Wedding Party - Two

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

"This is going to be fun," Paris whispered to her.

The group had been airborne for about an hour and everyone had formed little subgroups to talk to and drink with.

"Just sixty minutes into the flight and Finn's already drunk… oh yes, it'll be a fun flight for sure," Rory sarcastically commented, watching Finn knock back another glass of champagne.

"And don't forget about the biggest surprise of all. Did you know that Tristan and Colin were cousins?"

"Of course I didn't. I was as shocked as you were," Rory replied, refusing to turn her head to his direction.

"Of course I'm not surprised. They both have the same monstrous ego."

As her thoughts drifted to Tristan DuGrey, her blood began to boil. She crossed her arms and glared at nothing in particular, not believing that Tristan had already annoyed her after just a few choice words.

Appearance wise, he hadn't changed much. Still there was his trademark tousled blond hair and his tall, muscular yet lean structure. But if Rory was going by memory, gone was Tristan's light, teasing blue eyes. They were replaced by darker blues, more serious and not so playful. Clearing her throat, she sat up at the sound of Paris' inquiring voice.

"Rory, champagne?"

Rory eyed the tall glasses filled with the sweet alcohol and the strawberry at the bottom of the tall glass, teasing her tantalizingly.

"Sure. I'm actually quite thirsty."


Finn laughed boisterously at a joke Logan had said and brought his head up at the sound of an unmistakable giggle. He grinned as he watched the brunette chuckling and he smirked, jabbing Logan on his side.

"Look mate, Reporter girl's giggling."

Logan groaned and followed his friend's eyes, "Oh no."

Tristan, who had been eerily silent followed their gaze. With squinted eyes, he could make out Rory giggling uncontrollably at something Paris had whispered to her. In her grasp was a half empty champagne glass and he guessed it wasn't her first and certainly not her last.

"So what if she's giggling?" he inquired.

"And finally, he speaks!" Finn exclaimed.

Tristan rolled his eyes, waiting for someone to answer his question.

"I've forgotten how incredibly sexy your voice was mate. Thanks for reminding me," Finn joked, taking a long sip of his drink.

"Sometimes I wonder about you, man," Tristan laughed.

"Finn here is getting a little tipsy," Logan answered

"Tipsy? Not yet. I still have to drink a few more of these before I get to that point," the Australian burped loudly.

Tristan poured more alcohol into Finn's empty glass, "Drink more. You're more coherent when you're drunk."

Colin came into view, his arm hugging Stephanie's waist tightly. "Rory's giggling," and as if on cue, Rory's girly giggle was heard.

"Why is everybody making such a big deal about her giggling?" Tristan wondered out loud.

"Because she only giggles when she's either drunk or halfway drunk," Finn answered, laughing slightly.

"And we love our monthly fix of drunk Rory," Steph replied, taking a glass of champagne for herself.

"She's more frisky," Finn replied, winking at a silent Tristan.

Tristan's head couldn't help but move to where Rory was seated. In her hand was a half empty glass of champagne and she was talking animatedly to Paris, who looked absolutely perturbed. He watched as Paris glanced to where the group sat before turning her head to whisper a few words to Rory. Rory nodded and Paris rose from her seat and made her way to the group.

Paris ran a hand though her stick straight blond hair before she let out a loud exasperated sigh. Taking a seat next to Logan, she glanced at Rory before turning her attention back to the group.

"You guys have to help me, she's annoying when she's drunk," Paris quipped, "She's talking about the time when she was eight and she accidentally ate rum cake not knowing that there was rum in it. She thinks it's the funniest thing in the world and when I get back she's going to tell me about the time she thought it'd be fun to go skiing but she didn't know how. Someone help me… I'm about to strangle her."

"Love, just cut off her supply of champagne. It'll calm her down," Finn suggested.

"Pariss! Come back… I want to tell you about the time when…" Rory slurred, waving her hand to the group, "When… I fell down…" the brunette started to giggle uncontrollably.

Paris rolled her eyes, "Help me. Anybody. Save me from the annoyingness that is drunk Rory," she replied, glaring at a still giggling Rory.

