"DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! It's not like I want to do this. It's just…I need the money. Just cooperate and I'll make this as painless as possible for the both of us."

Kagome whimpered as he pulled a knife from his pocket. The whimper became a scream for him to stop once began to slice through her clothes.


The two demons looked at each other and bolted towards the sound of Kagome's terrified shriek. But what they came to was a sight they weren't expecting. Kagome's top, bra, and her skirt were cut off of her. Rapheal getting ready to remove the panties. As he lifted the knife to do the job he was frozen in spot. All the malevolent spirits from the mansion had begun to manifest themselves. The former bodyguard screamed as the spirits entered him, one by one. Each spirit warping his body into something more twisted and inhumane.

Before either demon had the chance to move, this warped Rapheal climbed on top of her. His newly formed claws shredding the panties in the process. His maw went to a breast and he began to slobber upon it and his other clawed hand began to grope the other leaving bloody furrows in its wake.

Kagome's eyes widened and she let out a wordless scream as her powers, in response to the threat, burned brightly. So brightly that all the occupants of the room had to close their eyes. Once it was safe to reopen their eyes, Kouga was the first to rush to the unconscious Kagome's side. Brushing the dust carefully off of her body, he covered her with his coat and picked her up. InuYasha went to the miko's side as well and offered his fire-rat robe as an additional cover. The hanyou looked up and whistled, "Damn I've never seen Kagome's powers do anything like that."

Kouga growled, "It's a hole in the ceiling. She should never have had to use her powers for anything like this."

InuYasha swallowed his retort and the pair of them went on their way back. Both demons' hands shaking slightly. Neither commented on the fear they felt when they saw Kagome in that situation.

As he recalled the events, Kouga's grip on the priestess tightened to the point that Kagome made a small noise of discomfort but Kouga merely pressed her under the crook of his chin to assure himself that she was okay.

Kikyou bit her lip, she could sense both the fear her reincarnation felt as well as that of her mate. Bastion looked to her, "What's wrong? Is Kagome-san okay?"

Kikyou was spared from answering as a bright column of Miko-ki shot up into the heavens.

"What was that pink light?"

"It was Kagome. She released all her energy into that blast. I can assure you the man who took her is no more. InuYasha and Kouga are returning with her now. They will be here in a few minutes."

Yugi looked at this woman who looked so much like his daughter. "How do you know this?"

Bastion was the one that answered, "If what the guards believed was true…she should be Kikyou, the previous carnation of your daughter. She probably could feel Kagome-san through the soul they share."

Once what he said processed through his mind, he started to get angry at Kagome for not telling him the truth. That she was the time traveler he heard and fantasized about since he could remember. He had even confessed to her the feelings he felt, the 'silly crush' he called it. Kagome had replied somberly, "I doubt if you met your dream girl she would be everything you wished for and hoped for."

His mood darkened when 30 minutes later Kouga arrived holding onto a still unconscious Kagome. Yugi was the first to rush up but youkai bodyguard just strode past him and went directly to the infirmary. Leaving all the humans and Shippo to hurry along behind him. Kikyou stopped InuYasha and hugged him. "It is not your fault, my love. Just realize you managed to get to her in time."

Kouga set the miko down on one of the beds there and demanded to have a doctor present. The director had Crowler rush to find the school nurse. The director quickly left when Kaiba had Bastion, Syrus, Chumley, Jaden and Alexis leave the room. Kouga refused to leave but Mokuba did.

"How bad was it, Kouga?"

Before Kouga could answer the nurse came in and unable to push Yugi, Kouga or Seto out of the room proceeded to remove the coats. "Oh my, Kagome-nee-chan! Who can tell me what happened?"

Kouga cleared his throat, "Shiori, it's been a while. Well were you aware that Kagome's identity as the miko of legends was discovered?" Shiori shook her head, she had been on break talking to her husband, Jijenji.

