Well here's the last chapter so tell me what you think.

Chapter Four-The New Mystic Titan and the New Megazord.

The others couldn't believe what they had just heard. "What did you just say?" Nick asked, making sure he heard Xander right.

"We know who the Purple ranger is." Xander said.

"How? When did you find out?" Vida asked.

"After we were fighting with Necrolai and some Hidiacs we went through the tree." Chip replied.

"Why didn't you call us?" Nick asked.

"Well, we couldn't, Jessica was there." Xander said. "We ran into her at the park."

"She knows martial arts." Chip stated.

"Just continue how you found out." Vida said, she really wanted to know who it was.

"Well, like I said we were on our way to tell you guys what happened when we ran into Phineas." Chip continued.

"Chip asked Phineas how his day was and he then told us that it was horrible until the purple ranger showed up." Xander replied. "We asked how long ago and he said a couple of hours a go, then he told us that she had just left and that we should have ran into her on the way here."

"Did he tell you if she was morphed or not?" Madison asked.

"Yeah, and she wasn't." Chip said. "He said that she was there to look for a Pegasus so that she could combine with it."

"He must be talking about the Pegasus called Starfire she is a very wild and dangerous Pegasus." Udonna said.

"Well apparently not to the purple ranger, because she healed the Pegasus with her wand." Chip said.

"Did he tell you what it looked like?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, it went from a Necklace with a Purple Heart pendant to a cell phone like ours and used it to heal the Pegasus." Xander explained.

"Who do we know that has a Purple Heart pendant necklace?" Vida asked.

"Jessica." Madison then blurted out. "I saw her wearing one when Chip and I went to her house, I thought it was pretty but I didn't think anything of it."

"Me either, until Phineas told us about it." Chip said.

"Well now we know why the purple ranger seemed so familiar." Nick replied.

"And why when Jessica fought along side us it seemed familiar too." Xander said.

"Yeah, and that also explains what she was doing in the Park and why she's always so busy." Chip replied.

"Should we tell her that we know?" Madison asked, then the crystal ball made the sound when danger is somewhere again.

"Later, right now we have to take care of our furry friend." Nick said. "Ready guys?"

"Ready." They all said.

"Magical Source, Mystic Force!" They all said.

'Galwit Mysto Ranger.'

"Strong as a Tree, Green Mystic Ranger."- Xander.

"Ever Changing as the Wind, Pink Mystic Ranger."- Vida.

"Fluid as the Sea, Blue Mystic Ranger."- Madison.

"Fast as Lightning, Yellow Mystic Ranger."- Chip.

"Forceful as Fire, Red Mystic Ranger."- Nick.

They then went to where the Last Howler brother was.

Jessica's Necklace made a twinkling sound. "I've got to go mom." She then said. "I forgot something."

"Ok, don't be out too late." Her mom said.

"I won't, bye." Jessica said then was out the door before her mother could answer her back.

"You'd think that she had some secret life or something." Her mother stated.

Jessica then ran to the tree looked around then entered then she looked around again. "Magical Source, Mystic Force!" She called.

'Galwit Mysto ranger.'

"Hard as Metal, Purple Mystic Ranger."- Jessica.

She then showed up to help the other power rangers fight the howler wolf. "We have to talk to you about something." Nick said. "After we defeat this monster that is."

"Ok." Jessica said. Then after fighting the Hidiacs and Stickzoids the remaining howler brother grew.

"Ok, let's do this." Nick said.

"Galwit Mysto Prifior!" They all said then they grew into the mystic titans.

"Green Mystic Minotaur."- Xander.

"Pink Mystic Sprite."- Vida.

"Blue Mystic Mermaid."- Madison.

"Yellow Mystic Garuda."- Chip.

"Red Mystic Phoenix."- Nick.

"Purple Mystic Elf."- Jessica said. They then started fighting the howler brother and they were getting pummeled.

"We need to use the titan megazord." Nick said.

"Sounds like a plan." Jessica said. "But I have my own megazord."

"Ok." Nick said.

"Mystic Titans Megazord formation." The others said.

"I call on the power of Starfire, the white pegasis." Jessica summoned. Then came the white pegasis. "Elf Pegasis megazord formation." they then turned into a megazord.

"Whoa." The others said.

"Ok lets take care of fang face." Nick said they then used the combination of both of the megazords powers.

