A.N. Now Kagome will be portrayed a little differently for a while. She will be extremely OOC just to warn all of you.

Summary: She lost it all, but piece by piece, she'll gain more than she ever could have hoped for. Sess/Kag

My Bitter Romance



Kagome Higurashi blushed as the cameras flickered back to her. Her raven hair coming down to her small shoulders.

She lifted a slightly chubby finger to her chin, her big blue eyes reflecting that she was deep in thought.

The youngest to be interviewed on Exposé, the nine year old was admittedly slightly nervous.

"The day I'd hate to get fired on?" She laughed shyly, "Well... I suppose, I'd never want to get fired on a Sunday. I never did like them."

Dana Winters, the auburn haired interviewer, smiled and...


And she said...

She said...

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here!"

Blue eyes rolled upward as she muttered, "Ugh... I swear. She'll be the death of my ears."

If bitch were redefined, Kagome Higurashi would be all you needed to sum the word.

Ever since she was nine she had been acting. She was in commercials, she was in movies, and at the moment, she 'had her own show'.

Which meant that she had landed one of the main roles in a teen drama called Sakura Blossoms. She treated it as hers though, and hated to be upstaged. Upstaging and competition were her biggest pet peeves.

She crossed her arms as she walked with narrowing eyes, as Yura Shira was wrapped in the arms of her boyfriend on the show, Bankotsu Banryu.

He was the reclusive but sexy best friend of her character, whom she was suppose to have a crush on.

Not that she did in real life. She only spoke to him during the shootings. But she hated that Yura got love scenes and she didn't.

"I don't know what to do anymore..."

Kagome sneered, 'Um...Jump in front of a truck, maybe?'

Bankotsu leaned his chin on top of her head, "Everything will be alright...I'm here now."

She suddenly stood and walked off, her heels clicking on the floor, "I'm going to be sick, if I stay any longer."

There was some groans of annoyance from other characters. Kagome paid no heed however, and just kept walking.

They didn't have a lead part in a television show, so why give them the time of day?

'Some things just work like that...'

Suddenly, she grinned. Kagome blew a kiss at another of the actors off set, Jakotsu Tsukaira- he was openly gay and the target of her abuse when she was not bothering anyone else. Ironically he played a guy that was madly obsessed with her.

He glared at her as she passed him, smiling harshly.

So, it was easy to see that eight years of a pampered life had more than spoiled the girl. She wore make up by the gallons, even though she had a pretty face underneath it all. Kagome got everything she wanted and more. However, she surprisingly wasn't into sleeping around to get her way. She liked threats.

"Fire them or I'm quitting," was her favorite thing to say, next to "Talk to me again, and I'll key that shitty thing out there that you call a car."

But there was only so long that one could take her nonsense.

And those days of ignoring and dealing with her silently were over.

As she went to her locker room to change, one of the interns—she didn't know or even care to learn his name—told her that the director wanted to see her.

The director's name was Kagura. She hated her last name and so never gave it, (even though every one knew it) so every knew and referred to her simply that, because no one wanted to get on the woman's bad side. She had a vicious temper that was easily sparked. She was basically a thirty year old bomb waiting to explode. She fired the intern who got the coffee because the girl did not put in a straw.

'Not that I blame her,' Kagome mused, 'I would have the same thing...I mean, can't a person get decent service anywhere?'

However, Kagome always had the feeling that the dark haired buxom woman had it out for her, though she really could not comprehend why.

She sauntered into Kagura's office and took a seat. "You called?"

Kagome looked uncaring at the situation even as the older woman pursed her cherry red painted lips and paced behind her desk. After a moment, she sat down with a sigh. She closed her eyes that were surrounded by thick dark mascara coated lashes and had a line of lipstick matching eye shadow. Her hand instantly moved to rub her forehead gently before turning her attention to Kagome.

"The reason I've called you here, Higurashi, is something I'm not looking forward to saying." Despite this and her actions, there was a distinct spark in her eyes.

One of anticipation.

"Oh..." she knew exactly where this was going, "I know my attitude hasn't been that great. It's all the stress, though."

Kagura waved her hand to silence her. "Would you mind letting me finish?"

Kagome knew that she couldn't get more than a slap on the wrist. They wouldn't risk firing her. She leaned back in her seat and waited for the, "Please start behaving, Higurashi."

"We're letting you go, Higurashi."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll try and be better—What!"

Kagura smiled 'sadly', "I just fired you, hon. We're letting you go. Need it spelled out?"

Kagome just let out a short laugh, "You're joking, right?"

Kagura pulled out a thick stack of papers, and started to skim through them, "These are all your offenses. We have...keyed cars, verbal harassment, hostility...There's too many strikes against you. We can't jeopardize this project because of one person, so...bye, bye." She waved.

Kagome looked at her as if she had two heads, "But...what happens to my character?"

"Car crash...coma...suicide. We have a lot of options. Now, I'll expect your shit gone by tomorrow."

She paled. This couldn't really be happening. "You're just going to let me go?" Kagura nodded smugly.

Kagome looked angry suddenly and snarled out at the director, "Well it's not like I need any of you here. Sakura Blossoms was holding me down. I'll just get another job."

Kagome smirked, "So, bye, bye," she mocked.

