It's the last day of December. After everything that has happened I'm surprised I'm still alive. I remembered back to what the Diary had said for the last two days of the year. I understood now.

I knew that the pain was about to end. I guess that is why I'm still alive. That is how it is meant to be. After today the Diary would move on to someone else.

It was another rainy day. I had been at home all day just watching TV and reading. So far nothing has happened.

As evening came the rain died down. After being inside all day I decided to go out for a walk. I phoned Lucy but she said she had something else to do and her parents wouldn't let her go out just yet. She said she would try and meet me later. She knew where I would be walking - after all, the only place I go to walk is near the beach.

After saying bye I put the phone down and walked out the door. I didn't even bother with a jacket. I was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. I didn't care that it was cold. I didn't even notice.

I was walking along just thinking. I didn't think about where I was going…what I was doing…I was just walking along.

I stopped when I reached the wall by the beach. I leaned against the old stone wall and looked out to sea. The waves were rough. They came crashing up against the wall.

Without thinking I jumped up on to the wall and then sat down looking out to sea. The water hit me but I didn't even notice.

I looked up at the grey clouds. It began to rain again. The wind was now blowing roughly around me. I only just managed to stay on the wall. I looked out at the black water. The waves became really rough. They got higher. I was soaked and began shivering in the cold wind.

I stood up on the wall. The wind whistled around me. The rain was hitting me hard. The waves crashed against the wall, getting stronger each time they hit.

I just stood there looking out. This was it. I couldn't control what I was doing. The Diary knew what it wanted and it would make it happen. It controls who ever reads it and I read it.

Over the sound of the wind I heard shouting. Lucy? It didn't matter who it was. I continued to stare out to sea. The shouting got louder and I recognised it. It was Lucy. I couldn't tell what she was saying above the howling of the wind but I guessed by the way she sounded that she was worried and wanted me to get off the wall.

I didn't move. I knew she was getting closer. Still I looked forwards.

This was my fate. My destiny. What choice did I have?

I looked forward and before I knew it I was jumping forwards.

I hit the icy cold water.

I struggled to breathe.

The waves crashed over the top of me forcing me under. The water became stronger. It crushed me against the wall before forcing my lifeless body to the bottom.

The Diary has moved on…and so have I.


Thanks for all the reviews.

As for the narrator's really how you picture the person. I thought of the person as a teenage girl. I also don't think the name is important as it is from their point of view. It really is just how you see them though.

Please review :)