A/N: The last part! Sorry it took so long. Actually, I had it written about a week ago; I guess I wanted to make you guys sweat… Plus when I wanted to upload it ff.net was down! J Please read and review. I hope you like it!

"Where are you taking me? And why?" Dr. Johnson asked the boy again.

The boy just stared out into space, mumbling something about not getting the fun part. He turned to Dr. Johnson. "Something came up. You're going where you're going!"

Dr. Johnson sighed hoped his office at the church wasn't getting robbed. He had left the door wide open and everything. Then he scorned himself for thinking it, not having any trust in the good intentions of people. Well, why should he? He was being kidnapped, wasn't he?


"Miss Granger, do you?" the priest asked once more. Hermione looked at him, confused. What? Then she realized that she was at her wedding, before hundreds of people, getting married. She was wearing her white, satin wedding dress. Ginny, Maggie, and Iris were standing to her side in their frilly lavender dresses she had picked out, not listening to David's objecting. David stood next to her, holding her hand; she couldn't feel any warmth or excitement radiating from his hand. Next to David was Ron and Harry. Oh, Harry. It's been an odd few days for us, hasn't it? She glanced at David; he was smiling a tight, and a bit forced, smile. She turned to look at Harry. He's in love with someone else, she thought. Give up on him. Let go. Let go of the past, when you used to love him. It'll never happen. It'll never be the way I want it to be. If I say no, Harry won't love me anymore than he does now; all I'll do is lose David, the only person who's ever loved me.

"Do I what?" she asked, biding time. Most of the people on David's side of the church sighed loudly.

The priest grinned mischievously. "Do you, Hermione, take this man for your husband, to have and to hold, to love and obey, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health?" There was something about his voice that made chills run up her spine, kind of a deja vu.

She looked once more at Harry. Let go, move on. You can't keep on doing this to yourself; it's tearing you apart. "I do," she answered, her voice shaking.

Harry shut his eyes. She was actually going to go through with it. She was going to marry the ass. Well, fine by him! Like he cared! She could just be miserable for all he was concerned. Damn her! Goddamn her! The goddamn f****** bitch! F*** her! F*** his love for her, how he had obsessed endlessly about her. Damn her! Go to hell, the damn, bossy know-it-all! I hate her! What am I saying? Harry took back everyone of his mean thoughts when he saw her again. She looked so scared, so timid. He wanted to kiss all her fears away; make her confident in the world. I love her so; it's not fair, he thought as a tear ran down his cheek. I want her so bad it's making me sick just to be five feet from her and not being able to reach out and touch her.

The priest continued. "If anyone objects to the joining of these two, please speak now or forever hold their peace." He looked directly at Harry when speaking.

Ron looked at Harry, almost urging him forward. Harry couldn't budge from his place. He couldn't ruin this for Hermione. What would happen if he did, and his feelings were not returned? He would tell her that he loved her, and might receive a slap on the face. She'd hate him for all eternity. What if she did return his feelings? He couldn't take a chance; he was so scared of losing her entirely. Harry knew he was a chicken, but he couldn't move. He sighed, life shouldn't be this hard. He also loved her so much he just wanted her to be happy, even if she didn't love him. He felt so desperate, like he would never be happy again. Please, just let me die.

Hermione wanted to scream. Say something, anyone! She felt like something was tearing at her, ripping her insides apart. Oh, Harry, do something! Come to me, kiss me, tell me you want me! Hold me, touch me, do ANYTHING! Just cough for christsake! She immediately scolded herself for thinking of such a thing. You're never going to get over him, so just deal. David loves you. Doesn't he? What if he doesn't? What if Harry does? Harry loves the anonymous girl Chloe told her about, not her. Not her. Harry doesn't love you. He kissed you! She thought. But that doesn't mean he loves you. Hermione felt like throwing up and crying at the same time. She felt so sad; she just wanted to die in her place. Please, just let me die.

The rest of the ceremony passed smoothly, although the only thing that Hermione remembered was how the priest didn't have an idea of what he was doing. It wasn't the same priest they had last night; this one acted as if he hadn't performed a single wedding in his life. He didn't know ANYTHING, not even how the wedding vows had to go.

Hermione was a statue as David slipped the wedding band onto her finger; she didn't even remember the words he said to her. She certainly didn't remember what all she had said to him. Just some bullshit about true love and crap like that. She didn't talk very loud; she was afraid that she might vomit up the little breakfast she was able to keep down.

