DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything. : (

WARNINGS: Rape. Graphic. Don't read unless you're open-minded and not squeamish. Preferably you are also equipped with a sick mind.

(begin story)

A Misunderstanding

Part 1

The sky shines with the brilliancy typical of a May day, and the Uchiha wanders under the sun, smiling despite himself. Nobody is around anyway, he thinks—it doesn't matter if he lets his rare side show.

It is an idle day, a lazy Saturday afternoon. All missions had been cancelled on account of the weather being too nice. In any case, no bad guys were out to cause havoc; even bad guys were too busy enjoying themselves today. Sasuke had decided to go out to the training grounds, but didn't want to do any training. His mind has only one thing on it: a certain yellow-haired lad with the most cheeky attitude. Certainly, Naruto could be horridly annoying at times. Even so, Sasuke finds himself more and more often bringing up the grinning face in mind, the happy expression that seemed to prevail under any circumstance. On this particular day, strolling through the woods, he almost faints in shock when he stumbles upon the aforementioned blond, sleeping nonchalantly beneath the shade of a large tree. Sasuke swallows back a shriek, and realizes he should've expected this. Of course Naruto wouldn't stay in his house on a day like this! Sasuke shakes his poor head, and starts to walk past the object of his thoughts, but can't bring himself to stop staring. The precious blond, usually so arrogant, swaggering all over the place and reeking of recklessness, lies sprawled out on the grass at the moment, submissive and openly defenseless. Even though the way Naruto is resting –limbs splaying carelessly, lacking any sense of dignity–suggests his foolish boldness, this is probably the closest Sasuke will ever have of seeing the kitsune meek.

Sasuke ventures closer, and soundlessly drops to sit near the resting figure. The other's mouth is open slightly, a sliver of drool apparent. Sasuke guesses he is dreaming about ramen; what a fool.

(in Naruto's actual dream)

"Oh Sasuke, let's get married!" Naruto moans, happily leaning into the other's arms. Sasuke is nodding when Sakura suddenly appears, sobbing hysterically.

"NoooO! Naruto, I actually only loved you! Please please come back, I don't even like Sasuke, I was only bluffing!" She clings onto him, tugs him away from Sasuke's embrace.

"HA! Ha, Sakura, you fell for it!" Naruto lights up, and hugs her, "I've been waiting for that confession for years--!" Sasuke grins likewise, happy at the prospect of never being bugged by her again. Naruto congratulates himself on his awesome plan, and he and Sasuke high-five each other. Sakura is about to punch—

"Oh Sasuke.." Naruto mumbles, and Sasuke stiffens at the sound of his name, escaping so deliciously from those entrancingly soft lips. What is this person dreaming about? He wishes he could use his sharingan better, so he could delve into the dream and see for himself. He feels his body temperature rise, and he lets his body down to lie flat on the cool grass next to Naruto. Naruto's mouth twitches into a smile, and Sasuke watches with interest. He lets his mind wander, and comes to the conclusion that Naruto must be dreaming some steamy dream with him in it! He blushes self-consciously, at once both happy and embarrassed. He reaches out his hand, brushing away a few locks of golden hair from the childish face. Seeing no response, he gets up and leans over the other, feeling a rush of excitement at this rare close proximity. Since the time he had felt Naruto's lips in that kiss, even though it was by accident, he couldn't help thinking of it. At first, he had tried convincing himself that he was misjudging his feelings; that Naruto didn't mean more to him than the idiot who always got the lowest in class. He couldn't deny it anymore. The last shred of uncertainty had disappeared when he had heard his name uttered so blissfully on those sleeping lips. He dares himself to trace the whiskers on the other's face, and at this, Naruto scrunches up his nose in annoyance. Sasuke is enthralled. Going a step further, he straddles the other, one knee on either side of Naruto's torso. He drapes himself closer and closer, willing to combine his heartbeat with the sleeping boy. This is a lost cause, for he hears his heartbeat quickening even as the other boy's thuds slowly and patiently, entirely at rest. They stay like this for a while, Sasuke delighting in his secret, stolen joy. He knows this moment must end fruitlessly… or must it? His quick mind grinds itself, and he thinks: He likes Naruto, and it is obvious Naruto likes him from the sound of his dream. This is the perfect opportunity to bring them together, the perfect day even. There might never be such a day again. With a courage fueled by lust, he lays the whole of his weight upon the sleeping one, waiting for the inevitable awakening. Instead, Naruto only groans uncomfortably, shifting slightly, remaining fully asleep. Sasuke is frustrated; what kind of ninja is so oblivious to their environment when sleeping? If Sasuke had been an enemy, what then? Naruto would've been slain without so much as a hitch in his breathing rate. Sasuke leans forward, thieving a kiss. When again he is met with no response, he leans close again, pressing harder and harder. Although Naruto's breathing rate increases, he otherwise remains asleep. Now intrigued, wondering how far he could go before Naruto finally notices anything, he slinks his hand naughtily between their stomachs, feeling for the elastic of Naruto's pants. Finding his target, he pushes his hand underneath and is greeted by the warmth of the kitsune's skin. His pulse racing, he circles his hand gently against a forbidden area, eyes never leaving the sleeping face. A slight distress clouds the face, but still no signs of awakening. Sasuke trails his hands around and around, feeling satisfaction at the swelling beneath his fingers. A small groan escapes Naruto, and Sasuke feels his own pants tightening, a need for something sweeping through him. He feels lightheaded as he probes a finger inside Naruto, knowing that this is wrong, yet so gratifying. Naruto shifts some more, his breathing coming raggedly. Sasuke pushes his finger deeper, panting with lust, imagining it to be his penis. Finding a rhythm, he slides it in and out, pleased with the effect it is having with Naruto. The unconscious boy's face is flushing with a pinkness very becoming to his features. Sasuke is fully hard now, and he slowly slides off Naruto's pants, wanting in, in to the most private part of his love. Naruto stirs, hands twitching, almost awake. Not yet, pleads Sasuke, not yet. The urgency of his longing overrides his usual good sense, and he sets his dripping member to rest at the entrance. He starts pushing in, slowly at first, and then with more fervor. Naruto blinks open his eyes, disoriented and confused as to what had awakened him. Seeing Sasuke's face, he is about to let fly a random insult when he suddenly realizes the unfamiliar sensation between his legs. His jaw drops open in stupor, and his sleepy brain is yet to make a connection. Finally, he realizes, but still is unable to believe, what is taking place.

