i don't own twilight.

Chapter Five

I looked at this person; I felt as if I had known her before but still…"Who are you?" I asked trying to dig up some part of my brain that held the information of who she was.

She smiled at me as if I had just said some hilarious joke. Then realization dawned on her face, I truly didn't know her.

"I'm your sister." I gasped and if I wasn't a vampire I am positive that I would have passed out from that. "Mom and Dad never told you, did they?" All I could do was shake my head, my voice hadn't come back to me yet.

"I'm older than you, but only by two years! There must be some family picture of me in them!" She was shrieking. I could tell she was upset that they never told me.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to seem mean, but if you're my sister why didn't you live with us?"

She looked sadly at her feet shuffling from side to side. "Grandma told them that she needed someone to take care of her so mom thought that it would be just fantastic if she sent her daughter away to focus more on the other one that she loved more!" Sarcasm dripped off of every word. I couldn't believe it; my parents sent her away like express mail and never said a word about it!

"Wait, grandma?" The legend had just fallen back to place in my head. "How is she, where is she?" I turned around in a circle, half expecting her to be behind me.

"Bella, grandma died. Two years ago."

"But she can't, she just can't!" I screamed. "NO!" Edward rushed into the room to make sure I was alright. After he noticed that I was sobbing in the arms of my sister he left.

"There's something I need to tell you and this is going to be very hard to believe. I'm not insane, I swear, just listen to me for a second." She lifted my face so that we were looking at each other in the eye. "My name is Elizabeth Renee Swan, our grandma was a legend for she was a Verisol. When she was killed she had to choose someone to carry on the…burden…as some people of my kind call it. There is supposed to be only one other Verisol. I have no idea how to find them or where to start so I thought that I could ask for your help, now that you're a vampire and all…"

"If you're a Verisol than you're a vampire!" She nodded her head in agreement. "I will help you find the other Verisol but before we begin, I think you should know that your looking right at her." I smiled and soon she did too.

"You know the legend! You're a Verisol too! Who's your mate, you know it has to be a vampire, don't you? Oh I haven't found mine yet but I'm still looking!" She continued on rambling on like that for hours. Slowly getting to know each other.

If we have found each other than the legend is supposed to be complete. But is it really?

so i guess this is the end of the story, i kind of lost the spark for it. it's set up for a sequal though. i'll write that when i 'm finished with my other fan fic. In The Deep

okies, love ya all!

much love
