Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the film 'Lords of Dogtown.' But I do own the made up characters!

A/N: I decided to start this new story. I'm kind of stuck on 'No Reason,' but don't worry I should have a new chapter up soon. So for now enjoy 'Color Outside the Lines.' Please read and review! I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a bunch! Also visit my bio to view pictures of how the characters look, if you want to of course.

Chapter 1: Vietnam and Nuns

Erin Roarke got off the plane that landed in Venice, California. She pushed her dark brown hair out of her face revealing her dark brown eyes to match and she smiled at the flight attendant. "Hope you had a safe trip," the flight attendant put on a fake smile as she usually did. Erin blew a bubble with her chewing gum and popped it near the attendant's face.

"Yeah. I sort of did," she answered. "I just didn't appreciate the fact that this girl with red hair kept giving me ugly looks for no apparent reason," Erin said sarcastically shaking her head. The flight attendant had the red hair and was the one giving Erin ugly looks. Erin kept bugging her for water and peanuts, the attendant had had enough of Erin. Erin pinched her cheek and smirked. "Other than that, I will tell my friends about this airline," she strolled over to where the luggage was. She could feel the flight attendant's glare; she whirled around and stuck her tongue out at her like a child. The flight attendant had enough of Erin's antics and stuck her tongue out as well; unfortunately her boss saw her and called her over. Erin couldn't help but laugh loudly. "That's 6 people I've gotten fired. Damn I'm on a roll," she threw her arms up victoriously.

"Hey girlie," she heard a familiar voice and whirled around to see her brother holding a bouquet of daisies.

"Ah! Charlie," she shrieked and ran over to her brother. She threw her arms around him nearly squashing the bouquet and he lifted her up. "I'm so glad you're back," she smiled. He put her down and smiled at her. They softly bumped heads like when they were children. "So how was Nam," she asked as she grabbed her bags. Charlie shrugged.

"It was war Erin, how do you think," he grinned and took her bags from her. She jumped on his back; he nearly fell but caught his balance. He carried her and the bags to the car. When they got outside she jumped down and he opened the trunk to his car.

"Well I know it sucks ass," she took her bags from him and threw them in the trunk. "Ask me about boarding school. Ask me," she begged excitedly.

"How was boarding school," he asked not sounding enthusiastic. She grinned from ear to ear.

"It sucked ass! So I made it interesting," she smirked and waited for Charlie to open the car door. He locked the trunk and unlocked the door on the driver's side. He got in and slid over the seat to unlock the passenger side. She opened the door and slid in. "Well first off I put a nun's habit, I think that's what they are called, on fire. Then I popped my gum in church during praying time. I never wore my uniform properly. You know what that means right," she turned her body so her back could be leaning against the door and she stretched out her legs across her brother's lap.

"No, please tell me," Charlie grinned as he started the car and headed to their house.

"I'm not going back to that hell hole!" she shrieked clapping her hands. "Woohoo!" she threw her arms up. Charlie laughed and turned on the radio. Nazareth came blaring out from the speakers; Charlie and Erin couldn't help but sing along.

Now you're messin' with a
A son of a bitch
Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch
Now you're messin' with a
A son of a bitch
Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch

Charlie and Erin arrived at their house. Erin opened the door and did a tumble to get out of the car since her back was leaning against the door. Luckily she landed on her feet. "Home sweet home," she stretched her arms across her small body. Charlie got out of the car and went to get her luggage. "Yeah you can carry my crap," she smirked at her brother as she sprinted up the porch. She waited for Charlie to reach the porch to unlock the front door.

"Thanks for your help," he said tossing her stuff at her feet.

"Anytime bro," she smiled winking at him and picked up the bags. "It's not like they are that heavy anyway," she shook her head and followed Charlie inside. He placed the car keys on the table by the door. Erin hurried to her room. She pushed open the door. "Aw how I've missed you," she threw her stuff in the corner and ran towards her bed. She landed on her bed bouncing up a little. Charlie leaned against the door frame and grinned at his sister. "I love my room. It isn't like a prison, well minus the burglar bars you added!" she yelled and shot up. "Charlie!" she opened her curtain to reveal black burglar bars on her window. "What the hell," she glared at him.

"Neema said to," Charlie shrugged. Neema was the name of their evil stepmother. Their father and real mother divorced when Erin was only 6, he didn't start dating till Erin turned 10 and that's when he met Neema. Erin cringed at the name.

"I hate her," she muttered under her breath. "Can you take them off please," she rushed over to her brother and put on her puppy eyed face. Charlie rolled his eyes.

