Here you all go, the last chapter. I hope you like.
The smell of burning flesh was the first thing that greeted Johnny and Bryan as they wandered through the park and into the area where Tala said should be the remains of the ex-evil dictator, Boris.
There in a middle of a small clearing was a twisted, blacken figure of a man. They shared a looked and realized that it was Boris.
"Bastard got what he deserved." Johnny sneered down at the corpse.
Bryan looked down at the corpse, his eyes glazed in an unreadable sheen. Suddenly he frown and kicked it, causing ash to float away in the wind. "Boris has official gone missing."
The shared another look and nodded. They will not say another word about this. As far as anyone else was concerned, Boris had merely gone into hiding.
… … … … …
As far as the eye could see, a river of blood. But whose?
Kai touched his stomach to feel this thick, warm sticky substance. He looked down to see blood seeping out of a large wound on his stomach.
Immediately his eyes widen in shock. "The baby!"
Kai snapped his eyes open, straightaway his hands moved to his stomach, his body ached and red hot pain ripped through his arms and legs. He desperately felt around for his baby bump but instead found his stomach to be flat saved for thick white bandages that encircled his abdomen.
He released a half sob and tears welled in his eyes. He pulled himself into a seating position, blatantly ignoring the pain that ran through his body. It didn't matter. He failed to protect his child.
Hot tears rolled down his cheeks as he pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. He'd failed. He can't do anything right. What will Miguel think?
Suddenly, he was pulled from his destructive thoughts when he heard a barely audible yawn. He snapped his head up and looked to his left, his eyes wide.
There wrapped in a blue blanket was a small child with a mop of blond hair. His little hands were curled into fist as he yawned softly.
With his heart in his throat Kai lifted his hand and tenderly stroked the child's hair. The child moved, his tiny little hands searching for something to grasp. Kai let his hand drop slightly to let the child curl his little hand around one of his fingers.
More tears rolled down his cheeks, but this time they were of relief and joy. His baby is alive and well. He stared down at the tiny bundle with a small smile, surprised at the strong grip the tiny boy had on his finger. He had said from the start that this child would be a fighter.
He shifted his gaze from the small miracle to look over to the door when he had heard it open. A moment later his handsome blond hair lover popped his head in, smiling widely, glad to see that he was awake.
"Miguel…" He whispered.
"Don't strain yourself." Miguel replied as he helped Kai to sit up, propped against a few pillows so not too put any more strain on his slender frame.
"He's…" Kai mewed with discomfort, his gaze towards the small bundle.
"He's fine." He said softly, reassuringly. "Spencer says he's completely healthy. He also said that if it wasn't for you protecting him, he may not have survived. It's because of you he's with us now."
Kai felt tears in his eyes again as he breathed a sigh of relief. "…Oh thank god."
Miguel smiled softly. He helped Kai into a more comfortable position before he stood up and walked over to the other side of the bed. Carefully he picks the little one up in his arms and sat down next to his lover again.
Kai leaned his head against Miguel's shoulder. "Miguel. Do you think I can be a good enough parent for him? I mean, what if I turn out to be like Voltaire…"
"You will never be like Voltaire." Miguel said softly, yet firmly. "The fact that you're worrying about our child's welfare proves that."
Smiling softly Kai nuzzled into the crook of Miguel's neck. He sighed as he thought about how lucky he was. With the arrival of their child, everything seems to be complete.
Well, almost. There was still one little thing left.
"Through everything, we forgot to think up a name for him."
Miguel looked to be in thought for a moment, then replied. "How about Angelito Milagro Hiwatari. Angelito is Spanish for Little Angel and Milagro means Miracle."
Kai smiled and nodded. "Yes, that's a wonderful name." He said. He turned his lovingly gaze to the little one and took his tiny little hand in his. "Angelito."
"One thing's for sure, he'll be spoilt rotten."
"Yes, but he won't turn into a brat." Kai chuckled, teasingly. "He'll be mindful of others."
"Yes. Just like you." Miguel replied. He leaned over and kissed Kai softly on the lips. "I love you."
Kai hummed and snuggled against him. "I love you too."
… … … … …
Miguel rolled over in the large king size bed, his arm seeking out the familiar warm body that shared this bed as well, but instead from nothing but empty sheets. He blinked open his beautiful blue eyes and sat up slightly. He wondered where his feisty, exotic lover is. When the sleep laden fog of his mind finally lifted, he knew exactly where he was.
He chuckled softly at his foolishness and sat up fully, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and stretched.
As he ran his fingers through his hair in a vain attempt to tame it his mind went over the last few months.
Little Angelito is already six months old and proving to be quite a character. He had his unruly blond hair, but had Kai's amazing eyes. They even held the same fire within. Claude even joked that Angelito will be a right heartbreaker when he grows up.
He chuckled. Who would have thought that several badass bladers would turn into mush at the sight of a newborn baby.
Miguel shook his head as he ventured out of the main bedroom. He walked past the spare bedroom where Angelito was born and grimaced slightly. He can still recall those moments. The agonizing wait for news, the murderous rage at Tyson for insulting Kai and utter relief when Spencer appeared with news that both baby and parent will be ok.
