Title: I See You
Author: Fullmetal Ai
Pairing: Ian/Sasha
Rating: K+

She sat by his bed, trying her hardest to keep the tears that stung her eyes from falling. His form seemed so helpless, so pale ... she almost couldn't bear to look at him, it was too painful. She knew of the rivalry between him and Gino. She knew that Gino had become quite infatuated with her, while Ian had loved her all the while. She knew of this love triangle, yet she couldn't predict what was in store for the shaggy, blonde-haired man that lay upon the hospital bed in front of her, life support being the only thing keeping him alive.


Sasha shook her head from the memory of the sound of the gunshot that had cracked, just before Ian had been hit by the bullet. Someone had been out to assasinate him, but who it was, nobody ever found out. Rumor had it that the sniper from .. Lord knows how long ago had returned, but it wasn't confirmed as of this time. Sasha had been kept quite informed on all activities, all measures that had been taken to find out who had tried to put the young shopkeeper to his death, and so far, nothing groudbreaking had come up.

She sighed, brushing a little bit of his blonde bangs from his face. He looked so serene, so calm .. as if nothing could have worried him at the moment if he could help it. His eyes were closed, his golden hair strewn messily about his head, his pale skin almost glowing in the gentle rays of the sun .. the sound of his light breathing as he struggled to remain alive. It wasn't something that Sasha liked watching. He had never committed any crime. He didn't even deserve to go to court, he couldn't have possibly started the fire in the lab on Halloween! Sasha had known Ian for quite some time now, and if there was one thing she knew about him, it was that he was a peaceful man, always out do to things for the good of others. Sure, he might have had a few flaws, but that was nothing to commit arson over ..

Her head swam with all of these sudden thoughts. She lay her head down on his bedside, her hand gently resting on his own. He had never committed any crime .. only the crime of loving her. I'm not worth it, she thought to herself. I'm not worthy of his love. I'm not worth protecting .. and yet he almost died. She closed her eyes, a tear leaking out the side.

"Ian, what is it that you see in me ...?" She whispered the question, her only answer being the soft sound of his breathing. She choked back a sob. Why, Ian? Why?

Unknown to her, Ian had slowly opened his eyes, hearing her softspoken question. He suddenly wished he had the strength to answer the young girl who had grown to mean so much to him.

I see a beautiful, caring young lady .. who would care for the one she loved until the day he met his fate. I see someone committed to her duties. I see someone who happily does things for the sake of others ... but most importantly, I see you, Sasha. I see the real you, the sad, the happy, the lovely, the wonderful, emotional, beautiful you. That's what I see in you .. and once this is over, I'll prove it .. I promise.

At the end of that extended thought, his eyes closed one more, his soft breathing filling the room at the two of them slept fitfully.
