A/N: Finally, here is the first chapter of the sequel to Obeying Orders. It took me long enough, I know. But a lot of things always get into the way. For those of you who are also reading Covered up, I'm working on that one.

I hope you'll enjoy.

New Rabb Residence

Falls Church, VA

1045 hours local

Mattie was pacing in the kitchen, sipping on a glass of lemonade, trying to get her nerves under control. Her parents would come home today. After two weeks spent at the Virgin Islands, they would come home and start their new life.

In the past two weeks, she, Jen, and the couple's parents had picked an amazing house for them, bought it and moved all of their belongings into it. Mattie, Trish and Frank had been staying at the finished house for the past three days.

'Good morning darling' Trish greeted her granddaughter.

'Hey Grams' Mattie said, slipping of her stool and putting her glass in the sink. She bit her lip.

Trish Burnett-Rabb smiled and stroke over the teenagers head. In the past two weeks they had worked with everyone on the house; and now her son and daughter-in-law were coming home and she was feeling the same anticipation her granddaughter was feeling. 'Are you nervous?'

Mattie shot her a look. 'Aren't you?'

The older lady shrugged. 'Just a little. Harm and Mac love each other, they're married, just coming back from their honeymoon and they are going to start their new life together. With their family'.

It didn't set Mattie's mind at ease. 'What if they don't like the house?'

'They'll like the house' Trish assured her. She patted Mattie's arm. 'Could you run down the store for me and get the cake?'

Mattie nodded, grabbing the car keys from the side table. Frank had given her a new car as some sort of 'welcome to the family' present. Adding that she had gotten her driver license a couple of weeks before Harm and Mac got married, and she was totally set. 'No problem'.

Trish handed her the note and Mattie ran outside to her car. She shook her head and looked around the living room. They had purchased one of the biggest houses they had found, with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living room, dining room, big kitchen, attic, home office and a garage big enough to store both Corvette's, Harm's Lexus and Mattie's new Mini Cooper.

Mac's mom, Diane, had stayed around to help with the house, and so had AJ. Sergei and Galina had gone back to Russia three days after the wedding as had most of the other guests that had flown in for the wedding. Sturgis and Keeter both had to report back to duty the Monday after, as had Skates and Tuna.

Two weeks of honeymooning had been over for the couple now, and they didn't have to worry about a house. No moving in other apartments, hell, no moving at all. Jen had moved too; she had moved into Mac's old apartment, which was settled in a safer neighborhood than Harms old loft.

'Trish?' Jen pocked her head into the kitchen, startling Trish. 'I'm sorry; I didn't mean to startle you'.

'Don't worry about that dear'. She looked at her watch. 'I didn't think you would be here yet. How's the new apartment?'

Jen grinned from ear to ear. 'Amazing. No nosy neighbors anymore and a lot more space. I like it'.

Looking around the kitchen, Trish tried to decide if she hadn't forgotten anything. Everything looked neat and clear. 'I bet you do'.

'Where are Frank and Mattie?' Jen asked.

'Frank went to the airport to pick them up and Mattie went to get the cake'. Trish only noticed now that Jen had set a big bag on the kitchen counter. 'What is that?' She pointed at the bag.

Jen started to unload it. 'This are the five albums with wedding pictures'.

'Five albums?'

'Yep, five albums. We gave every couple/family a camera with a thirty- photo roll remember? I'm a bit surprised there aren't more of them. It doesn't even include the series the hired photographer shot'.

Trish started to look through one of them. 'Where is that one than?' she wanted to know.

'That one is already in the den, in the bookcase'.

Nodding, Trish suddenly started to laugh.

'What?' Jen moved around the kitchen island to look over her shoulder and smiled. 'Yep, that was a moment'.

Josh was dipping Mattie while dancing and had his lips locked to hers. They were a cute couple, but according to Harm's face in the background he wasn't too happy about it.

'Have they seen each other this week?' Jen asked.

'Josh stopped by two days ago' Trish answered. 'They were locked together again the moment he arrived. I think they will spend more time together now Mattie has her own car'.

Jen smiled. 'I wonder what Harm will say to that you know. His daughter having a boyfriend and her own car'.

Trish smiled as she turned another page. 'I wouldn't worry about it too much. Besides, it's his own fault; he should've adopted a baby to buy him some more time to get used to the idea of his daughter having other men in her life more important than he is. But no, he wanted a teenager'.

The younger woman laughed. 'You really think Harm would've adopted a baby ma'am? I can see him going through feedings at 0200 and 0400, trying to calm the baby down… But not without Mac by his side ma'am'.

