Disclaimer: I don't own any of the original Characters of power ranger's mystic force; I'm just borrowing them.

Note: There is a song that I made up on here which Might not be so good so if it sounds lame or looks lame sorry.

Chapter One- The power of the Heart

The rangers were working at the Rock Porium. Vida had noticed that some one was missing and it wasn't one of the employees because they were all present and accounted for, Chip was defending and invisible Castle, Xander was flirting with a costumer, Nick was bringing in the merchandise from outside, Madison was filming everyone, and she was D-jaying. "Hey, Chip where's your friend?" She then decided to ask.

"Who? Jess?" Chip asked.

"Who else would I be asking about?" Vida asked. They had gotten use to his friend hanging around the store.

"Right, Well she had something really important that she needed to do." Chip said. "So she'll be her a little later."

"What is it that she had to do that was so important?" Nick asked. Chip had told him and Xander that he really liked Jessica and that he didn't want anyone else to know, this was before Chip and Jessica became friends and even though he still liked her he made them promise not to tell her that he liked her, because he didn't want her to stop being his friend.

"She didn't tell me, and I didn't ask her either." Chip replied. Then came a beep from their phones.

"I need to see all of you at RootCore, right away." Udonna replied. They could hear the urgency in her voice.

"We're on our way." Nick said.

"We're taking a break Tobes." Xander called as he and the others were on their way out the door. Toby just waved his hand acknowledging that he heard.

When they left the store the walked up to the tree that was in front and looked around to make sure that no one was around or saw them, then they went through the tree. "I wonder why Udonna wanted us at Root core so badly?" Chip questioned.

"What ever it is, it sounded important." Nick said. They then made it to Root core and when they walked inside they saw that Udonna was standing in front of the Crystal Ball peering in.

"What is it Udonna?" Madison asked.

"Gather around." Udonna replied. They all then Gathered around the Crystal Ball like she had motioned for them to do.

"Hold on a minute, this isn't going to be like that catastrose ledgend that you told us because if it is then when the light's go out I am not going to hold Xander again." Vida replied.

"Hey, that was just that one time, besides like I said, I was just making sure you were safe V." Xander replied.

"Silence, both of you." Udonna said sternly.

"Sorry Udonna." Both Xander and Vida apologized.

"For thousands of years, Sorcerers and Sorceresses have been looking for The Purple heart Wand," Udonna started. "But have always failed, for it is said that the Purple Heart has the power to control Metals and Minerals. And the person who has it may have the power to take over or destroy both worlds. No one has ever seen its power."

"If no one has ever found it or seen it's power then how do you know that it's real and not a myth?" Nick then asked.

"Because it had not awakened, until today." Udonna replied.

"And you want us to go find it?" Nick asked.

"Yes, before Koragg and Necrolai do if they find it then it would mean the end of Briarwood." Udonna explained.

"What will this wand look like?" Vida asked.

"Like yours use to." Udonna replied, She noticed that they seemed a little worried.

"Where do we start looking for it?" Nick asked.

"It should be near the edge of the forest." Udonna replied.

"Ok, come on guys, let's go." Nick said. They then left Root core, but before they did Udonna gave them some kind of devise that would pick up on its energy. They then stopped at a rock surrounded by branches. "It should be here."

"Well it's not, which means someone got here before us." Vida stated.

"Let's hope that it wasn't Necrolai and Koragg." Xander replied.

"Hand over the Purple Heart." Koragg said. They turned around and saw that He had Necrolai with him.

"Looks like they don't have it." Chip replied.

"Ready guys?" Nick asked.

"Ready." The others said.

"Magical Source, Mystic Force!" They all called.

'Galwit Mysto Ranger'

"Strong as a Tree, Green Mystic Ranger."- Xander.

"Ever Changing as the Wind, Pink Mystic Ranger."- Vida.

"Fluid as the Sea, Blue Mystic Ranger."- Madison.

"Fast as Lightning, Yellow Mystic Ranger."- Chip.

"Forceful as Fire, Red Mystic Ranger."- Nick.

"All that interests me right now is the Purple Heart wand, but if that means I have to take it from you then so be it." Koragg replied.

"We were about to go after you guys for it." Nick said, then a bunch of Hidiacs showed up along with some stickzoids.

"Well, lets get this over with." Vida said and they all started fighting the Hidiacs and Stickzoids.

"It's time for you to meet our pets." Necrolai replied then Koragg Summoned Three Wolf Monsters "Arise Howler brothers, and take care of those rangers."

The wolves were about to when one of them fell down and blew up. "Huh?" The rangers said. Then a figure stepped out from behind a tree.

"Who is that?" Xander asked out loud.

"A Purple Ranger, Cool." Chip said.

"Looks like that's who found the Purple Heart wand." Nick replied.

"I guess I am going to have to fight you to get the Purple Heart." Koragg replied.

"Fine, But you're going to loose." The Purple Ranger said, then she turned her Magi staff into a Samurai sword and began fighting with Koragg.

