Forever Charmed

Chapter One

Paige smiled as she finished writing her entry into the Book of Shadows. She'd been a witch for five years, but it felt like she'd been fighting demons forever. At the same time, it had only been five years since she had met her sisters. She felt like she hadn't known her sisters long enough. As much as she loved her adopted parents, she sometimes felt like being adopted had deprived her of the experience of having these sisters. It had deprived her of having spent time with her real mom, and with Prue. Now that the Triad was gone, she felt like she might finally be able to make up for lost time.

Paige watched her sisters write their stories in the book. After they were done, they looked at each other with a look of relief. They'd made it this far, even through terrible times. They squeezed each other's hands. They were having a moment of peace when they heard Chris crying.

Piper smiled as she stood up. "At least it isn't a demon."

"How can you be sure?" Paige asked, half-joking.

"I've been a witch 8 years and a mom for 3; I think I can tell the differences in the cries."

"Want some help?" Phoebe asked. Piper knew that Phoebe felt a little guilty still from moving to her own place. She felt like she wasn't around her nephews and her sisters as much as she should be.

"No, I can handle it."

As Piper was turning to walk towards the stairs, Chris orbed into the Dining Room.

"Did he just orb?" Phoebe asked.

"I think he did," Paige responded as Piper ran to Chris with a smile on her face.

"That's my good boy!" Piper exclaimed as she picked Chris up. "His powers are finally coming in. I had wondered why they hadn't been here already. Wyatt had powers while I was pregnant with him, and Mom had ours when she was pregnant with us. He should have had them already. Now he can orb. Oh, God! He can orb. What am I going to do? How will I keep up with him and Wyatt? I'm only one person. Now I have two magical boys. What the hell am I going to do?"

"Piper, calm down!" Paige said as Phoebe took Chris from Piper's arms. "You've learned how to keep Wyatt in check; you'll learn how to do it with Chris!"

Leo walked into the room after hearing his wife panicking. "What happened?"

"Chris can orb," Piper said, still panicking.

"What? That's great!" Leo exclaimed. Then he looked at Piper's panicked face. "That's not great?"

"No, it's great. It's just a bit overwhelming."

"Do you think his telekinesis is active yet?" Paige asked.

"Let's see," Leo said as he grabbed one of Chris's toys. He placed the toy about five feet away. He turned to Chris who was now on the floor. "Can you move this toy to you?"

Chris looked blankly at his father. Leo motioned for Chris to move the toys with his fingers. Chris lifter his hand and mimicked his father. The toy quickly came to him.

"Whoa! He's not supposed to be able to do that yet, is he?" Piper asked, quite shocked at her son's new powers. "Powers are supposed to come slowly."

"Actually," Leo said as he stood up completely, "he's been able to do that for a while. He just needs some encouragement."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, I wanted to show you when I thought the time was right. Then, I was taken by the Angel of Destiny, and I didn't get the chance."

"I'm his mother. I deserved to know about my son's powers."

"Yeah, Leo," Phoebe said as she looked back at forth between Piper and Leo. "We need to know these things."

"Sorry," Leo said, looking dejected.

"It's okay, honey. I would just like to know these things a little sooner."

"Next time, I'll—"

"Next time?" Paige started. "Didn't adult Chris only have two powers?"

"As far as we know," Phoebe nodded.

"That isn't really fair," Piper started. "Wyatt gets all of these powers and Chris only gets two? Is this some kind of joke?"

"Piper, does it really matter?"

"I don't know. I just want my boys to be able to protect themselves."

"Considering how powerful he was as his future self, I'd say he's going to be pretty damn powerful," Paige blurted out.

"This is true," Piper agreed. "I just feel like a terrible mother for not noticing."

"Piper, you're not a terrible mother," Paige began. "You're like a thousand times better than Britney Spears."

"I think crack whores are better than her," Phoebe chimed in.

"So, am I in the class with them now?"

"Absolutely not," Leo said as he took Piper's hand in his. Confusion came over his face. "What did Britney do?"

"It's a long story," Paige responded with a smirk.

"That bad?"

The girls smiled as they looked at each other.

Meanwhile, Billie was sitting in her dorm room looking at pictures of Christy.

"Why did you do this?" Billie sobbed. "Why did you manipulate me? We were sisters! I trusted you. You made me kill Paige and Phoebe. Then, I had to kill you. Why did you have to do this?"

Billie stared at a picture of the two of them when they were younger. She was looking at the face of someone who would betray her; the face of someone who she loved all of her life. She couldn't help but wonder if their parents' deaths had anything to do with Christy's actions.

Billie tried to gather her strength. She stood up and walked to the door. She needed to be with family right now. The only family she had now was the Halliwells. She hoped that they'd forgiven her, especially Piper. Using Wyatt to try and kill the girls had caused a huge rift between the two of them. She knew she had to earn back their trust. After all, she needed her sisters back.