Me: The first scene! When they meet n.n Please enjoy!
"Would you be careful with that!" Folly shouted over at his partner, irritated. With spiky, orange and yellow hair spiked up in a Mohican, donning sunglasses and dark, gangster clothing, his appearance suggested he shouldn't be messed with. Too bad he was an idiot like his 'partner in crime'.
The teen across from him nodded impatiently, jostling the brown sack they were holding between them. His hair was slightly longer than his friend's, and green. His clothing was similar, showing that they both dressed to mean business. "I wish this girly would stop wriggling so much already!" He complained.
"I knew we shoulda knocked her unconscious." Folly muttered. "Too bad the boss wanted her awake."
The green haired teen nodded in agreement grimly.
Standing in the main entrance to the beautiful, water rich Phenac City, it was a wonder no-one was eyeing them suspiciously. There were hardly any people around anyway, despite the sunny weather. At least that's what Folly and Trudly hoped. Around the corner of one of the large, white stone walls of the city, a male teen was watching them quietly.
He was tall and relatively thin, but with muscles around his arm areas. He wore a long, dark blue trench coat, odd for the desert Orre weather. Shiny shades donned his head, and black clothing, boots and gloves covered the rest of him. On his left arm was a black and red machine, a snag machine. His sandy coloured flitted about in the wind as his golden eyes watched the sack wriggle insistently.
"I swear…" He heard Folly mutter, "What's so special about this chick again?"
"She can see Shadow Pokemon! Remember that, doofus!
"Hey, don't call me a doofus!"
"Whatever. Let's just get her to the boss before we drop her or something."
The teen behind the wall raised an eyebrow and stood out from his hiding place. "Care to explain why you're hefting something around in that sack?" He questioned, folding his arms. His voice was soft and quiet, but held a hint of danger that made Folly and Trudly turn around.
Trudly swore. "Did hear what we were saying?"
Folly dropped his end of the sack, causing his partner to do so as well. He ignored the muffled cry as whatever was inside gave a surprised yelp. "Well? Did ya?" He demanded of the sandy haired teen, stepping forward and pointing at him.
"So what if I did?" The golden eyed teen replied coolly.
"Well I can't have ya hearing what we were saying, can I? So I'm going to settle this right now so you forget whatever ya heard!" Folly growled, reaching for two pokeballs on his belt and raising them threateningly.
Wes raised an eyebrow but uncrossed his arms and reached for the pokeballs holding his faithful Eeveelution partners. "If you want to be thrashed, fine." He replied calmly, tossing the red and white pokeballs into the air along with his opponent.
Four bursts of white light appeared, Umbreon and Espeon appearing before Wes and shaking themselves in preparation for the battle. On Folly's side, two identical flashes faded, revealing two Whismur, who whimpered at the team they were facing.
Wes's eyebrows rose, unimpressed. Un-evolved normal-types? Those were the weakest creatures a Trainer could use…
Folly didn't seem to be too fazed that his opponents were stronger then his Whismur duo and shouted out the first command. "Whismur! Both of you use pound!" The two purple and yellow Pokemon hesitated before complying and rushing forwards.
Espeon managed to dodge and hit back with a Confusion (as called out by Wes) and caused its opponent to faint. Umbreon, however, got hit and growled, hitting back with a Bite. Like its purple partner, its opponent collapsed and fainted.
Wes looked vaguely smug as he crouched down to pet his Eeveelutions in congratulations before returning them to their Pokeballs.
Folly scowled in anger as he returned his fainted Pokemon. He attached them back to his belt with a violent air and glared at the sandy haired Trainer across from him. As the other teen stood up, his appearance suddenly became familiar to Folly. He had heard of Team Snagem's best snagger, and how he had hair like the Orre sands with eyes to match, and a long blue coat that trailed behind him. "Could that be him?" He wondered aloud.
His partner, Trudly, elbowed him sharply in the side, "we've got more trouble!" He hissed.
Wes was about to tell the two thugs to release whatever they had out of the sack when two local residents came over, curious by the sudden battle that had occurred.