After the Hidiacs and Stickzoids were destroyed and Necrolai left with the two remaining wolf brothers the rangers decided to help the Purple ranger out. But as it turns out she really didn't need it because she had defeated Koragg, for now anyways. "You may have won the battle today but your will not be so lucky in the future." Koragg said angrily then left. Nick was about to say thank you to her but she started to leave.

"Wait!" Nick hollered, but she was gone.

"I wonder who she was." Xander said demorphing.

"Me to." Nick replied.

"More importantly, whose side is she on?" Vida asked.

"She did help us out so I'm guessing she's on our side." Chip replied.

"Just because she helped us today doesn't mean she will in the future." Vida replied.

"V is right, she may have helped us to day but we may end up fighting against her tomorrow, for all we know that could have all been a ruse." Xander replied.

"Let's head back to Root core, maybe Udonna might have something about the purple ranger." Madison replied they then headed off to Root core to tell Udonna what happened.

Mean while in the underworld, Morticon was angry with Koragg and Necrolai for not getting the Purple Heart wand. "The master is not going to be happy once he finds out that you failed to get the Purple Heart wand." Morticon replied, letting some steam out. "And who is that Purple Ranger?"

"I don't know, she appeared out of know where." Koragg replied, "But she is not from this realm, nor is she from the black forest either."

"Are you telling me that another Human has the wand?" Morticon asked.

"Yes he is telling you that." Necrolai replied. "And she destroyed one of the Howler brothers all on her own."

"Hmm, she could be useful to us." Morticon replied.

"What are you suggesting Morticon?" Koragg asked.

"We capture her, and turn her against the Mystic Force Rangers." Morticon said with a laugh.

"And how do you suggest we do that? We do not know what she looks like outside of her power ranger form." Koragg asked.

"How heard can it be to find a human with a wand in briarwood?" Morticon asked.

"Have you forgotten that the Purple Heart wand has the power to change into anything?" Koragg asked.

"No I didn't, we'll just have to set a trap for the Purple Ranger then." Morticon replied.

"The remaining Howler Brothers are looking to seek revenge on the Purple Ranger for destroying their brother, they will be stronger now that their brother is destroyed and if another gets destroyed then the remaining one will be more powerful than the rangers can ever imagine." Necrolai said with a laugh.

Back in Root core the rangers explained what happened in the forest. "I am afraid that the crystal ball can not tell us who she is, but she is pure of heart." Udonna replied.

"So she is on our side?" Madison asked.

"That has yet to be determined." Udonna replied. "This only means that the wand is the one who chose the person."

"So it could be anyone out here?" Nick asked.

"No, it is someone from Briarwood that has the wand." Udonna answered.

"Then we'll have to find her before Necrolai and Koragg do." Nick said. "Because if they find her before us then who knows what would happen."

"It may not be easy." Udonna Replied.

"How hard can it be too find a girl with a wand?" Xander asked.

"The purple heart wand has the power to change into anything so it will be very hard to find the person with it." Udonna explained.

"Oh." Xander said.

"How are we going to find her then?" Nick asked.

"I will figure something out." Udonna stated.

"Why don't we just use that devise thing to find her?" Vida asked.

"Because, it will not work for something like this, I will have to figure out a different way for you five to find her." Udonna replied.

"Well in the mean time we have to get back to work otherwise Toby will be wondering what took us so long." Nick replied.

"And we might end up doing an extra shift." Xander stated. They then left Root core.

When they walked into Rock Porium Toby stopped Chip. "Hey Chip, Jessica called and said that she won't be able to make it, something about needing to take care of something really importang." Toby said.

"Thanks." Chip replied.

"That is strange." Xander stated.

"What is?" Chip asked.

"Jessica never cancels on you mate." Xander answered.

"She had something important to do, besides Madison and I are going to her place to hang out." Chip replied.

"Yeah, I figured that I should get to know her too." Madison said.

"Excuse me." Said a girl who just entered. "Is there a job opened here?"

"Sure." Toby stated, and then asked her a Rock question and she was immediately hired.

"The name's Xander Bly, what's yours?" Xander asked, turning on the old Xander Charm.

"Arianna Spencer." The girl answered.

"I haven't seen you around here, are you new too Briarwood?" Xander asked.

"No, I've just never been in this store before." Arianna answered. Then a thought came to Xander.

'What if Arianna was the purple ranger?' Xander just smiled.

"Xander." Vida called.

Xander walked up to Vida. "Yes?" Xander asked.

"Stop flirting with her." Vida replied.

"I'm not flirting, I am trying to get information from her, it's not the same thing." Xander replied.

"Well stop it, she just started working here do you want her to quit?" Vida asked. Xander rolled his eyes; he wasn't going to tell Vida what he thought in case he was wrong.

After work Madison and Chip went to Jessica's house "Wow." Madison said looking at the mansion from the outside. "When you told me her house was big it was an understatement, because I figured it was a two story house, not a mansion."

"She's rich, I figured that you would have figured that one out." Chip replied then rang the doorbell. It took a while but the door opened.

"Ah, Master Thorn, and you must be Madam Rocca, come in." The butler said they did. "Wait here and I shall get Miss Chan." he then walked off.

