MILK! Get it away

Disclaimer: I do not own Ed, Roy or any of the FMA(Fullmetal Alchemist) characters that shall be mentioned in the story, or Wendy's.



Ed pressed the snooze button again after he had first pressed it. This time Ed opened up his eyes, to turn off the alarm to stop it from going off again.

Opening his eyes he saw something white in front of him, wondering what it was he sat up, rubbing his eyes, so he could see better.

Finally I can see! Now what is that next to my clock?

Ed picked it up, almost dropping it from the cold, of the glass that it was in. What is this? It's cold like ice cream, and it's also white like vanilla ice cream.

A FROSTY! That's what it is.

Ed brought it to his lips taking a sip. Suddenly he spit it all back out.

"WHAT IS THAT?" Ed yelled.

Then there was footsteps climbing up the stairs, at a quick pace.

Roy then smashed through the door with out actually causing any actual damage to the door. Last time Roy had stayed at Ed's new house, Roy had blown up the door to Ed's room because Ed was freaking out. As it happened Ed was scared of snakes.

"Ed what's wrong?" Roy said, looking at the glass of milk in his hand.

"Why is there milk in my room?" Ed glared at Roy.

"Well this morning Al came over, and well he saw the milk that was in you fridge, then he poured a glass, and I guess as it happened I guess he thought you needed milk 'cause you are too short," Roy said this stepping away from the door, slowly.

Hearing this Ed went into a rage, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M SHORT?" Ed yelled, "Why don't you just drink it the milk!"

At that Roy ran out of the room, blowing up the door. This knocked Ed over and sleeping from the blow to the head. Roy started laughing at this scene. The milk bottle had fallen to the point that the top of the bottle had fallen into his mouth, and now he was drinking the milk.

This is a oneshot, please review, I just did it because I could and don't yell at me it's my first FMA oneshot/story