abruptly and not even bothering to stay a while and hear what Sasuke might say to her?...

She left without any idea on where to go, all she knew was that she had to get away from was such a fantastic idea at that, she was wondering what had possessed her to do such a thing...

It was a different experience for her, to set on a journey with no destination in mind...that she had allowed her feet to take her wherever it pleases...she had allowed it to be guided by her heart and not her mind...

She knew she was running away, it was very tiring...and she had to stop eventually, but, have I stopped too late?...

Had I stopped in a place where no one else can follow?...

Had I succeeded in pushing away the only one I had ever loved?...

If so, then I don't want this victory...

My trophy would be my tragedy...

And I would forever live with hatred for myself...

It's too late to turn back now...

Maybe she'd be able to move on, she thought. She just hoped to God that her path wouldn't be intertwined with his for the meantime, because she couldn't face him just yet...

She took a sip from her was definitely not a good idea to come here, it brought back the memories she had hidden in the deepest part of her heart, she looked out the if seeing herself out there...

So this was what he's eyes could see when he sat here that day...

There's really nothing interesting out there...

Why did he follow me?...

I never asked...

And I guess I'll never know...

A tap on the glass pane awakened her from her dreamy state, eyes widening at the sight that greeted her.

Had she forgotten to add 'please' to her request? Or was the heaven merely mocking her?...

No...I must be hallucinating again...when will this ever stop...

But the 'illusion' won't go away, no matter how many times she blinked.

With no other option at hand, she placed her payment on the table before going out.


She went in her house...he was just around the corner...

She went out with her luggage in tow...he followed with his heart yearning for her...

She rode a plane...and he didn't mind paying extra just to be on the same plane as her...albeit a few seats behind her...not to mention a passenger was bumped off the plane because of his actions...

They landed on was oblivious, the other determined...

He had wondered where she would go...and his mouth formed a smirk when he found out...

The coffee shop...

So I was in your mind after all Sakura...

He had been with her ever since she left Konoha, but for some unknown reason, he chose to remain in the shadows...waiting for the right time to reveal himself...

No matter where she goes, he'd always was a vow he made the moment his feelings were made clear...

There was no place he wouldn't be able to reach, specially if it was where he could find her...he'd always look for a path, regardless of the fact that it might be dangerous for him...

Because he'd loose more than everything if he wouldn't be able to reach her in time...

He watched her as she sat in that corner, the exact spot he was in not too long ago...

He wanted to go to her and touch her face, encircle her slim waist with his arms and taste her long has it been?...but yet again, held back...

Just a moment longer...

I want to see her peaceful look...because this is what I want to always see when I dream of her...

Before she'd turn into spitfire once I show myself...

When he could no longer control himself, he got up from his hiding place and went to her...

But something clicked in his mind...

A playful grin escaped from his mouth...instead of doing his original plan, he went out of the shop and stood on the spot where she had been before...he gazed at her lovely face for a second longer...

Then he tapped the window, and he succeeded in getting her attention...

He saw disbelief in her eyes when she saw him, clearly she thought that he was just a hallucination...and he was torn between being amused or being offended...but he couldn't help but chuckle as she blinked a couple of times...realizing he loved the way she look when she was startled...

His grin widened as she stood up and went out to meet him...

It only took her a few steps to reach him...

He saw how infuriated she was when he only gave her a smirk...

"What are you doing here?"

Even her angry tone was music to his ears.


"What are you doing here?" She heard herself ask...

She showed him anger, it was the only defense she could build around herself. She couldn't show him how weak she was, how he could easily melt her with his onyx eyes...or how elated she was now that he was standing just in front of her...

Be angry Sakura, don't let your true feelings show...

She kept on chanting inside her head, but she was slowly loosing her concentration...

"I followed you." Sasuke answered simply...

She was taken aback, she didn't expect a direct answer from him...she even thought he'd lie...

"W-who said you could do that!" Her face was so red...

He smirked at her again...and she realized her mistake...

"You did, have you forgotten, Sakura?"

"If you were free Sasuke, then I wouldn't mind you following me around."

Her tongue was tied, what was she supposed to say? He had planned all this, now there was no way out. So she did what she did best, she walked away, trying to convince herself that he wouldn't follow...

But if that was the case...then he wouldn't be Sasuke.

