Dove's Lamentation

They had been scouring the country looking for just the right mutant, when he had been right under their nose the whole time. This was perfect, they'd finally have the final piece to prefect their perfect killing machine.

They led him on, baited him. Let him find them. Let him come to them, and let him think it'd be easy.

When he arrived, claws out, ready for blood, they folded like a house of cards, without giving him any idea of their true intentions. When he raced through the compound and found her containment cell, and let her out, they decided this would be the perfect time to see what she could do.

They switched her chip off, and she went for him.

He was well covered, so finding a hold called for a bit of creativity. She offered submission, and when he relaxed, she struck.

She pressed her hands to his face, her lips to his, and drank.

He fought, but she was addicted to the taste, and she just drank more.

Gulped it.

Craved it.

When he stopped struggling, she only drank more.

Drink him dry.

Drain him of everything.

He pouted into her, and she felt his power.

She drained him till there was nothing left, and still she wanted more.

Long after he had gone limp.

Long after his heart had stopped beating.

His lungs to draw breath.

Still she wanted more, she wanted that flesh, that blood, she wanted things ftom him she couldn't even name.

Her chip switched back on, and she was restrained, the next thing she would remember would be pain and hot metal, as she was transformed.

She hated them, the claws hurt as they ripped her flesh asunder when she used them, but nothing hurt as much as the memories.

She remembered everything, though the experiences were not her own. She knew where she had come from, she knew what she was.

She knew who she was.

You don't know what it's like to see your life through some else's eyes. To see them as they saw you.

Remembered you.

When she broke out, when she returned, and made her slow climb to recovery, she would lay awake years later, and cry.

She had wanted to be closer to him.

You couldn't get much closer than this.

He was in her mind.

All of him.

He was in her body.

The metal that coursed through her body was his.

She would never forget.


What she had done.

She would carry him with her forever.

And she would mourn.

In the long years ahead, she would cease to be Rogue.

She would become Dove.

And her mourning would be eternal.