"No," he said. "I think it's a good idea to have them there. I don't need to worry about you sneaking out in the middle of the night," he pointed out and headed to the living room.

"Chaaarrrrlie," she whined and followed him. "I haven't been here for over 2 years and how do you know I haven't changed my ways," she jumped in front of him and stood on her tiptoes to be in his face.

"Errrriiiin," he mocked her. "You just told me in the car that you set a nun on fire," he shook his head and plopped down on the couch.

"Only her habit," Erin crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow. Charlie let out a laugh and shook his head. "Argh!" she stormed off to her room slamming her door. At that exact moment Neema walked in.

"Erin's home," Neema sighed and went to the kitchen with the bags of groceries.

"Yup," Charlie picked up the newspaper from the coffee table.


Erin grabbed her skateboard from her closet and ran her hand over it as if it was a porcelain doll. It was made of thick wood and had stickers on the back of the deck. She hadn't rode on one since she left to boarding school. She sighed and sat down on her bed still holding the skateboard. She glanced at her surfboard resting against the wall next to her poster of The Beatles. She hadn't surfed either. She bit her lip and decided to go see certain people. She went to her bag and pulled out a pink tank top. She searched and found her plaid skirt. She took a pair of scissors and cut the plaid skirt so it would be half way up her thigh. She took out a blue vest and put it on. Finally she slipped on her black converse. She looked at herself in the mirror and put her hair up in a messy bun. She grabbed a couple of her beaded necklaces and threw them on. She slipped on some bangles to cover her peace tattoo. (Neema would've killed her if she found out that she had tattoo.) She opened her door slowly and grabbed her skateboard before she walked out. She crept out of her room to the front door. She peeked in the living room to see her brother asleep on the coach watching static on the television. She stifled her laughter and went to the door. "Be back before 3," he said groggily knowing it was her.

"Fine," she whispered to him and opened the door. She snuck out and skated down the sidewalk to a familiar house. She stopped in front of the house that had blaring music. She looked at it and grinned to herself. She knew if she walked in they wouldn't recognize her. She had changed so much from when they last saw her. She stepped up the porch steps and was greeted by a fog of smoke coming from the mouth of Tony Alva.

"Hey," Tony smirked at her.

"Well it's nice to know that you haven't changed," she said sarcastically and crossed her arms. Tony's mouth dropped as he glanced at Erin up and down.

"Holy shit, Erin," Tony embraced her. She laughed and hugged him back. "Damn girl," he looked at her one last time. She threw her arms up as if she was posing. "Hey guys!" Tony yelled inside trying to get the attention of the others. They all came out.

"Fuck, Erin. Never thought I'd see you again," Biniak announced and hugged her quickly allowing the others to embrace her.

"Hey chic," Peggy smiled and they did their little handshake.

"You look hot," Wentzle grinned and pushed her gently.

"You don't look like a guy anymore," Shogo teased as he hugged her.

"Nice to see you home," Stacy smiled and hugged her. She smiled at Stacy.

"Okay let me hug her now," Red Dog announced and made his way to Erin. She smiled and kissed him. They had been dating for over 3 years, including the years she went to boarding school. She would come to Venice on holidays but rarely since she was always swamped with work and detention. Plus Neema would never cough up the cash to fly her over. "Miss me," he smirked.

"Yeah," she hugged him and kissed him again. She glanced around looking for the infamous Jay Adams. Jay ran up the stairs and jumped on Erin's back. "Ah," she said but was able to catch her balance. "Nice to see you too," she smirked and looked at Jay.

"Nice to see you cleaned up," Jay said and jumped off her back. He stood in front of her and gave her hug.

"Yeah she cleaned up nice," Red Dog teased as he put his arms around her shoulders from behind giving her a kiss on her cheek. Erin smiled and glanced at Jay. He glanced at her and then looked at everyone.

"Let's get drunk," Jay raised his eyebrows. Everyone agreed and went inside the house. Red Dog and Erin went inside hand in hand. He then put his arm around her shoulders and was just glad to have his girlfriend back. Red Dog had been looking around at the other girls but he never really got involved with anyone else, well intimately anyway. Jay poured himself some beer and drank from the cup. He couldn't help but watch Red Dog and Erin giggling amongst themselves. "Dude they look like chicks blabbing about nothing," he said to Stacy. Stacy turned around and shrugged.

"They're just happy," Stacy said in their defense.

"Yeah whatever," Jay sounded disappointed that Stacy disagreed with him.