Trish closed the album. 'You're right you know. Absolutely not without Mac by his side'. For a moment, she was lost in thought and then shook her head.

'What?' Jen wanted to know.

'Nothing. Just some very wishful thinking on my part'.

Jen arched an eyebrow; intrigued. 'What kind of wishful thinking?'

Before walking to the hall to open the door, Trish threw over her shoulder: 'That maybe in nine months from now, Harm will have feedings at 2 AM'.

Dulles International Airport

Washington DC

1104 hours local

The newlywed couple was lazily trotting down the arrival hall on their way to get their luggage. Holding hands and being close had been new two weeks ago, and partly it still was. But it felt too right to be completely new. In their two weeks at the Virgin Islands they had slipped into a comfortable pattern of holding each other just because they wanted to. Because now they really could without guessing for the others feelings. Without it feeling right but "what if…"?

As Harm had predicted, the Virgin Islands had been perfect for spending two weeks making love. They had lost track after a couple of days. Not that it had bothered them, not at all actually. But they hadn't spent all their time making love. They had some serious talking to do. Married or not, feelings in the open or not; there were some things left unsaid and it was better out in the open. When everything was finally out in the open, their conversations had turned over to the future. A future they were going to spent together.

During their flight back to the States, they had spent time sleeping, with Mac using Harm as her pillow, talking, making out… At some point, even the flight attendants understood that it wasn't their second honeymoon they had been on.

Now, they were back 'home' if that could be defined any different than: 'wherever you are'.

'Harm?' Mac mumbled.


'Have I thanked you for the past two amazing weeks?'

Harm looked down at his wife and smiled. 'Why thank me baby? I just tried to give you what you deserve'.

Mac wondered if there was simply anything else the man could do to her. If it was possible to love him any more than she did now. He was so willing to give her everything he had to offer, without asking her anything in return. The past two weeks had shown that more than once. 'Still, you've given me the two most amazing weeks ever'.

Her husband smiled down at her again. 'I'm just glad that I could be of assistance Mrs. Rabb'.

It still sent the shivers down her spine when he called her that. Sarah Rabb. Mrs. Harmon Rabb Jr. Harm took both their bags and tossed them over his shoulder.

'I'm wondering who Mom and Mom send to pick us up' Harm said.

They were probably quite a sight, feeling the eyes of so many people in their backs. Harm was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans with a black T-shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and torso just perfectly. Mac's soft yellow sundress with deep V-neck fell just right around her body. The high heeled sandals made her legs look longer than they actually were. People had been staring at them at the Virgin Islands and they were staring now. It didn't bother them anymore.

'Probably Pap and Dad' Mac said, kissing his fingers.

Harm nodded. 'I guess'.

She was right. In the arrival hall were Frank and AJ. Both the men had smiles plastered on their face, similar to the smiles Harm and Mac had. Mac let go of Harm to greet her 'father' who enveloped her in a hug.

'Welcome back' Frank said. 'You two look well rested'.

The couple exchanged glances and Harm winked at her. 'No comment'.

The little group started to make their way to the exit of the airport. Mac was happily chatting about the Virgin Islands, securely wrapped in Harms arm. AJ saw that he really had made the best decision almost a year ago when he decided it was time for them to get their heads out of their sixes and had ordered them two weeks ago to get married. They just looked so happy.

'So, where are you taking us? His or my place?'

Frank and AJ traded glances and smiled but didn't say anything. 'You'll see'.

Harm and Mac decided to let the men surprise them and leaned back in their seats; still holding hands. Almost an hour later, Frank pulled up in a street. When Mac saw the houses, her jaw simply dropped. 'You didn't…'

Turning the car up a driveway, Frank stopped the car. Then, he and AJ got out of the car. Mac and Harm followed, totally blown away. Mac grabbed his hand as she looked up to the house. 'No way you did this'.

Frank and AJ just started to walk up the porch, leaving the couple to admire the house. Eventually, Harm and Mac decided to follow them. 'Harm, this place is huge'.

'So I've noticed'. He opened the door to the large hallway and they stood there, totally in awe.

There was movement on their right, and they moved into that direction. The kitchen was stuffed with people. Mattie was the first one to notice that they'd come into the house.

'Mom! Dad!' She sprinted towards them and launched herself into her father's arms. The other guests looked up and smiled, giving the young family some time to reunite.

