Thanks for the reviews!
Another Chance
Chapter 17
Link stood at end of the isle, holding onto Zelda's hand. The two Hylian's faced each other as they listened to the preacher continue with the ceremony. Link felt his heart beat violently against his chest as he prayed for the wedding to hurry. All eyes were upon the two, for the day had finally come. The day they are to be wed.
Rows upon rows of people filled the garden as they sat watching the wedding with great anticipation. Everyone was dressed in black and white outfits, including Darunia who wore a black hat and tie. Zelda wore a long white and purple dress that dragged behind her, and held the bouquet of flowers in her hands. Her hair was curled and pulled up into a ponytail, as her soft blue eyes sparkled with excitement.
As the wedding had continued Zelda's contentment steadily decreased. She stared carefully at Link, and kept on silently questioning if he was okay. Link only nodded in response. Eventually, Zelda held a light frown upon her face, which caused Link to fret.
The day was perfect for a wedding, and Link knew he should be more content about it. It was his wedding. Still, his mind could never venture away from Malon and Hayden. He wondered about their safety and if they were okay at the ranch. He hasn't seen or spoken to them since the night of Seth's death, a little over a week ago.
Link took a deep breath, as the preacher came to the end of the ceremony. "Is there anyone here who believes that these two should not be married? Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Link closed his eyes. After this, he was going to be married to Princess Zelda. Once this part was over, his life was going to head down a different and difficult path. He was going to have a commitment as being prince of Hyrule. A commitment he was going to have to keep.
"…I do…"
Link's eyes shot open at the sound of someone objecting. He looked around at the large audience filled with Sages, servants, guards, and a few citizens of Hyrule. They spoke to each other, gasping and complaining. Even the King was furious about what had just happened.
It took a while for Link to comprehend that the person who objected was standing right in front of him. Link felt Zelda let go of his hands, as they fell down to her sides. Link looked at the blonde haired Hylian standing in front of him, noticing that she continued to stare at him, blocking out her father and the audience.
Zelda smiled. Link wasn't able to tell if it was forced or not. "Link…I know the truth."
Link felt his heart drop. "About?"
Zelda lowered her head. "Your love for Malon. I overheard you both talking the morning she left. When you guys were standing in front of the castle."
Link knew there was no hiding it now. He took a deep breath shaking his head, trying to think of what to say. "Zelda…" He sighed deeply. "Why would you not tell me?"
Zelda shrugged. "Because I was waiting for you to speak first, but you didn't." She seemed staggered now. "You were going to go through with this wedding, even though you didn't want it to happen."
"What was I to say?" Link questioned placing his hand on his chest. "It seemed like I had no choice."
"But now you do." Zelda corrected. "Link, I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do. I want you to be happy."
"But Zelda…"
Zelda shook her head. "No…it's obvious you're happy with Malon. I'm perfectly fine with that. You have a son who loves and needs you. I'd be a fool to take you away from that."
Link was silent as he let her words soak into his mind. Was this really happening? Was Zelda really letting him go? The wedding was off. The weeks of planning and getting hopes up were all for nothing.
"Why are you still here?" Zelda questioned. "Go."
Link turned about to leave but stopped, turning back to the princess. "Are you sure?"
Zelda warmly smiled and nodded. "Yes."
Link returned the smile and wrapped his arms around Zelda embracing her in a hug. Zelda warmly accepted the embrace and watched as Link pulled away and ran down the isle causing everyone to gasp and stand watching. Zelda removed the veil that covered her face.
The King walked up to Zelda and placed a comforting hand on his daughter's shoulder. They both watched as Link disappeared into the castle. "Did you do the right thing?"
Zelda hesitated, but nodded afterwards. She turned looking up at her father, proving to him that everything was going to be all right. "Yes, I'm positive I did."
Getting to Lon Lon Ranch didn't take as long as Link had planned. Epona ran with great speed across Hyrule Field toward their destination. Regrets of leaving the wedding didn't cross Link's mind. His only focus was to find Malon and settle things once and for all. He only hoped she hasn't moved on, and focused on someone else.