Harry stood still through the entire ceremony. He felt sick at his stomach, watching the girl he loved marry someone else. He felt like a wimp for being that sensitive, but he didn't care. He was trembling slightly, shaken up by the intense pain felt in his heart. He fought back tears the best he could.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the priest announced with a sigh. "You may kiss the bride."

David lifted Hermione's veil and pressed his lips to hers. Harry turned away, he couldn't watch. Life isn't fair, he thought. Life isn't worth this pain. It's not fair. Tears trickled down his cheeks; this time he couldn't stop them.

Hermione felt David's lips on hers. That's all, lips. She felt no emotion, no love. She didn't love David; she loved Harry. She had always loved Harry, since she was a little eleven year old girl with bushy hair and bucked teeth. She had always known that he was for her; she just couldn't convince herself until now. She had never loved David. He had been her first boyfriend, and she had mixed up what they had with love. It wasn't love; it was a form of an abusive relationship. David had made her hate herself.

Her confusion that had clouded her for the last twenty two years of her life faded and she suddenly saw things the way that they were. She wasn't fat; she was skinny, almost too skinny. She wasn't shallow. She did deserve the things she got. She was pretty. She was brilliant and nice and fun. She had people who cared about her. She was herself, and for the first time in her life, she liked herself. It's amazing what admitting your love for someone, even to yourself, does to you conscience. It makes you see things the way they are. And Hermione Granger was a good person, deserving of love and respect as much as everyone else was. By admitting her love for Harry, Hermione began to love someone else who she had always known: herself.

She remembered the conversation she had had with Harry the night at the pool.

*"Hurry up," he had whined.

"It's cold," Hermione had complained.

"I'm not cold. You should just jump in," Harry had said.

"I can't."

"Come on, take a chance," Harry had coaxed her. "You do want to swim, don't you?"


"Then jump. Come on," he had said sweetly.*

She was scared of taking chances. Why? Lack of self confidence. That had always been her problem. It was why she worked so hard her third year that she almost killed herself. That's why she had stayed with David; she thought she didn't deserve anyone better.

She remembered her and Chloe's discussion that morning. "He described her for me. He said she was short, brown eyes, bushy hair…" Chloe had said, talking about the woman Harry loved. Hermione almost laughed at the realization. Harry had been talking about her; he loved her. It was a wonderful feeling, knowing that someone loved her back when she loved him so. Hermione felt like running and laughing and spinning, opposed to how desolate she felt a minute ago. She felt David's lips press harder into her, and she realized that she didn't want to be there. She didn't have to be, because she was Hermione Granger, the best person in the world. Hermione had wings; she could fly.

Hermione pulled back from David abruptly. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Don't embarrass me in front of all these people," he hissed under his breath.

"You don't want to be embarrassed?" Hermione asked loudly. "Is that it? Are you embarrassed of me? Are you?"

David's opened his mouth, but no words came out. Hermione continued. "You used me. You didn't know it, but you used me." The more she talked, the more she understood everything. "You're worse off that I was, aren't you? You don't like yourself, and you only liked me because you could use me. It made you feel better about yourself to make me feel like shit, didn't it? You said I was fat, stupid, shallow, awful, ugly, and I bought every word. I'm not that gullible anymore. You've got your sorry ass in too deep."

"Hermione," David started, but he didn't finish. Hermione cut him off again.

"I have hated myself my entire life. I never thought I was good enough. You just came along and reassured me that I WASN'T good enough. It was compensatory behavior; by making me worse you felt better. Is that it?" Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs. "You made me scared. I was so scared of taking a chance. No more. Go."

"What?" David asked, surprised.

"You heard me. Go. I never want to see you again," Hermione demanded, staring straight into his eyes. She took off her rings and handed them to him.

David looked at her, then smiled smugly. "Unless you've forgotten in the last two minutes, we're married. Do you remember that? You're my wife. And in your vows, it said you would obey. And I'm not going anywhere."

Hermione could kick herself for not ignoring David and cutting that part out of her vows. "You ARE too going! Yes, we are married, but I can always divorce your sorry ass!"

"Can you?" David asked slyly. "Can you divorce me, you senile bitch?"

Hermione glared at him, keeping her calm. "Can and will. Now get out of my sight, you scum-of-the-earth lowlife. You disgust me."