"Sasuke, what the hell?" He sits up, but Sasuke holds him tightly, still trying to get all the way in. Naruto winces, his head quickly clearing of sleep.

"Hn. You're awake." Sasuke grunts heavily, not nearly as commanding as usual. Naruto struggles to push him away, but Sasuke relents, gripping tighter. With a burst of strength, Naruto punches the offender a few feet away and gets up shakily, half wondering if he is still sleeping. Reddening at his own erection and still unable to get heads or tails of the situation, he tugs his pants back on quickly, and readies his stance. Sasuke stands up and does likewise with his own pants, panting wildly.

"Explain yourself, or I'll have to beat you to oblivion." Threatens Naruto, trying to ignore the throbbing in his groin.

"Get over yourself. This is the best arrangement for both of us. It releases stress and we are both attracted to each other." Sasuke growls, unhappy with his choice of words but still unable to show weakness in front of the other. Naruto's eyes widen, but quickly narrow into slits.

"Speak for yourself. I like Sakura, and I have better ways of stress relief."

"How do you feel right now, then?" Sasuke says coolly, stepping closer. Naruto reddens further, stammering.

"Th-that's not fair, Sasuke! I..." Naruto shrinks back, uncertain of how to retort. Unconsciously, his hands flickers beneath his navel, and his eyes lower with vague shame. This moment of lowered defense is all Sasuke needs to rush forward and envelope the smaller one, groping for his sensitivity. There is a pause as Naruto lets out an uncontrollable moan, but he quickly gathers himself and pushes at the other, himself jumping a distance away. Sasuke looks at him slowly, with meaningful determination.

"Stop lying to yourself, Naruto." Sasuke whispers, the words almost lost in the slight breeze. This is quite possibly the most philosophical thing he's ever said, but Naruto is too angry to notice. Sasuke takes a step forward, expecting the other to cutely skirt off again, but now Naruto is entirely awake. Still unsure of what, exactly, is going on, but quite awake. Naruto pats his leg and curses as he realizes he's left all his weapons at home. Sasuke smiles knowingly, aware of the other's weaponless situation. He holds out his own kunai teasingly.

"Kage bunshin no—" Before he has a chance to finish, Naruto is knocked to the ground, Sasuke puffing on top of him.

"No more games. Let's get serious." Sasuke exhales into his ear, grinding his groin through the clothing. Naruto kicks and rolls out from beneath, but before even taking two steps, rough hands enclose the back of his pants, fumbling for the waistband. He feels his pants unceremoniously deserting him, exposing his poor bottoms. He pulls up on it with his own hands, and twists around to kick Sasuke in the head.

"You idiot, what are you getting at?" Naruto hisses, fixing his clothing. He leaps up onto a tree and stands sideways, glaring at the Uchiha below, waiting expectantly for a reasonable answer.

"I heard you sleeptalking." Sasuke proffers, "Just now. You called out for me." Naruto bristles; how long had Sasuke watched him sleep? And just what had he dreamt about? He honestly couldn't recall.

"Damn it—" Naruto is again cut off as Sasuke suddenly appears behind him, and encircles his waist. Naruto bites his arm and punches him away; hard. Sasuke lights upon another branch, wiping blood from the corners of his mouth.

"Don't be such a girl, Naruto." Sasuke growls, "Only silly girls play hard-to-get."

"I don't know what you're talking about! Get yourself together!" Naruto jumps forward and lands a kick square in Sasuke's chest, having caught him off-guard. Sasuke lands painfully on the forest floor.