Just as Epona entered the ranch, Link dismounted her and ran over toward the door. He began pounding his fists on the wooden door, as he scanned the corral. The horses were trotting freely, but no signs of Malon or Hayden anywhere. Link took a deep breath as he turned about to head to the stables, but the opened door stopped him in his tracks.
Link turned with eyes wide in amazement. An older man stepped outside with his usual weary blue eyes fixed carefully on the Hylian. His figure was larger than what Link had remembered, and his brown hair was now mixed with many strands of gray.
"T-Talon…" Link stuttered, unprepared to see the ranch owner.
Talon huffed, crossing his arms. "Well if it isn't Link…"
"When did you get back?"
"A couple of days ago…what brings you here?" Talon questioned, glaring at Link. "Did you stop by only to leave again?"
"Look…" Link tried to stay calm. "I know I messed up and I want to fix everything. I'm here to see Malon."
"Because…" Link stopped. "Because…" He sighed deeply. "Because I want to tell her I love her and Hayden, and I want to stay."
Talon was silent as he continued to stare at Link. Link stepped back, feeling his heart pound violently against his chest. How was Talon going to react to that? Link couldn't even dare to think of an answer. Talon already hated him for leaving Malon to raise Hayden alone. He already left a bad mark.
Instead of being yelled at or pressured anymore, Talon stepped closer to Link and smiled. Link felt himself calm down after noticing the content look upon Talon's face.
"Link…it's about time."
"What do you mean?"
"Malon told me everything that happened while I was away." Talon explained. "Seth is dead, I know. You saved my daughter again, and my grandson…" Link lowered his head. "I'm glad you came back."
Link lifted his head back to Talon and smiled.
Link turned his head to the soft sound of his son, and spotted Hayden at the gate leading into the corral. Hayden smiled and ran over toward Link holding his arms out for a hug. Link bent down welcoming his son into his arms and stood back up, embracing Hayden tightly.
Link opened his eyes and looked over at the gate where Hayden was standing. Malon stood at the corner, holding a basket in her hands. Her soft blue eyes were wide with amazement, seeing Link at the ranch.
"Malon, there's something I have to tell you." Link lowered Hayden back to the ground and walked over toward Malon.
"I thought…" Malon paused. Her grip on the basket tightened. "I thought you were getting married."
Link nodded. "I was, but not anymore."
Malon lightly gasped. "You turned it down?"
Link shook his head. "No, I didn't. Zelda did." Malon remained silence as Link continued. "She knew the truth and only wants me to be happy."
"And what's that?"
"You should know…" Link whispered.
He immediately stepped forward and placed his hand on her cheek pulling her close to him until their lips locked. Malon's eyes widened, as her mind finally comprehended what had just happened. Within seconds she found herself dropping the basket, and wrapping her arms around him deepening the kiss.
Link used his other hand brushing the strands of hair out of her face, feeling his heart melt inside of him. After a few seconds, the anxiousness had died off and Link realized this was where he belonged. It didn't matter how large the audience was watching them at the moment; Link could care less. The only thing that mattered was that he was finally home.
Malon was the first to pull away, but remained close keeping her arms wrapped around him. Link looked down at her and smiled, staring into her beautiful blue eyes. He noticed the smile upon her face. It was a smile he hasn't seen since they previous dated, before they had broken up. It finally returned, which told Link that Malon was finally content.
"So are you ready?" Malon questioned.
Link raised his eyebrows. "Ready for what?"
Malon looked around at everything surrounding them. "This new life…"
Link shook his head. "It's not new. It's just now officially beginning."
Malon pondered for a bit, before smiling. "You're right."
"So…" Link whispered. "I guess we get another chance after all."
Malon laughed and nodded, before pulling him close and finding his lips once more.
Happy ending?
Sure, we'll go with that one.
I hope you guys enjoyed the ending. I had a fun time writing it, and I'm sad that this story has come to a close. Thank you everyone who stuck with me through this story!
Thank you for all of the reviews and the great support!
Check out Twisted Love if you haven't already. It's going to the only story I'm focusing on for the Zelda section.
Until Next Time!