Hope you like this; gomen nasai for not updating for eons!!! Enjoy reading everyone!!! Domo!

Chapter X


Kagome gasp, she can't hold back anymore; seeing this is too much. Inuyasha with Kikyou. Inuyasha heard her gasp; he turned to see her beside the tree, holding there for support.

"Ka…go…me?" Kikyou seeing his reactions let go of him and bid good bye.

"Goodbye Inuyasha." Inuyasha turned to her again but she is retreating from his presence already.

"No, Kikiyou don't…" She turned her back at him, she has to keep going or else she would end up in his arms again, how she hated being away from him. Kikyou kept walking unaware of what is happening to Kagome. She felt her stomach tightened as she heard Kagome call Inuyasha. Why didn't it feel right? She continued walking barring her emotions.

"Inu…ya…sha…" Kagome struggled.

"He…help." She went on her knees in pain.

Inuyasha didn't know what to do. He has to stop Kikyou but he has to help Kagome who is in such pain right now. Kagura's needles weren't just needles. She inflicted it to her not just for pain but for the poison to come run through her.

Inuyasha looked first at Kikyou before he decided to run to Kagome, he'll find Kikyou later Kagome may die any moment. It was very hard for him to loose Kikyou again but he can't afford to be the reason to let anyone die just like that holding his selfish motives.

"Kikyou, I'll find you." He said looking at her retreating figure.


"She's well now. She just needed some rest." Kaede told the gang. "Where is Inuyasha?"

"He is outside, he's not himself again." Miroku sighed, while the others kept silent.

Inuyasha was worried about her but he is worried about Kikyou too. The last time he saw her, Naraku was brain washing her. What if he continued pursuing her? What if she believed him? What is he going to do now?


Kikyou fired another glowing arrow at the demon in front of her. It hit it's forehead, it roared in pain before vanishing into ashes.

The day she started her journey, demons were drawn to her, but she would always defend herself and the jewel she possessed. She continued walking to the next village for the sun was already setting. She looked at the view overseeing the village a certain hanyou occupying her mind.


"Did you notice?" Shippo asked Miroku. They are sitting around the hearth in Kaede's hut, Sango training with Kirara outside.

"Yes, I did."

"What do you think happened?" Shippo asked him again looking at the sleeping Kagome in the futon.

"I don't know, but one thing is for sure. The necklace is totally gone."

"Who do you think is responsible? Do you think Kagome must have done this?"

"I don't know Shippo I'm going to ask Kagome or Inuyasha when everything's normal again. I guess."

Kagome opened her eyes; she is still weak she sat up to find Miroku and Shippo talking. Inuyasha nowhere in sight, Kaede entered the hut, Sango following her.

"Kagome you're awake." Both Miroku and Shippo looked at her way. They didn't notice she is already awake. Shippo asked her at once.

"Kagome what happened? Why is Inuyasha not wearing the necklace?" Shippo is tactless, he couldn't help it.

"What do you mean?" Kaede asked sitting beside Kagome.

"Kikyou…" Kagome answered weakly.

"Kikyou?" Kaede asked.

"Yes. She broke the necklace." Kaede kept silent. She knew her sister, she knew she could break it to put away he curse she has given to Inuyasha.

"I don't think it's needed any longer. Inuyasha is not going to harm you anymore unlike your first encounter with him." She stood up.

"Kagome, you're going to be alright now the poison's not in your body any longer." Then she walked outside. Kagome is very unusual today, she's down she can tell it, she's going to talk to Inuyasha.

After Kaede left Shippo asked Kagome again.

"Kagome what about Kikyou?"

"I saw her, she is alive once again. I knew it when I saw her with Inuyasha."

Miroku breath in, he knew jealousy was in the air, s that's why she's acting like this and Kikyou alive? How can that be? She needed Kagome's soul to survive.

"Kagome but how? She needed your soul to be alive again." Sango asked her.

"I don't know. But I sense she is alive again and I saw the jewel. She has the jewel that Naraku has."

"The jewel?" It was Miroku.

"Yes, she has it the jewel that Naraku once possessed, I don't know how she got it but only few pieces are missing." She held the bottle that contains the shards, she looked at it.

"And Inuyasha? Does he know about this?" Shippo asked.

"Yes, he knew." And he's after her again.

"He knew? Did he know she has the jewel?" Sango asked her.

"I don't know."