David didn't answer her; he just struck her across the face as hard as he could. Hermione stood in shock as Ginny went and hugged her. Harry lunged at David, but Ron got their first.

"If you ever touch her again, I'll kill you," Ron hissed. "Don't you ever come near her again."

"She's my wife, isn't she?" David asked with an evil smile. "I can do anything I want."

The priest cleared his throat. "Ahem."

"What is it, you f****** idiot?" David sneered.

"Really, I think that language is a bit obscene, David. Especially in the presence of such little children," the priest said, pointing to the flower girl and ring-bearer. "I just wanted to inform you of something." He had a broad smile that seemed so familiar to Hermione, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"What?" Hermione cried.

"You're not married!" the priest exclaimed. He smiled again, and Ginny burst into laughter. She laughed harder until she was convulsing with glee.

"What is it?" Hermione asked her.

The priest smiled at Ginny. "I always knew you were the sharpest one in the family, Gin."

"You really are good, aren't you?" Ginny told to the priest. "I didn't even notice."

"What the hell is this?" David glared at Ginny and the priest.

"This was the best prank EVER," the priest said, taking off his wig, revealing flaming red hair.

"Fred?" Ron asked timidly.

"Hey little bro!" Fred said as he peeled his wrinkled mask off he had used at playing priest, showing his flushed cheeks and freckles. "It's hot in here, isn't it?" he whined, pulling on his robes.

"What the hell is this? Who the hell are you?" David asked.

Fred stuck out his hand. "Fred Weasley, at your service. Brother to usher Ron and Ginny, friend to Harry, Maggie, and Hermione, and MASTER mischief maker! I fooled you all!"

"I can't believe this. I can't believe this. This is a dream; I'm going to pinch myself and wake up, " Hermione murmured.

Fred turned to Hermione. "You think we'd actually let you go through with this? No, friends don't let friends marry jackasses like this and ruin their lives."

"I still can't believe this," Hermione said again, in shock.

"Are you mad?" Fred asked timidly.

Hermione felt a smile play her lips. "No, I'm not mad. You probably saved me."

Fred shook his head. "Hermione, you didn't need us to help you. You would have saved yourself; you just got through screaming at him and telling him you wanted a divorce, for goodness sake! I just bought you some time."

"Thank you for caring so much that you'd do something this elaborate for me," Hermione said. She ran to Fred and threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you."

"No problem, Herm. Just doing my job as mischief maker of the world," Fred said as he hugged her back.

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs would have been proud," Hermione whispered against his shoulder.

"You think so?" Fred asked. "Really?"

"Sure!" Hermione laughed. "You are the supreme mischief maker of the world. I love you."

Fred pulled his head back and looked into her eyes, suddenly serious. "I think there's a boy standing over there who needs to hear those three little words more than I do. He's quite taken with you, you know."

Hermione nodded and turned around. She acknowledged the scene, a hundred or so extremely confused guests, Ginny laying down on the floor because she was laughing so hard, Ron explaining to Maggie and Iris that his brother was not demented, and Harry standing alone with a dazed expression on his face.

Hermione walked over to Harry. "Hey," she said shyly.

"Hey," he greeted her.

"This has been weird," Hermione said.

"Very," Harry agreed. There was an awkward pause between them.

"Harry, uh, I, uh," Hermione began.


"I'm sorry, about everything, about last night, about the night before last, about today. I'm so sorry."

Harry sighed. That was not what he wanted to hear. "It's ok," he said lamely.

"No it's not," she said, taking her hands in his. "Look at me," she instructed. His emerald eyes burned into her brown. "I, I, uh, I love you," she said finally, then broke their gaze to look down at the floor. The entire church was silent.

Harry took his hand and tilted her face towards him, so that he could once more see her eyes. "I love you too," he whispered.

Hermione's face broke into a smile. "Harry, I…" she was cut off by his lips pressing into hers. She threw her arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around her waist; they pushed closer and closer together until it was impossible to be more so. As Harry kissed her, Hermione felt jolts of electricity running up her spine, and felt like she was spinning, she was melting into him, she was so dizzy, she was going around and around…

Harry felt happy for the first time since Hermione had been home and told them she was getting married. She loves me, he thought. She really loves me. I can't believe it. But in a way he could. Hermione might not believe in fate and destiny, but Harry did. He doubted that it was just consequence that brought them together; there was some type of greater force. Whether it was God or the Sages, Harry didn't know, nor did he care. Whomever had guiding him to Hermione, he owed them everything. She was everything to him.

