Laying Nets

Her hair is long, really, and at one point or another it catches. And Ishida cannot learn to let go. Why should he; when he has seen so much leave already?

She came to him first. Removing her clothes and lying down like a patient awaiting an exam – eyes trailing down the cracks in the ceiling. The first thing he did, instead of questioning her (her existence or her existence in his bed) was give her a reason to look at him. Somewhere along the line she just forgot to look away.

Ishida is kind to her, but she doesn't care so much about kindness. She thinks it bothers him that she cares little for dignity or (what was that her father always mocked?) pride. She'd like to slip off his skin like he slips off her dress and find some meaning to all his talk. Something real and tangible and slick underneath her fingers, but sex will do for now. He scrunches up his nose sometimes, when he thinks she isn't looking, and she knows his moral compass is being thrown again. Nemu has a magnetism of her own, you see.

She doesn't think that this is a rebellion, honestly (honesty – a time to use it, finally), but it's something that's not quite right. Ishida is so angry, so much angrier then she ever thought a person could be and she wants to absorb it. As a punching bag or as a lover, she doesn't care. She just wants (for once in her life). And that is enough.