Joseph Parker had been caught and tried to the fullest extent of the law. All the Jury, and Judge Petrowsky for that matter, had to hear was that he put an ADA in the hospital and killed eleven other people before their minds were made up of their guilt. Joseph Parker was sitting on death row awaiting his execution. Another lawyer had to be brought in to try Joseph since Alex was still in a coma. But every single member of the SVU knew how she would have glared Joseph in the eyes with her icy blue eyes just over her 'glasses of justice'. They even heard that the lawyer, Casey Novak, was going to be taking over her cases.
Olivia walked into Alex's hospital. She hadn't been in the hospital room at all since she had been so focused on putting Joseph Parker away. She discovered the room was full of Get Well gifts and cards. There were so many flowers there was hardly any room left to put anything. Olivia looked at the bed where Alex looked like she was sleeping peacefully. Only it was a sleep that she wouldn't be waking up from any times soon. Mrs. Cabot had been nice enough to share her condition with the squad and it didn't look too bright. The only thing that was letting Olivia know that she was still alive was the beep from the heart monitor. Olivia sat down on the chair that was beside her bed. She pictured to herself Alex's blue eyes that were hiding behind her eyelids. She pictured Alex smiling, Alex in her lawyer mode with her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose, and Alex's special glare saved only for the rapists and murderers. Olivia would hate to be on the receiving end of one of those glares. Alex, even as a child, could be quite intimidating when she wanted to be. As these thoughts ran through her mind she realized something. She was in love with Alexandra Cabot. She had been ever since she was eight years old. It had only taken her this long to find out. But she knew that nothing would ever come of it because Alex wasn't going to wake up.
"I don't know if you can hear me Alex," Olivia told her, "But there are so many things I want to tell you that I can't tell you now. I want to tell you everything that happened to me since the last time we saw each other when she were eight. I wanted to tell you about how Cragen took me in and raised me to be the woman I am. I wanted to tell you how I screwed it all up by trying to find my birth parents. I wanted to tell you how my conception came about when my Mother was raped. That's why she was never able to love me the way I wanted her too. I wanted to tell you so many things. But most of all I wanted to tell you that I love you."
By the time she was done she was crying silently. She knew that she had to move on from this. She knew that she would never have Alex again. They had told them that it wasn't likely for Alex to wake up now since she hadn't woken up already. It had been two months and she still hadn't woken up. Olivia bent over and kissed her forehead.
"Come back to us soon," She whispered.
She than left the hospital room and hospital behind. She went over to Elliot's apartment. When he opened the door Olivia couldn't help but cry. He took her in his arms and led her to the couch in the living room. She cried into his arms for hours, but not once did he ask her what was wrong. Olivia wasn't so sure she could find the words to tell him if he did ask.
A/N: So that's it ladies and gentlemen. That's the end of the story. But don't you fret. I am going to start writing the sequel. But I'm going to wait a week until I finish 'Lost.' I have more ideas for that so I'll be updating that story soon.
A/N 2: There are just so many people that I want to thank. So I guess I'll have to thank all of you. I would like to thank first and far most Javagirl27. She's the one person I could count on to have a wonderful idea when I couldn't think of anything to write. Without her I would probably not be here this soon. I would also like to thank:
To everyone who had an alert on the story:
1. AthleticCharmedOne
2. Bookworm0485
3. CocaCola1052
4. El Chacal
5. freestyler9125
6. HannaThib
7. JennCorinthos
8. KaydenceRei
9. lisa babe
10. LovelyLivia
11. margrocks
12. MeloniFreak
13. Mrs. Detective Billy Martin
14. obsessedwithstabler
15. omegia
16. redhead1608
17. Sk8er-4-Life
18. skyefire
19. StablerGirl4Eva
20. SVU EO forever
22. SVU101
To those who think my story is the bestest:
1. big-smiles-all-around
2. downsouthrider
3. El Chacal
4. HannaThib
5. javalover27
6. KaydenceRei
7. LivElRocks a lot
8. LovelyLivia
9. omegia
10. Payton-Lee-Halliwell
12. vendettaFear
And to all of you that reviewed. There was so many of you that I couldn't right all of you a personal thank you but I will in the upcoming sequel. So again thanks for sticking by me. I love you all!