Harry broke the kiss after a while. He leaned in and kissed Hermione's nose, her cheeks, her forehead, her neck. He kissed her absently until his lips grew tired, and then he kissed her lips again. Senses of pure joy crept up through his body, making hormones rage and his body burn. He clutched Hermione closer to him, closer than anyone had been to him.

"I love you," Harry whispered when their kiss had ended.

"I love you too." Hermione said. She hugged Harry, and he kissed her cheek, squeezing her to him. Hermione beamed, this felt right. This was where she wanted to be for the rest of her life, with Harry. She didn't have to convince herself that she loved him like she had had to do with David; she knew. Every piece of logic in her body was agreeing with her emotions; this was it, this was right.

"I can't believe this," Harry said softly.

"I know. It's too good to be true, isn't it?"

Harry ran a finger down her cheek. "Yeah, it is."

"What are we going to do now?" Hermione asked.

"Well, you have the dress, don't you?" Harry inquired slyly.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. "Just what are you suggesting?"

Harry looked at her; his eyes sparkling excitedly. "Let's go and get married."

"Now?" Hermione asked.

Harry turned around, outstretching his arms. "We're in a church, aren't we?"

Hermione sighed. "We can't; we need a wedding license, and those take weeks to process."

"Well, where can we go that you don't need one of those?" Harry asked her.

"Las Vegas is the only place I know," Hermione said.

"Las Vegas here we come!" Harry exclaimed.

"Oh, Harry, it's in America, we'll need plane tickets, and, a whole lot of other stuff!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Do you want to marry me?" Harry asked sweetly.

"Yes," Hermione said automatically, as a reflex. She leaned towards him and kissed his nose.

Harry took her hand and kneeled. "Will you marry me?" he asked.

Hermione felt tears coming down her cheeks. "Yes."

Harry grinned. "I don't have a ring," he said softly. He pulled a loose string from his tuxedo and tied it around her finger. "This will have to do."

"It's beautiful," Hermione said, making them both laugh. Harry suddenly bent and put his arm under her knees, picking her up. He spun her around and around, not unlike he had the night before. Around the turned, until the two of them were so dizzy they could barely see straight.

Harry kissed her again, holding her in his arms. "Some say love is like a river, which drowns the tender reed," he sang. "Some say love is like a razor, which leaves your heart to bleed."

"Some say love is like a hunger, and endless aching need," Hermione sang.

"I say love is like a flower, and you, it's only seed," Harry whispered into her ear.

"I didn't know you knew that song," Hermione whispered.

"Oh, of course I do. I knew it was your favorite, so I bought the CD and memorized the lyrics," Harry told her. Hermione really didn't know what to say to that, so she just smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. Harry carried her over to where Ron, Ginny, Fred, Maggie, and Iris were standing.

"This is like so sweet!" Iris exclaimed.

"It is," Maggie agreed. "See Ron, everything did end up all right!"

"Yes, it did," Ron said.


The boy with the red hair pulled up at the church, and Dr. Johnson ran out. He was pretty sure he would lose his job because he was so late. The boy ran after him, telling him to wait up, but Dr. Johnson paid no notice.

Dr. Johnson was in shock when he saw the chaos inside the church. The groom was talking to his parents angrily; his side of the church was slowly leaving. The bride's side seemed enthralled in something that was happening at the head of the church. The bride was kissing someone other than the groom, and he was carrying her princess-style. And the boy who kidnapped him was at the front of the church, wearing his sermon robes. How could that be! The boy was just behind him!

As to answer his suspicions, the boy who kidnapped him ran up beside him and surveyed the scene. Dr. Johnson looked at the boy next to him, and then at the boy in his robes. There was two of them! Two of them! Dr. Johnson turned and ran as fast as he could; he never wanted to see either freckled boy with flaming red hair.


"George!" Fred cried as he saw his brother enter the church.

"How'd it go?" George asked, then he saw Harry and Hermione kissing. "I'd say it went pretty well."

"Yes, it went well," Fred answered. "We are the King of the Mischief Makers!"

"Oh yeah," George exclaimed. "Next time, I want to do the fun part! All I got to do was take the priest for a joy ride. And it certainly wasn't a joy riding with him."

Harry broke his and Hermione's kiss and gazed into her eyes. "Let's go," Harry whispered in Hermione's ear.

"Go where?"

