I don't own Commander in Chief, wish I did though
Sorry for the wait, I've been a little preoccupied recently
Chapter 58:
Catlin's first day of school
The First Family was back in D.C. The school holidays had finished and it was time for the kids to go back to school.
Elizabeth would start her sophomore year and the twins, their senior year. The three of them would continue going to the same high school, despite Becca's protest.
Amy would go into 2nd grade, in Saint Peter's Elementary School.
Little Catlin would go to Pre-School. That would not only prepare her to go to kindergarten the following year, but it would also giver her the chance to be around kids of her own age.
On the first morning of school, the Calloway kids were actually looking forward to going back and see their old friends again. But, on the other hand, they were also sad that the holidays were over.
Mac came down to have breakfast with her husband and all their kids.
The president smiled when she saw all her kids and was thankful that she was able to share breakfast with them.
Catlin looked adorable. She was dressed in a little pink dress, with white tights and her light brown hair was tied into little pigtails with bows at the end.
The little girl was feeling very nervous. As soon as Mac entered the kitchen, she ran quickly to her.
Catlin: Mommy!!! I don't want to go to school
Mac: But, baby, you will have so much fun! You'll get to play with other kids
Catlin: But I don't know anybody
Rod: Well, sweetie, you will know everybody when you go. And you'll make lots of new friends and have lots of fun
Mac sat down to eat her breakfast with Catlin sitting on her lap. Catlin had a boiled egg and was dipping her toast into it. Her toast was cut into thin strips that the kid called "soldiers".
Mac: So are you all looking forward to going back to school?
Amy: Yes! Second Grade will be awesome because now we won't be the youngest in the school anymore! Besides, me and Abby and Luke are going to play at recess!!
Rod: What about you three?
He said, looking at the older kids
Rebecca: I'm ok. We are studying genetics in biology this year, which should be interesting.
Horace: I just can't wait to get back to swim team!
Elizabeth: Do I have to go back today? Can't I stay off a little longer?
She was the only one who didn't have the slightest interest in going back to school. She was afraid that everybody would make fun of her and nobody would leave her alone because of everything that had happened.
Mac: I'm sorry, baby, but it will be best if you go back now
Rod: The longer you leave it, honey, the harder it will be
Elizabeth: I guess…
The kids finished their breakfast, and left for school.
Mac took Catlin to another limo, and they drove the short distance to the AEOB, where the Pre School was held. Mac walked into the building and into the room with all the other kids and teachers.
Catlin: Mommy, I don't want to stay! I want to go home
Catlin was clutching to her moms leg. Mac knelt down and talked to her.
Mac: Baby, look at all those toys! Why don't you go over and play?
There were other parents in the room dropping off their kids too. But most of them were more interested in the President and her Secret Service agents.
Mac was still coaxing Catlin to go and play, when one of the teachers introduced herself.
Mrs Higgins: Hello, you must be Catlin
She looked at the little girl who just put her head into her mother's leg
Mrs Higgins looked up to the President and shook her hand solemnly.
Mac and Rod had a meeting with the school's headmaster and Rod had already met Mrs. Higgins. But it was the first time the President met the young woman.
Mrs Higgins: It's an honour, Ma'am. I'm Sandy Higgins, Catlin's teacher. Let me tell you that I'm so happy to have Catlin in my class.
Mac: Thank you. But I'm afraid we may have to go back home and try again tomorrow. She's too scared.
Sandy knew very well that it was very common for little kids to be scared on their very first day of school. Catlin just needed to get more familiar with the place in which she would spend so much time everyday.
Mrs Higgins: hey Catlin, would you like to come with me and make a beautiful necklace for your mommy?
Sandy had read somewhere that Catlin loved to make necklaces for the President.
Catlin looked up, still very shy
Catlin: Yes, please
She spoke so softly that you could barley hear her
Catlin: Mommy, can you come too?
Mac knelt down to her height
Mac: Baby, I have a meeting to go to. But I'll come back really soon, and we can have lunch together.
Mrs Higgins took the little girl's hand and gently led her away. Gina, the agent assigned to look after Catlin, followed them. Suddenly, Catlin started to cry very loudly, she didn't want Mac to leave.
It broke Mac's heart to leave when Catlin was so upset, but she knew that as soon as she left, Catlin would stop crying. It really was in the kid's best interest. Catlin needed to come out of her shell a little and make new friends.
The other kids went to school and, after their first class, they felt like they had never been off for six weeks.
The older three already had a mountain of homework to do. As it was the twin's senior year it was very important that they did well. Of course, unlike their classmates, Horace and Becca didn't have to worry about getting into college. Any school in America would take them.
Mac went back to the White House. She had several meetings in the morning, but all she could think about was Catlin. She wanted to make sure the little girl was Ok, and not scared anymore. After one of her meetings, she personally called the school and asked how Catlin was. She was told that the little girl was having a great time and that she had stopped crying the second Mac left.
Rod spent most of his morning writing his book. At 12 O'clock he went to Catlin's school to pick her up. The little one looked like she had a great time. Rod couldn't help smiling when he saw that her pigtails were out and she was covered in sand.
Catlin: Hi, daddy!
She happily ran over to him
Catlin: I got to play in the sandpit! And I made mommy a necklace. It's not pasta this time… I got to make it from real beads!!!!
Rod picked her up and she put her hands around his neck holding on
Rod: So, did you have a good time?
Catlin: uhuh, but I'm hungry
Rod: Well, now we are going to have lunch with mommy
They went to the White House, and then walked into the Oval Office. As soon as she saw Mac, Catlin got really happy and immediately gave her mommy the necklace. Then, the little girl sat on Mac's lap while she fixed her hair.
Mac: So did you have a good time?
Catlin: Yes! Can I go back tomorrow, mommy?
Mac smiled. Just as she had predicted, Catlin ended up loving pre-school. It had been very tough leaving her crying daughter there, but now Mac was glad she did it.
Catlin: Mommy, they have a great dollys house. It's a magical princess castle. Can I get one?
Mac: But, baby, if they have one there and you can play with it every day, then you don't need one here
Catlin: BUT I WANT ONE!!!
Rod: Catlin, you don't need one, do you? You already have plenty of toys…most kids don't have half as many toys as you do
Mac and Rod looked at each other worriedly. Catlin was in the start of the "I want" phase. She just wanted everything she saw. They could easily buy her the castle. Money wasn't the issue. But they were determined not to spoil their children. What would Catlin learn if she got every unnecessary luxury she asked? Giving her everything all the time would only turn her into a spoiled brat.
Catlin: Mommy, please??? Please… I want the castle…
Mac: Maybe, if you are good, you can get it for your birthday next month
She was furiously banging her fist against Macs desk and kicking it with her little legs.
Catlin: NOW!!!
Mac: That is enough, young lady! Anymore of this and you won't get it at all
Catlin: but mommy, it's my favourite toy in the world
Rod: then behave and you can get it at your birthday
Catlin: NOOO!! That's so long away. I want it TODAY
Mac and Rod were having enough of this particular tantrum
Mac: All right, that's enough, missy! You can go and have a timeout
Catlin: NOOO, mommy! PLEASE, I don't want a time out
Mac: Too late, Catlin
Rod took Catlin upstairs for her 10 minutes timeout. He watched her sit in a bad mood and without looking at him.
Catlin had a big frown on her face. All she wanted was to get the castle. At that moment, it was the only thing that was important to her.
To be continued…