Okay, I'm sorry, but I've decided to scrap my first Kingdom Hearts story, October Sky. I just didn't have enough material to continue it, so it may appear again this summer hopefully. I'm starting a new story then. It's going to be a high school fic, so hopefully it's not too unoriginal plot wise. Besides, I have more experience on this subject!

Note: Please read what I have to write at the beginning and end of each chapter. Thank you.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.


"Hey Namine. Lookin' good."

"Oh Namine, did you go tanning this summer? You look absolutely gorgeous!"

The petite, blond blushed and waved to her complimenters as she walked briskly through her school's courtyard.

It was a beautiful summer morning with barely any clouds drifting in the sky. Birds chirped and squirrels frolicked through pansies and tulips. It should be against the law to start school on such a lovely day.

Stopping at the main door, she sighed.

'My final year at high school...Man, that's a scary thought.'

Her last year of hanging out with her close friends before college begun. Possibly her last year without having a boyfriend in good old Fusica High School.

'Once that horrid bell rings, it will be the beginning of the end of my childhood.'

As if on cue, the sinister sound rang throughout the luscious courtyard, signaling the start of the day.

Namine walked up to the large, double oak doors, gulping loudly. She reached her hand out to grasp the brass doorknob.

"This is it." She whispered lightly as she entered.

She walked quickly down the semi-crowded hallway. Since this was a prestigious, private school, not many students were accepted due to either poor grades or no money to support their tuition. Namine, being a middle class citizen, wasn't "rolling in dough" as many students here do.

She was accepted for her brilliant mind. Straight A's every marking period.

Finding her locker without much hassle, the blond smiled at the sight of three girls, huddled around her locker.

"Kairi! Selphie! Olette!"

The three turned around, smiling. They ran at Namine with their arms opened wide, ready to hug.


Hugs and kisses were exchanged.

"How have you been, Nami?" A girl wearing orange asked.

Her name was Olette Hisoki. One of Namine's closest and newest of friends. The brunette moved from Twilight Town a year ago along with her two other friends, Hayner Pisca and Pence Fuyuki. Olette had brown hair that hung over shoulders and had the nicest pair of deep, emerald eyes. Usually the peace keeper of the group.

"Yeah, Namine. We've been dying all summer, waiting to hear about your vacation to Lior."

That was Kairi Vorsai. She was nearly identical to Namine in physical description, but instead of blond hair, she had reddish-brown. Her eyes were like the color of the ocean. Dark and mysterious. She was usually the matchmaker of the group.

"Namine! Did you bring me back any candy?"

Selphie "sugar fiend" Jami. She had flipped out brown hair and a lighter shade of green eyes compared to Olette's. Selphie was known for her craziness when it came to her devouring sugar, but was also a partner to Kairi when it came to matchmaking.

Namine had to laugh at all the question being fired at her mercilessly.

"Woah! Hold on a sec, guys. I promise to tell you all about my trip when we get to class. Why don't you guys go ahead and I'll meet you there." The girls nodded, leaving their friend to retrieve her books.

Funny, how they all shared the homeroom, huh? Well, a rule here at Fusica was that in your first year of attendance whatever homeroom class you were placed in, you would report to that specific one for the next three years. Weird, yes, but sufficient in keeping track of students.

Grabbing her books, Namine headed to her assigned room.

'I wonder if this year will be any different from the last three.'


With about five minutes to spare, Namine entered the large classroom. Spotting a seat next to Kairi by the window, she took a seat. Selphie and Olette closed around both girls as all waited to hear from Namine about her trip.

"It was so wonderful! I wish you guys could have came. There were white, sandy beaches and beautiful art museums."

Namine's blue eyes sparkled when she mentioned this. She absolutely loved art. It was her passion, hobby, and hopefully a career after she graduated both from here and college.

"So did you meet anyone there, Namine?" Selphie wiggled her eyebrows and smirked suggestively, causing the blond the blush lightly.

"Sadly, I didn't. I was too busy touring around and watching Haku."