"Viva Las Vegas," Harry told her.


"It's now or never."

"Let's go," Hermione said. "Can you put me down?"

Harry grinned. "No," he said as he carried her down the aisle towards the doors of the church.

"Hermione, where are you going?" Caroline asked from her seat up front.

"Somewhere," Hermione said slyly.

"Don't be a smart ass, Hermione. Where are you going?"

"To get married," Hermione admitted.

"Oh, can I come?" Caroline asked excitedly.

"Mum, the entire point of eloping is so that your parents AREN'T there," Hermione explained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Caroline said sarcastically. "Have fun."

"They will," Ron said.

"Wedding night!" Fred and George said in unison. Hermione and Harry both turned scarlet. Harry turned to kiss her forehead, which invited several whistles from the male population of the church. Hermione just blushed again and smiled shyly.

"Let's go," Harry said. Hermione nodded.


"And that's what happened," Hermione told the muggles on the plane. Harry squeezed his fiancee's hand, then leaned over and kissed it. They were on their way to Los Vegas, and some rude muggles had given them a few stares. It was a bit of an unusual site, a girl in a wedding dress making out on a plane with a boy in a tuxedo. Harry and Hermione had finally gotten tired of the stares, and had decided to tell the entire story. It certainly was an interesting story.

"That's so sweet!" an elderly lady cried.

Hermione leaned over to kiss her fiancé's cheek. "It is, isn't it?" she whispered.

"So you two are eloping?" a middle aged man asked.

"Yeah," Harry said. He put his arm around Hermione's shoulders.

"You two seem very in love," the elderly lady said.

Hermione smiled and rested her head on Harry's shoulder. "We are. We always have been."

A woman who looked around thirty playfully smacked her husband. "Why don't you treat me like that?" Her husband shrugged and went back to reading his newspaper.

"Are you ok with this?" Harry asked Hermione.

"With getting married?" Harry nodded. "I'm great with it."

"Really? You want to marry little old me?" Harry joked.

"Of course I do."

Harry kissed the top of her head. "I love you."

Hermione smiled. "I love you too." Her response invited many 'ahhhhh' and 'how cute' responses from their audience.


"I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest of the little Drive Through Wedding Chapel announced.

Harry lifted Hermione's veil and kissed her. This is the second time I've done this today, Hermione thought with a laugh. This time it's for real, and I want it to be for real. I love Harry, my husband. That sounds so odd but so good, husband. She was now Hermione Potter. That sounded a bit odd at first, but now it rang in her ears and pleased her senses.

Harry reached out and put his arms around Hermione's waist. I'm kissing my wife, he thought. My wife. I'm a married man. Harry and Hermione Potter. Mr. and Mrs. Potter. I love her, I do. He thought back to what Ron said earlier that day.

"Nothing goes the way you expect it to." Ron had said. That was certainly true. Harry had not expected then that he would be in Las Vegas by nightfall and be married to Hermione, the woman he loved. Perhaps it was unexpected, but it worked out anyway.*

A/N: I am so sorry. I really would like to apologize for that! I hadn't meant to make it that fluffy and cheesy, it just happened! Ugh! I was about to make it sad, but I couldn't make myself do it. I just couldn't! It's so fluffy and cheesy! I hate myself! Well, please review and don't flame me for the fluff. It was physically impossible for me to make it sad. At least I'm done! All ninety pages of it!

Now, to clear some things up: George kidnapped the priest, Dr. Johnson, so that Fred could pose as him in his place. And because Fred does not have a license to marry people, the marriage did not exist. If anyone else has anything that they're not sure about, email me, ok?

Reviews are appreciated. They make me feel wanted. J

Big ole' Disclaimer: This is my disclaimer for the entire series. Here goes!

J.K. Rowling's: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Professor Severus Snape, Arthur Weasley, James Potter, Lily Potter, Percy Weasley, Penelope Clearwater, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Lavender Brown,
The Daily Prophet, Gringotts

Mine: Maggie Chabert, Chloe Chabert, Angie Chabert, Ethan Chabert, David Mercenary, Mr. Mercenary, Mrs. Mercenary, Caroline Ann Weasley, Iris Granger, Dr. Johnson, Arnold O'Malley, Alison McConnor, Justin Calloway, Barbadensis

Mixed: The names of Mrs. Granger and Mr. Granger belong to J.K. Rowling, but their first names (Caroline and John) and their personalities belong to me.