"Well it was. She was taken by one of Kaiba-sama's bodyguards into that mansion in the woods where all those souls of youkai lie in their unrest. I guess his boss told him that to break a miko's holy power you need to rob her of her purity. Because when InuYasha and I got to her, he had removed all her clothes save her panties. Malevolent jyaki cannot resist such a scene and souls began to possess his body turning him into another Naraku. He got on top of her and removed her panties than. Kagome's powers kicked in before he could actually penetrate and purified him into dust. At that time I removed my jacket and freed her and carried her here."

The bat hanyou sighed sadly, "Poor Kagome-chan. First thing I need is someone to carry her into the shower. I want to wash all the ashes off of her before I treat any of these cuts. Kouga, could you go to Jijenji for me and ask him to send over one of his energy restoring elixirs? I would like to have Kagome-chan awake sooner rather than later."

The ookami complied and Yugi was the one to carry his daughter and hold her in the shower. Kaiba stayed on the other side of the room respectfully not looking. "What is this nonsense of legends and demons?"

Shiori directed Yugi to return the now shivering Kagome onto the bed and she began the task of bandaging her chest, "I believe that is up to Kagome-nee-chan. These bandages will need to be changed at least once a day." She then turned her attention to Kagome's thighs where Rapheal's claws dug in when removing her panties. "Jijenji's ointment should thankfully prevent the claw marks from scarring."

Dressing Kagome in a hospital gown and placing her in restraints, Shiori beckoned Kaiba over. "I need to speak with the people in the hall for a moment. Can I trust you two to watch over Kagome until Kouga-kun returns with the elixir?"

Yugi looked affronted but agreed allowing for Shiori to step out into the hall to speak with the group crowding the hospital wing door, "Kagome is resting right now. Kouga has gone to retrieve an elixir for her so that she may awaken soon. The events have drained her so."

"I want to know what happened. She's my mother. I deserve to know."

Shiori's eyes widened slightly when she took in the form the kitsune kit, "Shippo-chan, you haven't aged a day since I saw you last. And you are right, you deserve to know what happened to Kagome-nee-chan. I will tell you this. Kagome is okay now. It seems someone had informed the guards that the one way to make a priestess easier to transport is by forcibly taking their purity. Kagome stopped the man in time but in the process drained her energy. I have treated her wounds and you may enter, Shippo, I'm certain you would like to get to know your Grandfather in the mean time."

The kitsune nodded and entered past the hanyou and the others. Shiori then turned her attention to the others outside, "I'm not certain if I should erase your memories of today like I have already done for all of your classmates, they believe that the speech ran smoothly as planned and that was all that happened. Kagome-nee-chan does seem fond of you. I think at this point it's whether her happiness outweighs her safety."

Bastion stiffened but it was Alexis who came up with the solution, "What if we wait until Kagome wakes up to decide what to do. What does it matter if our memories are gone now or later? None of us would tell anyone so there is no harm in waiting."

Shiori was saved from responding with the arrival of Kouga and the bottle that would wake the miko. The nurse headed in followed by Jaden, Bastion and the others. Frowning at the unexpected additions, she made no move to stop them. After all, the positive of having the people that care about her when she awoke outweighed the negative of possibly overwhelming her. Besides, she reasoned, she could always kick them out if they become too rowdy.

Tilting the miko's head back, Shiori carefully poured the concoction down her throat. And was flung back as a result of Kagome's struggling against the bonds as she regained consciousness.

Shippo cried, "Kagome-kaa-chan!" Stilling the miko in her frantic thrashing, she focused for the first time on the occupants of the room.

"Can someone please untie me. I'd like a bath."

When Yugi was going to mention that they had given her a shower but Kagome interrupted him, "Please…please I need a bath. I feel so dirty."

Short I know but I wanted the next scene in the next chapter. The chapter is dedicated in the memory of my father. The world lost a great man five years ago today and I lost my biggest supporter that day as well.