"What's going on here?" He brown haired teen asked, he was wearing a jogger's outfit with a towel looped around his neck. Floating by his head was an equally curious looking Castform.
The woman, brunette like the boy and dressed in a prim pink suit, nodded her head in agreement. "What's in that sack?"
Trudly sweated, fumbling for an answer. "Uh… it's a Pokemon!" He tried to look convincing as Folly glared at him.
"Is it yours?" The boy questioned.
"Uh… no, I mean yes… err…"
The woman gasped. "You're thieves?"
"No! We're kidnappers! Get that? Kidnappers!" Trudly replied hotly, before getting a sharp kick in the ankle from Folly.
"Idiot! Why did ya tell 'em that?" Folly growled. Knowing they were outnumbered, he grabbed his partner's arm. "Come on! Let's get out of here!"
The two ran past Wes, towards their truck, starting the engine and blazing across the Orre sands. Folly's groan of "the boss is going to be so mad…" was the last they heard.
The sports boy crouched down in front of the sack the goons had left behind. He frowned, "aw… man! There really is a person in here! This is sick." He grumbled, tugging at the knot, "man, never was any good at knots…"
"Let me have a try." Wes offered quietly, and the brown haired boy moved aside. Crouching down in front of the sack, the sandy haired teen worked at the knot silently, frowning in concentration until the winded rope ends came loose.
The person inside the sack seemed to sense freedom and struggled to pull the sack off of them, standing up slowly. It was a girl, a couple of years younger than Wes by appearance, with bright red hair in pig tails and bright blue eyes that stared at her saviours curiously. "What's going on?"
"This young man saved you!" The brunette woman told her, resting a hand on the girl's shoulder to calm her nerves. "What's your name sweetheart?"
"Rui. My name's Rui." The red head replied quietly. She glanced over at her saviour and a small rosy blush spread over the bridge of her nose and cheeks, the sandy haired teen was rather handsome. She smiled at him, "can I have the name of my rescuer?"
"Wes.! The other teen replied. He frowned at her, "why did they kidnap you Rui?"
Rui shuffled her feet and frowned at the stone ground. "I'm not sure… I was in the neighbouring town, Pyrite, and I saw a peculiar Pokemon." Her eyes went distant at the memory. "It had this scary black aura around it, and it looked really mean, and no Pokemon is meant to look like that! I asked its Trainer what was wrong with it and then those two men grabbed me." She shivered, tears glazing her eyes.
The woman patted her shoulder comfortingly. "You should see our Mayor and talk to him, about this Pokemon you saw, he'll be able to help."
Rui sniffed. "Really? Do you know where I can find him?"
"His house is right up those steps." The boy with the Castform told her, "and it's on the left. It's a posh looking place, so you can't miss it."
"Thank-you." Rui said, bowing respectfully to both citizens. She paused before looking at Wes uncertainly, "I hate to ask you for more help after what you've already done for me, but I don't suppose you could escort me to the Mayor's house? I'm a little nervous on my own right now." She asked him, lowering her gaze bashfully.
Wes blinked, surprised. No-one had asked him for help in such an open way before, stranger or not. This was the first time he had been in Phenac, so he wouldn't be a good guide, but… looking at Rui's hopeful face he decided her couldn't deny her request. "Sure." He replied, shrugging one shoulder to try and show he wasn't too bothered about it.
Rui's face lit up in a joyful grin. "You will? Oh, thanks Wes!" She exclaimed in joy, her happiness getting the better of her as she bounded to stand by Wes's side and grab his arm in a gentle, but firm grip. "Let's go!"
Wes was too shocked by her sudden friendly movement that he allowed himself to be towed along by the laughing red head. Catching a look of her happy face as she stopped pulling him in favour of walking in time with him, Wes smiled softly in what must have been the first time in years.
The woman smiled at the two as they left and went back to her own business.
Castform nudged its Trainer's shoulder, eager to get back to working out and brown the haired boy ushered it away with a laugh. "Ok, ok! We can go back to jogging now!" He paused as he looked over to where Wes and Rui went, "they sure make a cute couple, don't they?"
Me: Wahahaha, Wes is fun to write, as are Pokemon battles. Review please?