Love never dies
Love never dies for Gensui 108 Themes #51
Disclaimer: Konami's
Characters: Gizel x Sialeeds
Timeline: Pre-Suikoden V

Sialeeds was not the kind of woman Gizel had ever met in the noble families.

It was true, that on the outside, she was elegant and beautiful just like the rest, and if he hadn't had a conversation with her several years ago, he wouldn't have noticed it.
What differed her from the rest were the blunt and often harsh words she used whenever she was conversing with nobilities. She didn't do it out of arrogance, but she did it because she didn't trust his kind… every single one of them.

He was not an exception.

But if the other noble backed off every time Sialeeds saw through them and mocked them in her own graceful way, Gizel would not. He would participate and play her game. He would always reply her with clever ways so Sialeeds would not be the one winning in the end.

In the end, that was the key to make them get along very well. Very well indeed, that it had been a sign to the royal family to engage Gizel and Sialeeds.

The royal engagement didn't bother either of them. Even after it, his lady's attitude didn't change at all, much to his joy. As a matter of fact, Gizel was quite pleased that he was officially the one closest to the one he adored. He didn't need to search her face in the parties because he would always come as her escort.

She was wild and dauntless. When she visited Stormfist, she would drag him away from castle and force him to enter Western Woods with her, despite Gizel's warning that she shouldn't be away from her guards.

Seeing her daring acts in the forests, Gizel had said once, "I finally understand why a lady as beautiful as you, Lady Sialeeds, did not have any lad who can capture your heart. It seems that our engagement was Her Highness the Queen's act of desperation, fearing that you would grow old alone without a husband."

"Are you saying that you're interpreting my adventurous side as 'wild'?"

"You must remember that you should restrain yourself from dangerous acts that could make you get hurt, Lady Sialeeds."

"Nonsense." She snorted. "And I don't need a cowardly husband. You might as well back away and return to your comfortable castle if you're scared."

"True, I'm scared," Gizel smiled, "I'm scared of losing you."

Sialeeds' eyebrows met in irritation. "Would you stop annoying me, and if you're really scared of seeing me dying, clear the way for me, starting from that ugly Creeper over there."

"As you wish."

And the days of their engagement continued, neither of them complained about it. He would often visit her in Sol Falena, and she would too, to Stormfist… or more to the Western Woods in Stormfist. The royal family, and especially, the Godwin, had seen this act as a good start for their future.

Surely Sialeeds was very surprised when one day Gizel asked, "can I have a permission to kiss you, Lady Sialeeds?"

After a moment of a horrified look, Sialeeds finally said, "but you're not even seventeen."

Gizel blinked once before saying, "so cannot I kiss you before I'm seventeen, milady? I don't know that kind of rule exist before. And we're engaged for one and a half year already, isn't it strange if I've never kissed you before?"

Sialeeds knew that Gizel with determined eyes was not someone she could win from in an argument. She grunted and said, "Cheek. More than that, I'll tear you from limb to limb."

"I still want to keep on living until I'm married and have children, thank you very much." He said as he took a step closer to Sialeeds.

Sialeeds shut her eyes tightly when his face came closer. She jolted slightly when his lips brushed her cheek for a two seconds kiss. Gizel was actually surprised as he raised his face and found Sialeeds' face blushed in a deep pink color.

She was very cute, he thought. And it was the first time he realized that he had fell in love with the woman he adored so much. Seeing her face, Gizel was also aware that he had the potential to make Sialeeds love him as much.

After that, Gizel decided that he would treat Sialeeds with more respect. With more care so the girl realized that Gizel was not only a friend, but also a fiancé, a future husband, and eventually… her lover. If she only expected a kiss in the cheek, he would give her no more, until the time finally came for them to confront their feelings. They would be husband and wife in the future… so waiting for a while before stepping to the next level would not hurt any of them.

He would keep her precious so she wouldn't see any man other than him. If their relationship could start out smoothly, their love would stay strong until their marriage, and after… Their love would be strong, it would not be disappeared; it would never die.

Half a year after, his dream shattered into pieces.

Originally written at April 26th, 2006 in LJ.
Thank you for zeal goddess, jing, and lurk stiltzkin (at) LJ for checking grammar errors; Kupo for telling me to post this in ffnet.