Finn smiled and stood from his seat, "I'll take one for you mates," he winked at the group before making his way to Rory.


An hour and a half passed with everyone taking turns entertaining a heavily intoxicated Rory Gilmore. Stephanie finished off her drink before making her way to Colin, Finn and Tristan. Taking a seat on her fiancée's lap, she let out a low groan.

"DuGrey, I believe it's your turn."

Tristan stopped eating his half gone apple and stared at Stephanie as if she had grown a new head. "I beg your pardon?"

"It's your turn. Everybody already tried to keep the girl company… I just spent half an hour trying to get her to sleep but she just kept trying to get me to sing with her."

"I can't do it," Tristan replied confidently, sneaking a peek at a seated Rory.

"Why not? You two know each other," Finn replied, followed by a loud yawn.

"Yes but that doesn't mean we got along," Tristan replied, pausing as he took in his words.

"So you two can start now," Colin suggested.


"Just go you big wuss," Finn exclaimed loudly.

Tristan glared at the gleaming Australian before catching a glimpse of the intoxicated brunette once more. Finally making his decision, he got up from his seat and proceeded to walk down the aisle, silently passing a sleeping group of one hostile blonde, one playboy, a fiery redhead and an uptight snob.

Tristan took a seat beside Rory, who hadn't noticed him because she was too preoccupied with the window.

Tristan cleared his throat in hopes of attracting her attention, but instantly regretted it as soon as she turned her head to him.

Her blue eyes widened and he couldn't help but smirk under her surprised gaze. Looking at the chair across from him, he took the bottle of champagne that comfortably sat there and offered it to the beautiful woman seated beside him.

"Need more champagne?" he offered lamely.

"Now I do," she croaked out, offering her empty glass to him.

"So do you regularly drink this much?"

To Tristan's amazement, Rory started to laugh before shaking her head.

"No," she replied, hiccupping soon after, "I don't know what possessed me to drink this much," she laughed loudly.

"You don't know or you can't remember?"

Rory responded by chuckling loudly, "You're funny. Did military school turn you funny? Cause you weren't funny in Chilton."

"That was a long time ago Mar- um Rory."

"You were going to call me Mary, weren't you?"


"Yes, you were!" she exclaimed boisterously, "Don't lie… I don't like it when people lie to me."

"Okay I was, but I stopped myself," Tristan responded, taking a swig of champagne straight from the bottle he held.

"You're disgusting," Rory replied, "Don't hog it all," she stretched her body toward him, extending her arm to reach for the bottle. Finally grasping the near empty bottle, she grinned triumphantly before taking a long drink.

"Take it easy," Tristan half laughed, taking the bottle away from her.

Rory allowed him to do so for she had gotten distracted. Her head was spinning and she could feel her heart pounding a hundred beats a minute. Closing and reopening her eyes, her vision adjusted to Tristan. Just Tristan… everything around her was blurry. She watched as her hand reached up to cup his face, finding that she no longer had control of what she was doing.

Tristan jumped back in surprise as Rory's soft hand cupped the side of his face delicately. He looked around the aircraft and breathed a sigh of relief as he noticed that almost everyone but Colin and Finn had fallen asleep. The two were not paying them no mind because they were busy fighting over the controls of the Playstation.

He turned his attention back to Rory who now had moved closer to him. Her hand was safely at her side but she continued to gaze at him with those mesmerizing blue eyes of hers.

"You smell good," he heard her murmur under her breath.

"Lacoste," Tristan said in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

"Mm, I like Lacoste," she whispered, grinning bashfully.

Tristan only nodded, not having the energy to respond. He was frozen in his seat, he didn't know what to do or how to stop her. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to stop her.

Rory's body inched closer to Tristan's comatose body. Tristan was froze, his eyes darting back and forth to the girl wanting to take advantage of him and his two friends bantering over which video game to play.

"Rory, what are you doing?"