"If it's a fight you want, fine." Sasuke stands up crossly, the tightness of his pants bothering him. Naruto grins, his familiar self-assured disposition settling in.

"I guess I'll have to beat you to your senses." Naruto is still baffled at what's going on, but the prospect of a good fight cheers his mood.

"Kage bun—" he begins again, but suddenly finds himself facedown in the mud, having received a swift kick in the back.

"Too slow." Sasuke says, and uses this chance to kiss the top of the blond mass of hair before leaping back a few feet. Oblivious to this action, Naruto collects himself warily and looks around for his opponent. Sasuke disappears, and Naruto tries again to do his jutsu. Again, he is knocked flat on the ground. Although his mind is fully awake, his body is still addled with the heaviness of sleep. He is about to get up, when a weight presses him down. A hand intrudes between his legs, stroking him there. Snarling, he stabs his elbow backwards into the other. Sasuke leaps off, only mildly out of breath.

"You want it, Naruto." Sasuke walks circles around the smaller boy as he gets up, "Don't deny yourself." Naruto shakes his mess of blondness, and leaps forward again.

They engage in combat, but Sasuke clearly has the upper hand when he pulls out his kunai. Naruto grimaces as a deep slash bites into his upper arm. The shirt flaps lewdly, exposing flesh. Sasuke grins at this discovery. Soon Naruto is covered in gashes, some deep and bloody, but most minor ones that came from light slashes just meant to slice through the clothing. He groans in frustration, wanting some weapon of his own to hurt Sasuke with. Sasuke, at this point, has only some bruises and scuff marks to show.

"I don't think you'll be beating any sense into anyone." Sasuke taunts, waving his now red-tinged kunai. Naruto gives his cocky grin, even now. Sasuke relishes it, though he wouldn't ever tell him, of course.

"Don't be so sure, bastard!" Naruto straightens, "I'm feeling just fine."

They leap together again, but although Naruto puts up a fight, today is clearly not a good day for him. Sasuke is fueled by lust and need; plus he has a sharp weapon. In a particularly potent kick, both hear the snap of the bone as Naruto's ribs broke. Naruto gets up and leans against a tree shakily, his body tired. Sasuke immediately appears before him, pushing him forcibly against the trunk.

"I want to show you your own feelings." Sasuke moans, rubbing himself against the weakened other. Naruto flails out, angry at himself for losing the fight. Now, he grows madder at the betrayal of his body, feeling his growing erection as Sasuke persistently gyrates against him. Naruto punches his face savagely, but Sasuke only leans closer, the red mark on his cheek unaffecting him. He hastily slides down the other boy's pants again, and frees his own erection from its confines as well. Naruto gasps in pain with his punctured lung, trying to escape the steely arms. Their pants puddle around their feet, and Naruto trips, falling flat onto his back. Sasuke topples on top of him, smiling wickedly.

"You know what happens now." Sasuke murmurs, pushing those thighs apart. Naruto shakes his head; no! There must still be hope. Firmly pinning the other's shoulders down, Sasuke bends his head to lick the tip of the penis. Naruto squirms uselessly, his breathing irregular and pained. Sasuke leans up and aggressively kisses Naruto, willing him to taste his own seeds, to show him his own desire. Naruto bites down keenly, wanting to pain the other.

"How predictable." Sasuke smirks, the flavor of blood sweeping his mouth. He clutches the smaller one towards him and assumes his previous position, beginning to push himself in, faster and more familiar than before. Naruto draws in a sharp breath, not expecting the pleasure. Even so, the humiliation of being dominated didn't bode well with him, and he turns his head, lunging a bite into the arm holding him. Sasuke recoils, mostly from the unexpectedness rather than the actual pain. His momentary surprise is all Naruto needs, and he springs free, slipping away from Sasuke. He can't safely retrieve his pants, which are still tangled with Sasuke's pants. His nude bottom troubles him, but he decides to flee and risk flashing someone rather than being sexed up. Anyway, he stands a good chance of not mooning anyone if he takes a secluded path back home. At home, he will think about this matter further and recuperate.

Sasuke yells indignantly, twisting his head from side to side, hoping to catch a flash of yellow hair. No such luck; Naruto had gone. Sasuke angrily pulls up his pants, horny and frustrated. He has no clue why Naruto is being so difficult. He thinks he already knows sleeping Naruto desires him; all he has to do is make the waking Naruto see this. He smiles; there is still a chance to finish the deed today. Of course Naruto would not charge through the main streets of Konoha—despite the seemingly unabashed nature of that kitsune, even Naruto had some dignity. All he has to do is look through the abandoned areas. Sasuke grips the bright orange pants in one hand, setting off in hot pursuit.

(end story)

So I hope that excited some sick mind out there besides mine! Heh, the next chapter will just be rape rape sex and rape! Surely real rape is sad and surely very bad, but this is only my strange fantasy. I like the idea of two dominating spirits clashing. Reviews are welcome, please!