"We must tell him." Shippo told her.

"You do that, I'm tired now, I'm going to sleep now. Sorry guys." She lay on her futon her back on them.

Miroku dragged Shippo's outside. Sango follwing them. "We'll be outside, rest okay." Sango told her before they left. Miroku hit Shippo's head with staff.

"Shippo you are so insensitive. You continue asking her about Kikyou and Inuyasha, and all you care is the jewel."

"Why?! What's wrong with it?" Shippo asked rubbing his bruised head.

Sango explained. "Shippo, Kagome has feelings for Inuyasha and it's hard for her to be bombarded with questions about Kikyou, do you understand?" her voice almost whispering.

"Oh." Is Shippo's only reply.


"So there you are Inuyasha." Kaede found Inuyasha above the tree, he didn't respond.

"Kagome is alright now, she said you don't have the necklace anymore, she said Kikyou is the one who broke it."

He kept silent for a moment, before he spoke. "Kaede, Kikyou is alive."

"What do you mean she is alive? Urasue summoned her." He jumped off the tree to face the old lady.

"No, Kaede, she is alive, living flesh and blood." Kaede gasp, "But how?"

"I don't know how, she is alive without Kagome's soul and I will come after her. Naraku is brain washing her, he got her once and without her memory he could manipulate her."

"What? She can't remember anything?"

"Yes, even me, even you, even Naraku." There was a hint of sadness in his voice; hurt that his once love has no memories of them together.

"Does Kagome know about this?"

"I guess. She saw her." He worried at the back of his head if Kagome would be hurt seeing him with Kikyou.

"Inuyasha, Naraku will use her if he got his hands on her, go after my sister. You have to find her very soon. And she has to bring back her memory before it's too late."

"I'm going to do that even without you telling me." Then he left.

"Inuyasha…" she whispered. She knew finding Kikyou would hurt Kagome. Her sister lives again then she will very soon be in trouble again and Naraku will definitely will come after her."


Naraku smirked upon seeing what had occurred in Kanna's mirror; yes his little gift for Kagome has parted Kikyou and Inuyasha. He stood up facing the window, devising his next plan. He's going to visit her tonight as Onigumo's heart thump excitedly.



She tossed and turned, looking at the ceiling she couldn't sleep. She stood up and grabbed her bow and quiver; she'll have to take a walk. She slid the door open, and was welcomed by the full moon shinning brightly, that reminds her of something or rather someone…

She continued walking towards the n unknown path. She arrived at a magnificent view, clear water flowing, clashing with the rocks bringing her ears the melodies of nature, it was inviting her, very alluring.

She pulled her ribbon, making her hair move freely with the night's breeze, putting her bow and arrow down. She removed her clothes one by one before indulging to the coolness of the water. She bathed enjoying the running water on her body.

But she wasn't the only one enjoying the water. A pair of crimson eyes that belongs to Naraku is watching her intently, his eyes full of lust, he wanted her as she runs her hands on her every curve, her soft ivory skin. He felt himself harden, his jaw clenched, he wanted to touch her. But he couldn't, he has his plans, he'll just have to wait. He cursed under his breath.

Sated, and felt relaxed, tense away from her body she moved off the water towards her clothes but she froze when she saw a snake ready to strike her. She paused as she thinks of a plan to evade this reptile from attacking her, her bow behind it, she as about to make a move when it bust into ashes.

She looked in front of her to see Naraku standing there looking at her from head to toe. He handed her, her clothes before turning around.

"I told you I'll protect you. Dress I'm going to tell you where to find the shards." He said before retreating out her view.

She clenched her fist. Damn he was watching her n did not even notice it. She remembered her moment with Inuyasha in the hot spring, the feeling as so much different at the moment. Who is this Naraku? Damn him for protecting her, and he is actually helping her collect the shards. Will she believe his story? For now she will take advantage of the situation, of whatever he is offering her but she'll stick to her plan. No emotions of her is going to be involved, she'll complete the shards, find her memory and kill the culprit.

Kikyou must believe me, and as soon as the jewel completes, I'll destroy you Inuyasha. And Kagome will be happy to play a great part in this plan.

Naraku smirked at the thought as he waited Kikyou to tell her about the leader of the wolf pack.


Kagome laid at her futon not able to sleep.

No it is not happening, Kikyou is not alive. Even when she was made of clay he is still running after her. What more now?