He grabbed her wrist and she was forced to stop. But she refused to look at him. She stood there, in the middle of the street, her back was facing him and her head was facing the ground.

"Are you going to hide again? It's no use, I know where that instrument store is, I know every place in this town...and even if you go somewhere else, I'd still look for you. I won't stop Sakura...not until you do."

Sasuke was always serious, but she never saw him this determined. He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around, he saw how torn she was, he felt guilty because he knew he was the reason for that...but he can't give up, not now that he could feel her longing.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" He heard her quiet voice.

"Do you really want me to?" He countered and pulled her closer, thanking his lucky stars that there was no one around.

"I..." She looked down, she couldn't meet his eyes, she feared that he would know how much he means to her if she held his gaze.

"Why did you follow me? Then and now, why Sasuke?"

It would seem that they were playing with their questions, but Sasuke was more than willing to answer hers. He lifted her chin with his fingers and dropped his forehead to hers.

She couldn't look away this time, onyx met emerald...

"I love you."

She only had time for one gasp before his lips claimed hers...

His kiss was filled with every emotion he kept bottled up, his passion rose by each second, his hands trailed up and down her back, and she can't help but moan in pleasure.

She responded with the same intensity, it had been too long...there was no reason to be afraid of after all...if her life would be filled with his kisses and touch, then she would gladly allow herself to fall in love completely...

He had followed her without any assurance that she'd accept him...

He had risked everything for her...

And she loved him with all of her heart...

There was no reason at all to stop her from being with him...

Suddenly, forever doesn't seem to be enough...

They parted when they both needed air, his eyes were twinkling in mischief...he kissed the tip of her nose, and she blushed even harder.

"So, do you still want me to leave?" He asked.

She laughed, a real laugh...he had smiled at that, because it was the first time that he had seen her this happy, and he was proud that he was the reason for it.

"No, I love you too much for that. I think I'll allow you to go with me on my travels."

She tiptoed and kissed his cheek, the she grabbed his hand and led him to god knows where...

He was stunned, to say the least, he didn't expect that her simple peck would put a great impact in his heart. He touched his cheek, and tried to remember the feeling he had felt a while ago.

"Sasuke, what's wrong?" Her face showed concern.

He smiled at her and held her hand tighter.

"Nothing. Just glad that I didn't have to beg on my knees."

She stuck her tongue out at him playfully...

Indeed...she was the love of his life,


Had it really been three years?...

I guess people doesn't think of time when they're with the ones they love...

It was still dark when he looked out the window...

She was still asleep when he woke up, he couldn't help but smirk when he recalled last night...he scanned her body, which was covered with a white sheet. Her head was in the crook of his neck and her arm was atop his chest, while his hand was under her neck.

With his free hand, he caressed her face, tracing her lower lip gently...

Every morning he was greeted by this sight, and it was one of the most precious things in his life...

He felt her stir in his arms, he watched as Sakura opened her emerald orbs...then he leaned down and captured her lips in a chaste kiss.

She giggled lightly at him.

"Well good morning to you too." She said.

Sasuke pinched her nose.

"You know I was never good with words."

"I know, and that's why I adore you when you try."

Sasuke just looked at her lovingly...

Until now you have no idea on what your words or your touch can do to me Sakura...

I'd die without you...

"Sasuke, where do you think we should go next?"

"You're allowing me to decide?"

Sakura gave him a sly look.

"Well, I was satisfied with your...performance...last night. So this is your reward."

Sasuke snorted, then he allowed his hands to travel on her creamy skin. He smirked when she shivered in delight.

"Just satisfied?"

"Fine, more than satisfied."

He went on top of her and trailed her cheeks with his lips, then he stopped when he reached her ears.

"Then I know just the place."

"Where?" She moaned.

"You'll find out soon enough."

And he continued to set her body on fire. For the nth time that morning, he smirked.

Breakfast in bed...

I have never been more blessed...

They made love as the sun rose high in the sky. He could never let go, he had found the meaning to his life. It may have been too confusing when they had begun, the road seemed long and everything was a blur.

But she had passed his way...he had first wondering why he had found her so interesting...and at the same time, searching for something important that had been missing all this time...

And in the end...

It was her life that mattered the most...

For what kind of life would he live...

If he had never lived hers...


AN: Wai! I finished another story...I'm so happy!..thanks helped me on this one...:)