Disclaimer, I own the random firings of neurons in my brain that thought this story up and not much else.

Kagome sighed as she packed her suitcase. Her mother came into the room, "Kagome, I know you don't want to leave your friends but it would be an excellent opportunity to find out the world that your father grew up in and perhaps you can meet with Kaiba again, besides you said you don't have to go there anymore."

Kagome turned to her mother, "I know that the chance to meet with Seto-oji-san again is great, it's just..."

Mrs. Higurashi sat on the bed besides the suitcase and hugged her daughter tightly, "Please, it would make me feel better if I knew you were somewhere safe, anyways he offered to foot the tuition, personally I think he couldn't stand the thought of his rival's daughter not being able to play the game her father was renown for."

Kagome rolled her eyes slightly, "Oh yes, the great King of Games. I thought the fact that we hold your family name instead of his is because you didn't want Souta and me to grow up under the shadow of the Mutou name."

The elder woman pulled out a box from her pocket, "I want you to have your father's cards, they were in his family for ages they were his fathers and his father's father before."

Kagome opened the box and looked at the top card in the stack, "Dark Magician…you are his favorite."

She then shifted through the stack and pulled out the three infamous God cards her hand trailing over the paintings reverently, she could recall the stories her father, Yugi, would tell her on the Battle City tournament. Her favorite tales had to do with the tournament at Duelist Kingdom.


Dr. Crowler ran through the halls trying to discover the veracity of the rumors that the child of the King of Games was really coming to their humble abode when he ran past two Slifers that he prefers to have nothing to do with. Jaden and Syrus looked at each other with wide eyes as they caught snippets of the mutterings, "So Sy, I guess someone will finally come that will be an actual challenge."

The soft spoken Syrus shifted nervously, "I don't know, Jaden, he's bound to be really good."

Jaden pumped his fist, "I can't wait to meet him."


Kagome hugged her family goodbye as she boarded the ship. InuYasha was standing with the group his blue baseball cap on, "Wench, hurry up with this school thing, I don't think I can handle the runt's whining for long."

Kagome smiled as she shifted the bag on her shoulder, "Yeah, I'll try, if he bothers you just take him to Kaa-chan and when she visits she can bring him. Take care of Kikyo because pregnant women tend to get emotional."

InuYasha scoffed slightly a smile gracing his lips as she climbed the plank and waved goodbye while making promises to write weekly.


Jaden and the rest of the school were standing out at the docks whispers racing about how the son of Mutou must be like. They all fell silent when the boat arrived and the new students piled out. Kagome sighed, the entire ride she heard a boy with spiky purple hair brag that he was the son of the King of Games. She thanked all the kami out there when they could get off and swore that she would need the bottle of aspirin her grandfather slipped her before she boarded. She grasped her bag tightly and followed the principal as he led the new students to the orientation ceremony. The 'son of Mutou' swaggered beside her speaking that his father wanted to make sure that he had the chance to play duelists other then his family and that was why he was there. Kagome looked him, "I'm here because my 'uncle' wanted me to learn the game."

"They call me Mutou Miro."

Kagome arced her eye brow, "That's nice."

She went to sit in her seat and ignored the man beside her. Kagome looked at the other new students and she noticed with slight distaste that all the other new students were guys and kept panting slightly. 'Jeez why don't they let out a wolf whistle.'

A piercing whistle interrupted her thoughts and she smiled slightly, 'Thought too soon.'

The elderly principal covered the rules and then called each student up to receive their uniform. Kagome bowed slightly as she received the red uniform. She noticed though that Miro received a blue uniform which had the other student's in blue cheering while the other colors (red and yellow) groaned. The other students received the red uniforms which the principal explained was denoted them as Sliefer red while the yellow denoted Ra Yellow and Blue was the elite Obelisk class.


Jaden and Syrus both went off to introduce themselves to Miro, but the purple haired man went to speak with Chazz and Zane. Kagome spoke up behind the two, "Any child of Yugi would never act like that. I'm Kagome."

