Disclaimer: Anything you recognize from the Harry Potter books and/or movies is not mine.

A/N: Finally, the long-awaited sequel! It was kind of tough getting into the hang of writing this once I've been neglecting it for so long, but I'm getting there. Just in case you're wondering, the narration will change from first person to third. It's only the beginning that's different. And Please note that updates may take a while - If you're a previous reader or a reader of my other stories, you may know why, and if not, you may ask. I wont bother everyone with my life. So anyways, here you go - chapter one, of Time Warped! - Min

Time Warped

By: xScenex

Life's full of challenges. I learned that the hard way. Through life, death, sorrow, and happiness, we all go through a cycle of bending turns that each lead to something more drastic than the previous ones.

I'm sure that for some people, the tables are easier to place than others. But everything in my life was something of a trail; as were my friends'. Did we pass? Will we pass?

I've thought about this a lot. I'm not sure how the outcome will be, but I hope for the best. Well, as good as the 'best' can get us. I've screwed up big time, but things can be mended.

That's what they say and I believe that they are right. As long as I mold things into what they were before, there shouldn't be any rips in the fabric of life. But that's a hard sacrifice to make. Because I've saved lives that weren't supposed to continue their span, and I've killed some that shouldn't have died.

Maybe it's impossible. I've already changed things too much. I guess it can't be forgiven, but it wasn't exactly my fault that everything happened the way it did. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to that day, the one of the Ball and stop Draco from sending me back in time.

But the laws of time travel say that even if I wanted to try and go back in time to that day and into my old life, I couldn't. The time turner would just continue going back in time, as if I were part of that other past and skip the 'change in time' fact. It's like I've always been in this era.

I wish I could see my friends again, the old, and the new. I wish even more that I could see Remus - I doubt he'd want to see me, though. God only knows what he thinks of me now.

They all thought I was a traitor. They all hated me. They still might, but I can't be for sure. I just want to be able to see someone - almost anyone again. But mainly just my love.

Sitting here, in the dark, isn't my favorite past time. This chill, dire cold makes me feel imprisoned in my own soul - which I guess you could kind of say I am.

Because Azkaban isn't a fun place.

I hear their screams all the time, as the Dementor's pass their cells. I hear my own screams of distress as well. I might even be going crazy.

I see his face, when they come by, pleasant as he dies in my arms in that white, white wonderland. I see my love's face, wrought in distress as I reach out to him one last time before they take me away. Did he really care then, that spring day as the rain fell down like cold tears?

I feel my heart tear ever so slightly at the edges when I think of his face, his smile.. He was my everything, and I fear that he still is. Maybe he will come and save me from this place.

I was wrongly put here, in any case. Maybe he'll find out that they were all wrong. But could I forgive him? Maybe. I guess that depends on if he ever loved me, and if he still does.

Because I still love him, even as I say it aloud that I don't. I say it often, to see if I can trick myself into believing it, but it never worked. It's so hard to not see him when the demons pass my cell.

Speaking of which, I can hear them coming. And there's voices with them. I think it's inspection time. I should go crawl in a corner and pretend to not be here - physically and mentally.

I do crawl, in the dark and on hands and knees - it all reminds me of when I was captured by Voldemort after he put me in that cell with him. I don't say his name, scared of what the Dementor's will feed me when they come close. I try to forget. I try to push those memories away at all times. I think those are the ones that hurt the most.

I huddle in that far corner on an old pile of straw. It smells old, and feels old under my bare feet, but I don't mind. It's more comforting than the cold stone of the rest of the cell.

I feel a deep chill suddenly fill the surrounding area, and I shiver. Here they come; here they be.

I close my eyes and wait for those old memories to unfold before my very eyes. Those ones I don't want to see.

But they don't come as quickly as usual, or even at all. Instead, I hear something pleasant. Am I imagining it? That angelic voice that I've longed to hear for so long? He speaks my name, calmly and quietly.

He repeats himself, and I smile. I'm feeling awfully desperate, but what is this bad memory? I wish I could remember it.

I hear my name being spoken again, this time, more loudly. I now hear footsteps. This isn't right - or wrong, whichever way you look at it. I shouldn't hear things so real.

I open my eyes. And I stare in wonder at what I see.

I see him, my love, in all his glory. And I've never felt more love for him before than I do now. Has he come to rescue me? Or am I just imagining this? Did I finally go insane?

If I did, I like this.

He kneels, hands outstretched for me. I hesitate. What does he want from me? A hug? Forgiveness? I could give him both - but I don't know if I can make myself move.