She walked arrogantly to the door, confident that she would get another role that would far surpass the one that was now closing the door on her.

Kagura just shrugged, and said sarcastically. "Good luck. Just remember that I have to write your recommendations."


Five days later, Kagome skimmed through her mail. She was at her small apartment that she had rented out for the project, so when there was a shooting, she did not have to spend hundreds of dollars on cab fare.

Kagome smirked, "Well look at this...I sent my applications out only two days ago and now I have answers. If only I could rub this in Kagura's face."

She had a small pile of twelve envelopes.

She opened the first, "'Dear, Miss Higurashi'" she read, "Thank you for your interest in our production. We have looked up your profile and you definitely have the skills..."

Kagome smirked until she read the rest, "But I'm sorry to say that due to the comments given to us by your last employer, we feel that you may not be the right type of person for this job."

Kagome crumpled the letter and threw it away as she muttered, "Well what the fuck do they know?"

She opened the next. "These people know talent. I'm sure they won't give a shit about what some stupid director wrote about me."

"'We here at Crystal Productions realize that you have a lot of talent for someone your age.'"

Kagome laughed, "Who called it."

"'But we need to take into consideration, that your attitude might not be compatible with our actors, and to endanger this show, would make us lose out on millions. Sorry to say, until you get it together—'"

She stopped reading.

Kagome threw it into the garbage with the last one.

Letter after letter, it was one bad thing after another. Kagome felt something shatter in her, and she couldn't breathe.

Suddenly, after over eight years of a great and fruitful career, she found herself unfunded, jobless, and, having to lead a normal life.

This wasn't right...

Suddenly she crumpled to the floor and let out an agonized scream.


A week after that, Kagome was going back to Tokyo, where her family was. After sending them a message about her unemployment, they'd asked for her back, and she was going. Not that she wanted to, mind you. Really, life with some old man who obsessed over demons and monks and nonsense like that, some woman who acted as if she were insane, and a brat of a little brother who loved video games more than life. Oh joy. But Kagome had no choice.

She had no job, she couldn't support herself properly without the portion of her pay she got from doing Sakura Blossoms (half of the money she received was put away in a bank that she couldn't access until she was eighteen, then the rest was divided between her and her family), and no one wanted her. Kagome frowned. 'I was getting tired of California anyway. It's so dull; I really need a change of scenery.'

Kagome had been playing it off as if she did not even care, but anyone who knew about it would know instantly that the whole thing had hurt her.

Kagome boarded her plane, and instantly took a seat near a window, placing her messenger bag in the seat next to her, hoping people would get the message that she wanted to be by herself for the remaining hours.

But apparently that was too much to ask for or the giant, "Back off" sign that was etched in her face was incomprehensible, because an elderly man smiled at her, and asked, "Mind if I join you, missy?"

Kagome made a noise of disgust, "Uh, no. Do you not see the bag? I obviously want to be alone, oldie."

The man shook his head angrily, "Teens today!"

Kagome called after him, "Seniles today!"

And after that incident, no one approached her—not that she minded, she wasn't spending sixteen hours with some chatty nuisance that was past expiration.

With that thought, she leaned back and went to sleep.


The flight was mostly uneventful, and once she landed in Tokyo, the stick permanently shoved up her ass, was seemingly dislodged.

She grabbed her bag and prepared to exit the plane, feeling a bit anxious. She literally hadn't seen her family in years.

Kagome fiddled with the strap of her messenger bag as she got off the plane.

As soon as she did, she was a neon green poster board that read, "Kagome."

She almost smiled, but chose instead to crinkle her nose. "Ew...green."

Apparently, the attitude was back.

Kagome walked down the stairway, and reached her small welcoming committee that consisted of her grandpa or her jii-chan (She might as well get back into the feel of Japanese if wanted to fit in), her mother, and her little brother.

She pasted on a smile as she was engulfed in hugs, "Hi."

Her mother held her for a little while, "I'm so sorry about Sakura Blossoms, honey, I know how much you loved that role."

Kagome detached herself from her mother's arms. "I'm fine."

Souta, who was becoming a tall and handsome young man grinned at her, "Sis, I see you're still as ugly as ever, huh."

Kagome waved her hand at him annoyed, "As if you're one to talk. I thought you were a gremlin when I first saw you."

Jii-chan put a hand on her shoulder, "Now, now don't start fighting. You just got back."

Kagome gave him a look, "I already hugged you—you can stop touching me now."

Mrs. Higurashi gaped, "Kagome!"

She rolled her eyes, "Yes?"

She just shook her head, "Come on let's just get your luggage and go home. I want you to have some time to unpack before tomorrow. You start school then, by the way."

Kagome merely shrugged, "Joy."

Souta looked at his sister. What in the name of God was her problem? Was she always this much of a bitch?

No... Somehow he just couldn't see her being this way all these years. He remembered her so much differently.


Okay, lol, at first I had like 7,000 words worth of stuff but then again I had portrayed Kagome as a sweetie. But I like her bitchy even if it's OOC. It's different, BUT she definitely is not staying like that, though. I can only take so much of her attitude.

The italicized portion at the beginning was a flashback to Kagome's first interview when she was nine. She had zoned out and thought of that.

Now I command you! Review