Jaden introduced himself and Syrus when Bastion joined the group, "It was fact that none of Yugi's children have his last name because of the dangers of people taking advantage of his status. He also only has a son and daughter."

Jaden blinked, "How do you know this?"

Kagome nodded silently slightly apprehensive as the yellow clad man continued, "It's in his book besides you met the Yugi when he gave you Winged Kuriboh."

Kagome blinked, "You met him?"

Jaden laughed nervously when he noticed Kuriboh came out and was flying around Kagome excitedly and he gasped slightly when he saw the shadow form of the Dark Magician hanging over Kagome's shoulder speaking with Kuriboh. She sighed slightly when she noticed Bastion turned to look at her, "What did you say your name was?"

Kagome leaned back nervously, "Uh, Higurashi Kagome."

Bastion nodded, "So it wasn't the son of Mutou but the daughter who arrived."

Kagome winced, "Was it that obvious?"

Bastion shook his head, "Not really but the fact you have his eyes and his deposition helped."

Kagome sighed, "I guess you guys are going to tell everyone, right?"

Bastion shook his head while Jaden and Syrus agreed. "I'm sure you have great stories to tell us like what's he like?"

Jaden interrupted, "Yeah you have to play me in our dorm."

Kagome blinked and before she could respond she was dragged off towards the Sliefer dormitory. Kagome was allowed to stop in front of the dorm and she couldn't help but be worried when she realized she was the only girl in the masses. "What's your dorm room number?"

She looked at the piece of paper that was tucked into her uniform, "3225"

Syrus blushed, "Th-that's our room."

Kagome blinked and by the time Alexis came over to introduce herself she had gotten over her shock and was muttering to herself about how her friends might react. The girl came up to the miko and introduced herself causing the miko to jump slightly and smile as Kagome introduced her self in turn.

The expanded group went to the dorm room and Kagome slipped her monstrous book-bag on to the floor with a sigh then a snore startled her into letting out a small shriek. Jaden laughed and introduced her to their third roommate Chumley.

She nodded and Alexis left saying she had to go and prepare for Professor Banner's class. Kagome waved goodbye while she sat on the floor in front of Jaden mentioning she had never played before.


Jaden was trailing after Kagome and Bastion demanding a rematch for the twentieth time in the three weeks the girl has been attending the school., "I thought you never played before, how could you beat me?"

Kagome paused and whirled around her finger pointed at him the other hand at her hips as she leaned forward, "Playing games runs in the family and I am a quick study."

She laughed at his startled expression before parting ways from them heading towards the post office to mail off her second packet of letters containing pictures of the dorm room and the guys as well as Alexis, the one who kept her sane in the sea of testosterone. The other women in the school were too obsessed with Miro to speak with her. She grumbled that she wished Miro was as obsessed with them and would thus leave her alone. The guy and question draped his arm around her jolting her from her thought, "I have something for you."

Kagome scrambled away from his grasp, "I could care less, Mutou-san."

He held up a letter, "So this won't interest you, the postman was looking for you and I told him that I would be willing to take it to you."

Kagome reached for it and he held it out of reach, "I might be willing to hand it over for a kiss."

She shot him a look of disgust, "Just hand it over and I won't tell everyone about your lie. I wonder how everyone would feel if they knew that you lied to them."

His countenance darkened and he grabbed her by the neck, "Who would believe a lowly Sliefer."

He was pulled off of the girl allowing her to draw in air, "This Ra Yellow would. Now tell me, why were you attacking Kagome?"

Fin, yeppers another lovely story, I know I didn't mention the duel but I'm lazy, and am now reading Yu-Gi-Oh mangas to learn and watching GX as well as reading Y-anne's crossovers…next comes Shippo and Seto's surprise visit. Other things they are sixteen and up…I'm updating my stories throughout this week. Don't ask for updates because I need to get ready for my two months in Puerto Rico. Internet use will be sporadic at best none at worse, people read my live journal it gives information pertinent to my stories so that you don't need to ask.