Author's note: Minna-sama, moushiwake arimasen deshita!

I'm truly sorry for the long wait. I know, it's almost been a year if not a whole. And most of you have probably even forgotten how the story is going. My deepest apologies. However, after reading a few of your reviews, I finally saw what it is I must write next and the will to do so. I thought, at first, that I would be ending the story on chapter 15. However, as I take a peek on each characters of the Manga, I decided against it. Altough I have not read even the first volume of the Manga, I will be writting about its story a little bit as well.

This is how it'll go...

Characters, Yuka, Shiki, Aoi and Natsume's father will be present in this story. But. Even though they are going to appear, this is still mostly based on the Anime, not the Manga. I know I've spoiled myself enough by adding in a lot of new charas, but it is needed for story progress. I hope you do understand. And if there's any complaints...fine, let me hear 'em all. Whether you'd like it or not, is wholely up to you. It is only my duty to keep writing until its come to an end. Therefore, not only you people, but I as well, will have that satisfaction.


Like I always say, I wirte fics for my own self-satisfaction. If I don't get enough of the Manga or Anime, I write. Dewa...


Hands Off my Girl!

- The Truth and the Voice Revealed II -

: deVon MelFire Leovania :

"Papa!" a little voice called out. It was soft and gentle, yet in the beauty of this voice, lies within a future of tragedy. "Papa, why does the moonlight fade when I cry?" the child asked looking up to his father with a pair of two toned arms embracing him from behind. He smiled vigorously and awaited his father's reply.

He had amethyst eyes, long lashes, tall nose, pink lips, ivory skin, white long hair tied in a high ponytail and most beautifully, he had a smile so strong and bright that it could probably give life to a whole new world. With loving eyes he smiled at his son and ruffled his raven hair, "That's because the moon is your heart. Remember Eclipse, then moon is your heart, therefore when you're sad, the moon stops shinning and fades away from the night sky. When you're calm and in peace, the moon shines light into the night so that people may see the beauty of the starts. And when you're happy..." he paused and smiled cheekily at his son "...that's when the Blue Moon appears and enthrall all who see it with its mystic beauty and mysteries," He finished his sentence with another grin and a quick nod to his son.

"Ahahaha!" the boy giggled cutely. "Honto?" he asked. The boy stood up from his fathers' grasp and faced him with eager eyes, clenched hands up his chest and a wide smile.

The father looked at his son for a moment, with an understanding smile, he placed his right hand on his son's head and held the boys' right hand with the other. "Honto da yo, Eclipse."

"Ja, papa to issho ni nara, ore zutto ureshiin da!" The child stated with a wide, happy grin.

His father smiled, "Un!" then he paused and looked at his son with a faint smile and serious eyes. "Kedo naa..." he started. A little wieght hung on his heart and the thought of disregarding what he's about to say is loudly ringing in his mind. But he knew he had to say it, for his son, although he also didn't what to change the happy smile on his son right now to confused eyes.

"Kedo?" the child asked and hanged his head.

"Remember this son..." he smiled. "When anger is present within you, the moon becomes the color of blood and its light will give way to evil and destructive powers that will come from your rage. And when that anger turns to hate, an eclipse will occur. The loath and grudge coming from you will darken the moon's light. The clouds will then be nothing but beds of death. The moon will completely turn black and glow red and the starts shall shine no more. Only darkness and fear will engulf the world. Not even the mighty sun can light darkness then. And you will never be able to be they way you were before or escape this darkness..." He explained it to his son. His voice was heavy and apparent angst over a possible future for the child worried and pained him deeply. He tried to smile, as if to say, it's just a possibility though and it isn't ever going to happen.

He had to continue. And so he did, with a smile, he's his sons' hero after all. Gotta be strong "A day will come when you'll go through that. Right now, I'm young and able, but a day will also come when I'll be gone. And there wouldn't be a father who'd give his life to have the real Eclipse back." he took hold of his sons' hands tightly and gave him a determined smile, "That's why you have to be strong. We'll keep searching for the god and when we find him, protect him Eclipse, because when I'm gone... He would be the only one who can calm your power."

Eclipse's eyes showed a determined soul, "I will father, I swear!"

He smiled, "That's my boy!"

"Eclixpe!" yelled a beautiful woman. She smiled widely and waved at the two man of her life. "Come down here! Dinner's ready!"

Eclipse and his father looked down and stared at the woman smiling at them brightly. They live together with her, but still, no matter how much they see each other every day, they can't help but be at awe every time they gaze at her. She was just plain beautiful. She had big, blue eyes, short raven hair and long shaggy bangs. Pink lips, ridiculously long lashes, rosy cheeks, stunning body, small shoulders, slender hands and most of all...what's inside her body right now. It was not big yet at all, but definitely, there was a baby in there getting ready for life. "Oii" she sung, "Quit staring all day and get down here, silly boys!" she giggled lastly and smiled.

"Hai" The boys laughed. Eclixpe took his son and carried him on his shoulders as they ran down the hill. "Tadaima!"

"Tadaima, Mama!" Eclipse said cheerfully and reached out for his mother.

She took his son and kissed him on the nose, "oKaeri Clipse-chan."

"Anou nee Mama," Eclipse started with a big grin. "Papa and I thought of a name for our baby!"

She glanced at her husband with a smile and he nodded. "Honto? Nani, nani?" she eagerly asked her son with a cute smile, as if she was just his sister, not his mother.

"Eclextine!" he smiled proudly, head held high.

"Kakoii deshou?!" both father and son exclaimed with big grins.

She smiled, "Un! Sugoku kawaii!"

Eclipse jump down from his mother and went to his fathers' side. He held his fathers' hand and signaled him for something. "Papa," he whispered.

Eclixpe looked down at his son and nodded slightly. Then the two of them placed both their hands on their hips and said proudly and happily "Eclextine deVon MelFire Leovania!" then they did a high five and laughed "Saikou da!"

"Hai, hai," she giggled happily at her family's silly antics. "But how do you rascals know the baby's a boy? Could be a gorgeous girl like Mama."

"Nai, nai," the boys said waving a hand of disapproval.

She pouted "Humph! And I promised my sister I would name our baby Mikan..."

"Eh?" Eclipse's eyes twinkled in delight. "Baa-chan? Itsu, itsu?" he asked excitedly, clinging to his mother.

"Just yesterday, Clipse," she smiled.

"Hoo..." Eclixpe crossed his arms with a grin. "Is she still staying with grandpa then, Sanzuki?"

"Un, for now," Sanzuki nodded. She then knelt down and embraced her son, "But I feel like she might be thinking of entering the Academy by herself..."

Eclixpe narrowed his eyes and a frown replaced his smile.

An old man sighed. He had sad eyes that reflected the agony he feels. In an old japanese house where the starts shines brightly and beautifully. Where the moon promises endless glow, here is where two of the most important beings were born. "Why must it be my lovely daughters?" he asked to no one in particular. Almost in a whisper "Why must it be Sanzuki?" in a soft cry he sighed yet again. " were so kind and loved your little sister greatly," a tear fell from his eye. "Why are you making her be the one to suffer this world's pain? What are you doing, Yuka? I don't understand you anymore."

"Eclixpe..." he said softly, "it's just as you said it would be."

Yuniko: Well? How was that? It's just a little taste of "reliving the past".

Natsume: Screw that. What the hell do you mean, 'Natsume's father'?

Yuniko: Eh? Nani mo...

Natsume: Kusso, kono onna...

Yuniko: Ja minna! Look forward to the next chapter!

Mikan: Yey! Mother's appearing! BANZAI!