Rory smiled a mysterious smile before glancing innocently at him. "What does it look like?" she asked softly, "I'm about to make you a very happy man. I'm no Mary anymore. That's for sure"

And with that, her lips crashed down on his unsuspecting ones. He sat frozen, his eyes as wide as saucers… not really believing what was happening right in front of him. Rory kissed him slow and teasingly, urging him to respond.

Fuck it, was his last thought before he closed his eyes and kissed her back.

Kissing her brought dozens of memories crashing down around him. One of the first time he had seen her that day in Chilton. Another of their first argument. And another of their first kiss. And of course, another of his last words to her.

He was jolted from his walk down memory lane as he felt her tongue glide over his bottom lip. He opened his mouth eagerly wanting the kiss to become more passionate. Rory let out a soft moan and he had to stop himself from moaning himself before a sick revelation hit him like a ton of bricks.

She was drunk. The girl of his fucking dreams was drunk and that was the only reason she was kissing him. Tristan pulled away soon after that thought.

Rory protested and attempted to kiss him again but Tristan stood.

He grabbed the blanket from under his seat and handed it to her.

"You should get some sleep before you start puking," he replied softly.


"Rory… wake up… WAKE UP!"

Rory stirred softly before opening her eyes. She closed them almost immediately, groaning as she felt the hammering of her head.

"Stop screaming," she whispered, rubbing her eyes sleepily, "Head hurts. Need aspirin."

"Your fault for getting drunk. Now get up, we're here."

Rory opened her eyes cautiously, groaning loudly as the bright lights of the plane almost threatened to blind her indefinitely.

Paris hovered on top of her, "Here," she handed her friend a bottle of water and two aspirins, "Drink these and put on your seatbelt. We'll be landing soon."

Rory drank the two pills and her water before sitting up. Her eyes were slowly adjusting to the bright atmosphere and she took the opportunity to look around. Everybody was awake, seated, buckled and talkative, seemingly excited that they had finally arrived.

Rory sighed before resting her head against the window. What in god's name possessed her to drink so much?

She turned to Paris, "Did I do anything embarrassing while I was drunk?"

She shrugged, "Nothing out of the ordinary."

Rory let out a relieved sigh, "Okay good."

The landing was a smooth one, something that Rory was deeply grateful for. She stood just as everybody stood and grabbed her purse.

Stephanie came walking to her with a smirk on her face, "The vacation hasn't even started and you're knocking back expensive champagne like it's water."

Rory shrugged, catching a short glimpse of Tristan, "I was annoyed."

"You weren't the only one," Paris said, brushing past her and Stephanie and toward the rest of the group.

Stephanie laughed, "We had to take turns taking care of you. Paris was first and she became very annoyed. It was quite funny."

"You guys took turns?" Rory questioned.


"Watching me?"


"All of you guys?" Rory asked, watching as Robert passed her but not without winking at her first.

Stephanie nodded, "We rotated. First was Paris, Finn, Sophie, Logan, Rose, Colin, me and then Tristan."

As soon as Stephanie had finished naming everybody, Tristan and Logan passed by chatting about the first thing they would do as soon as they reached the hotel. Rory watched them, all the while listening to Stephanie name off everybody in the group.

Tristan turned his head from his conversation with Logan and caught her eyes. His lips turned up into a wide smirk before he winked at her and puckered his lips.

Rory huffed and glared at him menacingly before a scene unfolded in her head. A sickening scene that felt far too real to be a nightmare.



I need to sit down.

Rory collapsed on the leather seat, her chest heaving up and down.

"Rory... you alright?"




"Oh god…" she whispered, she'd never been more humiliated in her life.


I'm so so so so so so so so damn sorry!

I know this update has been long overdue and I feel horrible because this story got me so many reviews. I've just been horrendously busy… with school and work and just life that I've been neglecting you guys and for that I deeply apologize.

SO I hope you guys accept my apology and hope you guys enjoyed the update. And I'm going to TRY to update more often… I can't make any promises but I WILL try!

Love you all and happy Halloween to all who celebrate it. Don't eat too much candy… unless you love your routine visits to the dentist!