Disclaimers: I don't own Teen Titans, obviously. I only like to pretend that I do.

The velvet blackness of the night was a silent as death itself when Beast Boy awoke suddenly. He awoke without any sort of fanfare - no quick gasp of breath, moan, nor even a scream that was shortened by the realization that it was only a dream. However, as his green irises scanned his darkened ceiling, he knew was completely and irreversibly awake. Sighing softly, he sat up in bed and swung his legs over the side.

The humidity hit him with almost a physical force. Despite weather forecasts to the contrary, a storm front had settled stubbornly upon the city. The dark, heavy clouds would grumble with thunder now and again, but the rain refused to fall. For three days now, the front had lingered like a huge, sweltering dog that refused to leave as the humidity pelted everyone.

Although it was uncomfortable, Beast Boy knew that it wasn't the humidity that had caused him to awaken so fully. Instead, it was the dream that had interrupted his sleep; a dream that still haunted and teased his conscious mind. In all reality, he couldn't really remember many of the actual details - except for the girl.

There had been a girl in the dream and they (the girl and him) had been going somewhere together. He couldn't remember where they were trying to go, but he could remember her face clear. Rather, he could remember her faces clearly. Sometimes, she had looked like Terra while other times she had resembled Raven. Occasionally, she had even been an amalgamation of the two, but one thing had remained constant throughout.

Her name throughout had been Raven.

He stood up suddenly, running one hand through his hair as if trying to force the memories of the dream from his mind. Without bothering to put on a shirt, he left his room wearing only the shorts in which he had been sleeping. It wasn't as if he was likely to run into anyone this time of night. Stealthily, he made his way into ops, the room seeming cavernous and silent with the others asleep. The impressive view granted by the windows that dominated the eastern wall revealed that flashes of lightening was dancing along with the thunder. Perhaps, the rain that had been promised for so long was finally about to fall.

Walking over to the windows, he placed his hand upon the glass just as the clouds burst. Beast Boy could feel the heat dissipating almost immediately as the rain streaked down the window. It almost looked as if the view from behind a waterfall and, for a moment, he felt at peace.

"I'm surprised you're awake," a voice intoned behind, startling him. He whirled about quickly and saw Raven standing there, her figure nearly cloaked by the shadows.

"I just woke up," he answered quickly, "It looks like it's finally starting to rain." He flashed her his habitual smile, but it felt fake upon his face - like an ill-fitting Halloween mask. He only hoped that she hadn't noticed as he turned his attention back to the storm. The truth was, he felt a little uncomfortable standing there in only his shorts with the wisps of his peculiar dream still wafting in his mind. It certainly hadn't been an erotic or even inappropriate dream (at least what he could remember) but he had been dreaming of Raven all the same.

She didn't say anything at first as she walked up behind him, her footsteps whispering upon the floor. He watched her reflection, but turned away again when she came close enough for their eyes to meet. Instead of her, he looked down at the raging waters as he felt the emotions churning within him with a similar, chaotic force.

A soft noise caught his attention, and, despite his intentions, he looked up and locked eyes with the reflected Raven. The water still poured down the window, so that she looked like a pale corpse drowing in the sea. To Beast Boy's shock, it appeared that she was crying. "Raven?" he asked, turning to finally face her, "Is something wrong?"

She wasn't crying. That had been a trick of the lighting and rain - but her deep violet eyes held more emotion in that second then he had ever witnessed before. Her lips were trembling and he could see her entire body was shaking. Forgetting how uncomfortable he had felt, he stepped closer and placed his hand beneath her chin to raise her face. How cold she felt! "What's wrong?" he asked again, "What is it?"

"It's," she began, but her voice shook horribly and trailed off before she continued. A single tear brimmed in her eye with the brillance of a lost diamond as she cast her eyes toward the floor. "I should be going back to bed," she finally said, turning away but nearly stumbling as if she was struggling beneath a heavy weight.

"Wait," he instructed, "I'll help you."

"No," she started to protest, but he aleady had his arm gently around her.

"It's okay," he said softly, "I'm here. Do you need me to carry you or anything?"

She almost managed a smile. "No, but thanks. I just think I need to get back to my room right now."

"I'll go with you," he said, and this time she didn't argue. Silently, they made their way to Raven's room and Beast Boy helped her inside. He had never felt particularly comfortable in her room and all the factors tonight made that feeling especially strong. Struggling to keep these feelings inside, he helped Raven towards her bed and he expected her to sit down almost immediately. However, he was completely unprepared for what was to happen.

One minute, he was standing by her bed with his arm around her and the next, she had turned to face him. Their noses were nearly touching as their eyes met briefly. Beast Boy was aware that his arm was still about her shoulders, but made no effort to move it asshe placed both of her arms around his back.

"Raven?" he asked quietly.

She moved first, leaning so quickly he didn't have a chance to move away even if he had wanted to. He was surprised to find her own soft lips pressed tightly against his own, but he wasn't too surprised to react. He returned the kiss with the same force, as he hands slid down the contours of her back, pushing her body closer to his.

Suddenly, she broke free of hands and stepped away. "No," she mumbled.

"What's wrong?" he asked for the third time that night, her lips still tingling with their kiss.

"You need to leave," she said slowly, as if the words came with some difficulty.

"But, Raven," he began, "I thought-"

"Just go!" she exclaimed, her words puncuated by a bright flash of lightning and the roar of thunder.

He stood for another minute, as she sat down on the bed, still confused by what had just happened. Still, she had told him to leave so he did as she instructed and left the room without another word. What had just happened? And why had Raven pushed him away? Had he done something wrong?

"I just don't understand," he said aloud.

The rolling thunder provided his only answer.

AN: This is my first story like this as well as my first Teen Titans story, so please be kind when you review. Any and all constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Hopefully, if people seem to like this first part, I will have the second section up soon. Thanks for reading.