'Hey Mats'. Harm hugged her and kissed her cheek. 'It's great to see you too baby'. His Flyboy-grin was back into place, as it had been for a while now.

After Mac had gotten a hug from her new daughter, they went to greet the other guests. 'Mom, what are we doing here?' Mac addressed Trish.

Trish smiled. 'What do you think you are doing here Sarah? This is your new house'.

Then it finally really dawned on the two of them. Frank and Trish had really done what they thought they had done. 'You actually mean that this…'

'Rabb Residence all the way Sarah. This is your new home'.

Mac was touched in more than just one way. So this was what it was like to have a family. They took care of everything. 'Since your father paid for the whole wedding, Frank and I decided that the least we could was give you a new home'.

'The least you could do was give us a new home? Are you crazy? This house must've cost a fortune' Mac sputtered.

Frank shook his head. 'Consider it your wedding present Sarah. Be happy with it'.

'I am Pap' she said. 'I really am. I just think… I mean, this is the most expensive gift anyone has ever given me…'

AJ sat his hands on his hips. 'Ah, so the wedding was a cheap one?'

Mac walked over to him and kissed his cheek. 'No Dad, that was not what I was saying. The wedding you gave us must've cost a fortune by itself, I know that. Harm and I insist that we…'

'Don't you even finish that thought Mrs. Rabb. The old man paid for the wedding and that's just the way it stays'.

Harm, who hadn't really said anything since he'd walked into the house, started to laugh. 'I don't think it would be wise if you start to argue with him about that honey. I know you're a Marine, but arguing with you father who also happens to be your CO… He could order you to just forget it'.

'Yeah, now you mention that Dad… Are they going to stay at JAG?' Mattie wanted to know, handing out cake and coffee to her parents.

'For now, they are. I pulled a few strings. As long as Harm doesn't make it to Captain he'll be at JAG. Once you've got promoted I'll probably lose you to the Hill'. AJ shrugged. 'But up until then, you'll be in my command Commander. Don't forget that'.

Harm shook his head. 'I wouldn't dare sir'.

After half an hour, Mattie rose. 'Grams, can I give them the tour through the house?'

Trish nodded. 'Go ahead honey. We'll be right here'.

The couple followed their daughter up the stairs. 'Mats, how many bedrooms does this place have?' Harm asked.

'Five. Three bathrooms, home office, attic, living room, dining room and a garage big enough to store all four cars'.

Harm and Mac exchanged looks. 'Four cars?'

Mattie grinned. 'You'll see'. She opened the door to the master bedroom. 'This is your room'.

It was luxurious. The walls were painted in a cream color, and the dark wooden furniture was just right with it. Everything was new, from the bed to the closet, night stands and Mac's dressing table. The floor length mirror in a corner of the room, gave a perfect view of both of them.

'Wow' Mac mumbled. 'This is amazing Mattie'.

'Have you seen the sheets?' Mattie pointed towards the bed.

Harm walked over to it. He started to smile when he saw the embroidery on the pillowcases. 'Why does Mac's side has an H and have I an S?'

Mattie, who was leaning in the doorway, grinned. 'It's the same as with your wedding rings Dad. You have a bigger S and Mom has a bigger H'.

Unconsciously, their eyes traveled to the weddings bands on their hands. In the middle they had two initials engraved. H and S. Mac had a bigger H, and her own S was positioned right in the middle of the H. Harm's was just the opposite. His little H was right over his bigger S.

'Okay, come on. We have at least seven more rooms to see, and you haven't seen the present Grandpa Frank gave me yet'. Mattie led them to her room and led them through the house. Walking back down the stairs, Harm counted and stood still.

'Mattie, you said there were five bedrooms in this house right? How come we've only seen four?'

Mattie turned around. 'Well, Grandma Trish and Grandma Diane decided that they wanted to leave that one unattached. The bedroom next to yours is supposed to be the nursery'.

Harm stared at her and then at Mac. 'The nursery? They're not happy enough with the fact that we got married, they want to move straight towards the grandkids?' He hopped down the stairs. 'Mom!'

Trish stood there with a wide smile on her face. 'And darling, what do you think?'

'You and Mom decided that the room next to our bedroom was going to be the nursery?' He was bewildered. 'I got married two weeks ago!'

Mac put a hand on his arm. 'Don't listen to him Mom'. She took his head between her hands and made him look at her. 'I love you' she whispered.

It was all it took to calm him down. 'I love you too Sarah'.

Everyone looked at the couple in the doorway. Life was going to be good to them. They were sure of it.

Please review! What do you think?