And the worst was she saw him with her. She didn't know what to do or what to feel. She couldn't just wait what will happen next, it was going o be unbearable. She had grown to love him and she new the feeling I mutual between them, she could feel it in his every actions. (A/N: really?) Yes, he still cares for her, he has to. She closed her eyes at the thought, wishing and calming herself about her thoughts of Inuyasha.


Something is bothering him tonight. Tonight, the full moon is up he is in his weak state, he is human. After Kagome's recovery they will continue to search for Naraku and of course Kikyou. He wondered what Kagome would feel about this, he feels uncomfortable every time he would be caught between Kikyou and Kagome. He has to choose! He has to but couldn't and he hates himself for that, for not choosing, for not knowing who he really wants. Kikyou, he knew he loves her but what about Kagome? Yes he cared for her and she cared for him, they'd been through many tough times, but Kikyou, his feelings for her… Kagome or Kikyou? All he could do for now is to sigh and hate himself for not choosing and for not be able to be with her in this dark lonely night.



"Yes, he has two shards, the prince of the wolves he is strong, I will help you get it, I don't think you can handle him alone."

"Alright, tomorrow I will head there." She said before entering the house she was offered to rest.

"You can count on me Kikyou, I'll always be here for you." Naraku told her before entering the shack.

"Do what you want."

"Kikyou, you don't be so harsh on me, you still don't know if Inuyasha is telling the truth. All I wanted is to be with you, for us to be together again."

"Kikyou sighed. "Gomen nasai. You talk to me of the past when you always knew I couldn't remember anything. I didn't mean to be harsh, forgive me for my rudeness. Goodnight I must rest." She entered the hut.

Naraku's feature darkened as he smirked. His plans are working little by little Kikyou will be used as his presence, Inuyasha out of the picture. He will have her and the jewel.

"Kouga, be ready, the claimer of the shards is back." He mentally threatened Kouga as he disappeared in the thin mist of the night.


Kagome woke up, it as a bad dream. Kouga is in trouble, her dreams troubled her. She will go back first to her house to get supplies before heading to their next journey. She hasn't talk to Inuyasha since the incident. And now she decided to act as if she was not affected, although she was. She has to show it was nothing, pretend so that the pressure won't rise with all of them. It was always like this and today she will not make them worry about her. (A/N: Yes in the series, if she is jealous it seems that everybody is affected by her childish behavior.)

She packed her things, she doesn't have to worry, everything will be alright and everything will fall into place. Inuyasha cared for her and she'll always know it whenever Kouga is around she can sense rivalry between the two.

"Yes, Inuyasha, Kagome said Kikyou has the jewel I don't know how but Naraku has definitely has plans. He will use Kikyou to gather the shards and then he will get rid of her." Miroku explained.

"You're wrong he wants her. He is trying his best to get her, even brain washing her." Inuyasha explained. Sango, Kirara and Shippo are listening to what he is saying. Kagome went out of the shack with her huge yellow bag behind her and approached the group. Everybody fell silent. She smiles;

"I'm alright guys, I'll be back I'm just going to get supplies before heading for our next journey." Everybody looked at each other, confused with her actions.

"So, guys you are saying?" She asked them with calm voice.

Inuyasha hesitated before speaking again to explain the situation. He knows Kagome she is quick tempered and moody, but she is always showing her carefree and childish attitude.

He explained to them the situation. "Kikyou could not remember anything. Naraku is taking advantage of it. He'll use her to get the jewel and when he does, he will be undefeatable. That's why we have to find him soon."

Everybody agreed, seeing Kagome already well and everything is back to normal.


One week later

Kouga bent into the river drinking water. He is traveling to find Naraku with his followers and wolves. His gang camped not far from the river. He is thinking about Kagome.

'What could she be doing today?' He thought of his want-to-be-mate.

"Are you the one they call Kouga?" He looked at where the soft female voice is coming from.

"Ka…go…me?" No, she is not Kagome, he sense so someone else, very different from Kagome. He squinted to see a woman wearing a white and red miko clothes. Who could she be? He remained looking t her, looking at her beautiful face, her enigmatic brown eyes, her face confident, stoic, looking back at him, holding her long bow,

Could she be…the guardian of the jewel!

"Kikyou?" he breathe out her name can't believe that he is facing the living guardian of the jewel.

To be continued…

A/N: Sorry for some typographical error, I didn't check it. T.C.