I want to speak his name, as well, but I cant find my voice.

"Hermione, how are you?"

Funny question. I just nod at him, hoping he gets the picture of what I feel. I'm only happy to see him. I don't know what I look like, right now. Do I look happy? Sad? I kind of feel like both.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered to me, face wrought with despair.

I wonder what he's thinking. I move my mouth, hoping to be able to speak to him. I'm only able to manage a weak version of his name.

His eyes glisten with tears after a moment and he moves forward and hugs me tightly.

I welcome the warm hug - actually, the warmth feels scolding, but I love it. I breathe in deeply, and realize just how nice he smells. This has to be a dream.

I feel tears in my eyes now. I don't want him to go away. I don't want to forget the small details again. And when he pulls away, I try to cling desperately to him. I can't take another depart from him.

"Don't leave," I rasp out. I haven't had anything to drink for a while. I'm not even sure if my words are audible.

"I have to," he told me. I felt tears form in my eyes again, stinging harshly. I think that even a few of them fell down my cheeks. But he continues talking seconds later, after he sees my tears. "But you're coming with me."

I stare dumbly at him now. What did he just say? Did he just tell me that I'm going with him? Does that mean I'm leaving?

He takes me by the underarms and heaves me to my feet. I take that as a yes. I feel oddly off balance and I sway. I'm too confused to bother trying to balance myself, but he helps me with one arm that's encircled around my waist.

He holds me close, and I'm grateful. This is obviously real, I tell myself in my mind. It feels too real compared to anything else.

As soon as he leads me out of the cell, I realize that there are two guards with us. And the Dementors are no where near us, but they are close by - I can feel that small invading chill on the outer parts of my soul.

I stare wide-eyed at everyone and everything, and I question them all. Why? They shake their heads, the guards do.

I turn to my love. He just shakes his head sadly, and mouths 'I'm sorry.'

What is he so sorry about? Leaving me here, to rot away? For not believing me? I guess I can forgive him, even a bit. But he still has a lot to make up for.

I call his name out, testing the sound on my tongue. I realize that I haven't said his name much, and even minutes ago, when I whispered his name, it sounded slightly foreign to me. But I like the sound.

He stares at me, and I just smile slightly. I love him, and I hope he knows that. I don't look around me, as we pass the other cells. I don't want to put faces to the screams I hear. Instead, I look at him.

He doesn't look at me, though. I think he's scared. Actually, I know he is. He's scared that I might hate him.

And truthfully, any normal person would. But I guess I'm not normal.

We continue walking, for a long time. I can handle that, but I feel awfully tired now. I don't get much exercise.

But that doesn't matter much, because now he's here to help me. And he does - when I feel myself stumbling too much, he scoops me up in his arms. He doesn't care that I'm filthy, or that I probably smell horrible. He doesn't care about anything but just me. Well, that's what I think. Either way, I don't care. I'm just happy he's here with me.

I can see a light up ahead. Is that the door leading to the bridge that crosses to the main guard shack? I stare with hooded eyes as we get closer, and everything seems blinding.

I'm not used to so much light - sure, there was some in my cell from the small slits way up near the ceiling. But there wasn't enough light to even read by.

So I squint and shield my eyes as we pass through the archway. After a few seconds of moving along the bridge, I slowly open my eyes to the outside world.

And I fall in love with it all over again. I forgot what real air smelled like, even if it did smell of brine and rotting wood from the planks of the bridge below. I see the sky above with wide eyes - a light grey with a promise of rain. I feel the wind on my skin. It feels nice, and I breathe in deeply.

I've been waiting for this for so long. I outstretch my arms, not really caring that I almost hit my love in the shoulder. I feel the air between my fingers, as I reach for the sky. I only care about one thing.

I'm finally free.

A/N: I know that this is probably confusing, but I guess I'll explain a bit. This is way after the other story Hermione has been imprisoned, that parts a bit obvious, because of the whole 'time-thing gone wrong'. And there wasn't any way for Remus, or James and Lily to stop them from taking her away. And here, Remus (bet you couldn't guess that -sarcasm-) comes to save her after they clear her name.

It'll all become more clearer later on. And this is the only chapter that's ever going to be in first person - I can't write it very well, but I thought that it would be a good way to describe her feelings right now.

So what did you think? Note: Next chapter is going to go back to soon after Seasons Change. This is more of an epilogue. X3 Anyways, thanks for reading!