It had taken him a couple of days to listen to Tyson's apology and it took even longer for him to forgive the World Champion.
Miguel was pulled from his musings when he heard soft humming coming from the kitchen. He knew immediately who was singing and smiled. He crept towards the kitchen and peered inside.
Kai was sitting at the kitchen table with Angelito in his arms. The little one sat on his lap, noisily sucking on a pacifier as Kai gently rocked back and forth singing softly.
Miguel smiled and leaned against the door frame, deciding not to disrupt them just yet. He folded his arms across his chest in a comfortable fashion and let his head rest against the door frame as he let his eyes fell on Kai's slender frame.
He had recovered from his injuries quicker than anticipated, although the wound on his leg is still painful and he has to get around with a crutch, but Spencer said that after a couple more months of gentle exercise he'll be able to get around without it. The damaged inflicted by the knife was severe, but fortunately it's not permanent. He'll be back to his old, athletic self in no time.
Slowly, Kai's gentle singing stopped. Miguel pushed himself away from the door and ventured into the room. "Hey." He whispered, kissing Kai on top of the head. "Good morning."
Kai looked up and smiled in greeting. "Miguel, good morning."
"How long have you been up?"
"A couple of hours." Kai replied. "I think the little one is excited about today."
Today? Miguel mused, then remembered. The BBA was holding a bladers reunion in Japan and everyone was coming. The rest of the Blitzkrieg boys, the Majestics and Claude had to go back home for a couple of days, but will be returning today. He, Kai and the other members of G rev were going to the airport to greet the other teams as they arrived.
"I wonder how many of them know about little Angelito here." Kai mused.
Miguel hummed in thought. "Well, Matilda and Aaron knows, as does the white tigers and lets not forget Oliver and Enrique."
Kai nodded and turned his attention back to Angelito. He smiled when he saw him yawn and open his eyes again. "And here I though I finally got you off to sleep."
"It looks like his too excited about meeting other potential playmates to go to sleep." Miguel chuckled.
Kai chuckled as well. "I suppose we should get ready."
Miguel nodded and carefully removed Angelito from Kai's lap, allowing him to lean over the grab the crutch that he had laying at his feet. He muttered under his breath as he pushed away from the table.
"I feel like I'm pregnant again." Kai mumbled and Miguel laughed.
… … … … …
Kai sat on the plastic airport chairs in the waiting terminal with baby Angelito on his lap. He was wearing a light blue long sleeve shirt and black shorts that ended mid thigh. A thick white bandaged encircled his left thigh as a lone crutched laid by his feet. The little one was squirming in his lap, his arms flailing around as he squealed with laughter. The reason why the little one was laughing so hard was because Max was kneeling in front of Kai, pulling faces.
"Hey Angelito. Nyah!" Max stuck his tongue out and pulled at his ears. It looked absolutely silly, but Angelito loved it as he threw his arms into the air and laughed again. He clapped his hands, clearly enjoying himself.
Kai smiled at the sight before him. He looked up and shared a look with Miguel, who was smiling just as widely as he was. They held each other's gazes, both of them feeling the same thing.
They felt content.
Their silent conversation was cut short when they heard two familiar voices coming from the large crowd of people.
"Easy there, Matilda." Aaron laughed.
"I'm sorry." Matilda said. She could be seen bouncing through the crowds, trying to see if she could see Miguel and the others. "I'm just so excited. I can't wait to see baby Angelito. I bet he's adorable!"
Behind them were all the other teams. It seems that their planes had arrived at the same time, so fortunately, they don't have to wait.
"We're over here, guys!" Ray called out, waving them over. He managed to get their attention over all that noise.
Immediately, Matilda snapped her head towards them and practically squealed. She bounded over and stopped just in front of Kai. She began cooing over the little one who looked up at her with wide, intrigued eyes. "He's so cute!"
Soon after the other teams had also gathered around Kai, all looking at the baby. Angelito merely sat in Kai's lap, looking around at everyone in slight child-like awe. He suddenly laughed and clapped his hands together.
Kai chuckled softly as Angelito squealed with laughter. He felt his eyes soften when Miguel placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and caught his gaze again. After a moment they nodded at each other and turned back to Angelito.
They had each other's love, they had support from their friends and now they have a beautiful healthy baby boy. What more could they want?
Nothing. There was nothing else they could want. They have everything.
"What's with the baby?" Michael asked suddenly, clearly confused.
"And what happened to your leg, Kai?" Julia asked shortly afterwards.
Kai and Miguel shared a look. "It's a long story." They said together.
Aw, it's finished. I have this little voice in the back of my head, telling me to do a sequel, but I'm not sure. I might do one, it all depends if inspiration hits me or not. Anyway, I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this little ficlet and I thank everyone who reviewed and supported me through this. I've received a couple of spiteful reviews/flames, but I'm thankful that everyone else has been so nice. I simply can't thank you all enough.
Please read and review.