"He seems weird." Madison replied.

"He reminds me of Batman's Butler." Chip stated with a smile.'

"James is nothing like Alfred." Jessica said with a grin.

"Did it go longer than you expected?" Chip asked, about what ever it was that she had to do.

"Something like that." Jessica answered.

"So what was it that you had to do?" Madison asked.

"It's embarrassing actually." Jessica replied.

"We won't laugh." Madison said.

"Then I guess it's best that I show you instead." Jessica said. They then fallowed her into the living room and Jessica plugged in a camera. "Maria, my maid got it on tape."

After she pushed play the voice of the person came over the camera 'Jess, wave to the camera. Now this is a song that Jess has written by herself, it's called The Golden Light.' Jessica had waved a little, then she picked up a guitar, when she first started she messed up, and then she started over. "See I really can't do two things at once." Jessica said she was about to turn off the TV when Madison grabbed the remote.

Then the song started it was kind of a slow melody.

When you're lost, inside the darkness

You should search Deep within, for

The light, which is golden, that will

Keep you warm and safe.

For the light is the friend ship that you

And I seem to share.

With that love, from our friendship

Keeps the darkness at bay.

And the golden light from our friendship

Is the love from deep within, it's the fire

That keeps the coldness far, so far away.

"This isn't as bad as you said it is." Madison said. "It's actually really good."

"I messed up, besides I think it's a little Cheesy." Jessica replied.

"I don't." Chip stated, they then continued watching it.

So just remember that in the darkness

There is always that golden Light, that

Will keep us safe and warm from the

Cold wind that blows.

For the Darkness, is the stranger that

Is the fear you have, of being lonely

And scared of what you don't want

To see.

Just know that I'll return the favor

To you my friend when you're in need.

You who I always count on when

I am in the darkness and when I

Need, the golden light.

You are my golden Light.

The song then ended and the audience started clapping. "Was this the first song you've ever written?" Madison asked.

"Yes, and it's the only one I'm ever going to write." Jessica replied.

"I liked it." Chip said.

"Me too." Madison stated. "And you can sing to."

Later that afternoon they ordered a pizza, and watched a couple of movies, and then they played some cards and talked. After it was getting late both Madison and Chip remembered that they needed to go to Root core because the others were probably waiting for them. "You sure you want to leave now?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, we have a few things that we have to do, see you tomorrow?" Chip asked.

"Yeah." Jessica said.

"I had fun by the way, and it was nice getting to know each other." Madison replied.

"Same here." Jessica stated. The two then left.

"I like her, she's a good person." Madison said to Chip.

"I know, and I also told you all that." Chip replied. "And since you know her better."

"I agree with you." Madison stated. Then the conversation changed to something more serious that no one could stop thinking about, and that was the Purple Ranger.

"I wonder if Udonna has found something more about the Purple ranger." Chip replied.

"I'm wondering that two." Madison stated. "It would be weird if it is someone close to us."

"You mean like Leelee?" Chip asked. Madison then started bursting out laughing.

"Your kidding right?" Madison asked.

"Like you said it could be anyone, that includes her." Chip said.

"Udonna said that the purple ranger is pure of heart, and I seriously doubts that it means Leelee." Madison stated. They then arrived at Root core. "Did Udonna find anything else out? Or has she finished figuring out a way we can all find out the purple Ranger's identity?"

"No, she's still working on it." Nick said.

"I think it's that Arianna girl who started working at the Rock Porium." Xander stated.

"What makes you think it's her?" Vida asked.

"I was talking to her, she's nice, sweet, and doesn't have anything bad to say about anyone, it has to be her." Xander replied. "Think about it, she's never been in the store until today, and she wanted a job."

"Doesn't mean it's her." Nick said. Then the crystal ball let them know that there was trouble in the forest. "Looks like we have a few pests we need to take care of. Ready?"

"Ready." The others said.

"Magical Source, Mystic Force." They all said. They had then morphed and they summoned their Mystic Racers and they were on their way to stop the Howler brothers. "Hold it right their fur face." Nick said.

"We don't want you we want the Purple one." The first wolf said.

"Too bad, you'll have to deal with us." Vida replied.

"Fine, we'll destroy you now then we'll take care of the purple one." The second wolf said. Hidiacs and Stickzoids then appeared.

"Grr, we told you that we could take care of them on our own." The first wolf growled.

"This is in case you two mess up." Necrolai said then a purple light landed two inches in front of her feet.

"Looking for me?" The purple ranger asked. Then Took out her magi staff and changed it into a samurai sword again and began fighting with Necrolai.

"Look out." Chip yelled as the two remaining Howler Brothers joined in.

The rangers took care of the Stickzoids and the Hidiacs and they tried helping the Purple Ranger but the wolves were too strong and them and Necrolai ended up taking the Purple ranger down into the underworld. "No." They all said.

"This just got worse." Nick said.

To Be Continued...

Please send some feed back, and tell me if that song was ok and can you guess who she was singing about? Or have you figured out who the purple ranger is?