"You can't destroy me rangers, I am invincible." The howler monster said, but those were his last words because both megazords destroyed him.

They then all met on the ground cheering. "Great job guys." Nick said. They were all still morphed.

"What was it that you guys had to talk to me about?" Jessica asked.

"We know who you are." Nick started.

"How?" Jessica asked.

"We guessed, and sort of had Phineas' help too." Chip replied.

"If you know who I am then why don't you tell me?" Jessica said Skeptically.

"You are Jessica Chan, a really good friend of mine." Chip replied. She was shocked, the yellow ranger just said that she was a really good friend of his and she didn't have that many friends.

"Chip?" Jessica asked. Chip Demorphed and she was shocked. She then did the same. "But that must mean that..." The others then demorphed.

"Nick, Xander, Madison, and Vida are all power rangers two." Chip replied.

"I guess I should have figured it out when you told me to take cover but I..." Jessica started.

"Didn't think anything of it, we've all been saying that basically all day." Chip stated.

"So, will you join us, I mean our group?" Madison asked.

"I guess, then this way I don't have to wonder when a fight is coming." Jessica said. "Or have to worry too much about this glowing and making a strange twinkling sound when there is."

"You could always have it change like ours is." Chip replied.

"That's ok, it would kind of look funny if I was carrying around two cell phones." Jessica said.

"I guess it would, unless you said one was for anytime and the other one is for work." Xander suggested.

"Wouldn't work, because you've been to my house, remember." Jessica stated.

"Right." Xander said, he for got about a party she had thrown where she had invited Chip and them, before Chip and her had been really close friends, and when she had a really big crush on him. (Xander not Chip).

"Though my dad has been saying that if I keep going to the mall on a spending spree then I'll have to get a job so that I can earn my money." Jessica said.

"You could always work a Rock Porium, The new girl moved and forgot to tell Toby." Xander replied.

"Yeah, it is always good too ask him for a job that way you don't have to worry about finding one when your father does make you go to work." Madison said.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" Vida asked her.

"No I don't mind." Jessica said.

"How did you find the purple heart wand?" Vida asked, they had almost forgotten to ask that.

"Well it's kind of weird actually, I was driving past the forest to go talk to my aunt and all of a sudden some kind of purple light caught my eye and it was coming from the forest, anyway I pulled my car over and I walked over to it then I saw this purple heart and then I went to pick it up and it turned out to be connected to a stick which then showed me what I was suppose to do and how to morph and use the Elf Titan then When you guys were in trouble it told me so I

Came to help." Jessica answered.

"So you were curious?" Vida asked.

"More like the purple light was calling me, weird I know but that's kind of what it felt like." Jessica said. "Then it turned into a necklace after I had left you guys."

"So, when you need to morph what do you have to do?" Madison asked.

"Well I take it off like this." Jessica said showing them then it turned into a cell phone. "And well you get the rest right?"

"Yeah." Madison said.

"That is really cool." Chip said.

After they had finished talking they had decided to take Jessica to Root core. "Udonna, this is Jessica she's the purple ranger." Chip said.

"Welcome Jessica." Udonna said then Clare showed up.

"Oh, Jessica this is Clare, Clare this is Jessica." Chip introduced.

"Hi, you're the purple ranger huh?" Clare then asked.

"Yeah." Jessica said.

"Welcome to Root core." Clare said.

"Thank you both." Jessica said.

After all the formalities were made Udonna had also agreed to teach Jessica as well. So the next how ever many days Jessica would come with the others to Root core to learn some more incantation. It was then that she had realized that she now had four more friends other than Chip.

"I want to thank all of you for welcoming me and asking me to join, I do believe I did a good thing accepting your invitation." Jessica said.

"It was nothing, after all we could us all the help we can get." Nick said.

"Yeah, and it's a good thing that you are on outside and not the side of the bad guys." Vida said.

"Yeah, it wouldn't feel right fighting you." Chip said.

"I know what you mean." Jessica said. "I'm glad that I am on your guys' side too."

They all then continued studying; little did they know that Morticon had a big surprise waiting.

"You failed again Necrolai." Morticon growled. "No matter I have a plan of my own, and the rangers won't see it coming, A ha, ha, ha, ha."

The End.

I know that I left it of in kind of a weird place but I did it for a reason, you see I had written another fanfic that kind of goes into what Morticon was talking about.