All the girls sighed.

"Ya win some. Ya lose some. Right, ladies?"

"Yes, Selphie." They said in unison.

Olette glanced at the clock only one minute left until school started. The brown-haired girl quieted down her friends.

"Okay, before hell officially starts, I have some good news."

"What is it, Olette?" Namine asked.

"Well, firstly, we're getting new students. Their both twin boys from my hometown. The the younger brother is really nice. The older one is sort of stubborn, but is really fun and nice once you get to know him".

"What are their nam-" Namine was interrupted by the bell.

'Damn, bell. I hate you!'

The teacher walked in and the class settled down into their seats.


First period and second had passed by quickly. Now it was time for Namine to head for gym class. Sadly, not one of her friends were in this period.

Sighing, Namine opened the door to the girls' locker room when she felt the door vibrate greatly. Poking her head around the door, she gasped.

There sat a boy clutching his nose. His eyes though, held no tears, but pain was evident. Namine kneeled down next to the guy.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you here. Are you alright? You're not bleeding, are you?"

Suddenly, she regretted apologizing as the boy glared menacingly at her. His blue eyes flared with fire.

"Does it look like I'm alright, genius? Maybe next time, you'll watch where you open doors, you ditz."

"Look here, jerk." She stood up and started to poke him in the chest. The boy was maybe three/four inches taller than Namine herself. She was, in height, a grand total of 5''3.

"I just apologized for hitting you with that door and this is how I'm treated."

She backed away and opened the door to enter the locker room.

"You're just like everyone else in this school."

The door slammed shut, leaving the boy speechless. He didn't know why, but a tingling feeling in his face alerted him that he was blushing. He liked that girl's spunky attitude.

...Lunch Time...

"And can you believe it? He then had the nerve to yell at me after I apologized!"

Namine seethed with anger as her and her friends sat at a circular table outside, eating lunch. Hayner, Pence, and two unidentified people came up from behind Namine as she finished her tale.

"I'm glad you stood up for yourself, Namine...Oh, ahh Hayner. Pence. When did you guys get here?" Olette asked from across the table. It was obvious Olette liked Hayner, but the blond was so dense.

"We just got here. I wanted to introduce you guys to the new additions of our lovely, little group." Hayner and moved out of the way, gesturing the two people to step forward.

Namine turned around to greet the newcomers, but nearly choked on her piece of sandwich at who she saw.

"This is Sora Nasumi." Pence pointed to the brown, spiky haired with blue eyes and a goofy grin on his face.

"Nice to meet you."

"And this..." Hayner smirked. "Is Sora's twin brother and my best friend, Roxas. I believe you remember both of them, Olette."

Olette got up and hugged the two boys.

"This is so great! The old gang is back together again. Now to introduce you two to my best friends." She released the two and started introduce them to the girls.

"This is Selphie."



"A pleasure to meet you both."

"And last but not least, Namine."

Roxas and Namine locked eyes. A light, pink tint graced Roxas face, but was very brief as Namine went off on him.

"You! Your that guy who was a total asshole to me!"

"Well, maybe I wouldn't have been an asshole if someone would watch where they're opening doors!"

"Why you..."

"What's wrong, little girl? Cat got your tongue?" Roxas smirked devilishly.

Her face flushed in anger, but there was nothing she could possibly do about it. How Namine wanted wipe that smug smirk off his face.

If she pummeled him, that would be automatic suspension and a cut in her tuition payment. She couldn't afford a mistake like that now especially with...No, she wouldn't let herself think about it.

So Namine turned around, resumed eating, and tried to keep her temper down when Roxas took a seat next to her.

The table continued its usual, happy environment though tension was still high between the two teens.

Namine knew this was indeed the start of a different year. A very aggravated one.


It feels like I rambled a lot on this one. Hopefully it will start getting original in the next chapters. I also sincerely apologize if it seems similar to any other story already posted. I also would like to ask if anyone has a better title for this story.
